Dr. Sundarraj R P

PhD, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA, 1990.

MS , University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA, 1988.

B.E.(ECE) , National Institute of Technology, Trichy, India, 1982.

+91-44-2257 4558


Office : DoMS 502
Areas of Interest
- Decision Models for Analytics (at IIT-M)
- Decision Support Systems (at IIT-M)
- Electronic Commerce Strategies (at IIT-M)
- Telecommunications Management
- Electronic Commerce
- Decision Support Systems
- Negotiation Support Systems
- Introduction to Database Management
- Management Information Systems
- Supply Chain Management
- Operations Management
- "Internet Privacy Policies of Companies: A Country- and Industry-level Study," (with W. No).
- "Offering Assortment Depth in a Product Family by Exploiting Substitutability," (with S. K. Gnanendran).
- "Preference Elicitation and Negotiation Tactics for Electronic Shopping Agents"
- "Quasi-Newton learning algorithms for electronic negotiations" (with Paul Meloche)
- "Optimal Reaction algorithms for electronic negotiations."
Selected Journal Publications and conference
- “Optimization-based Methods for Improving the Accuracy and Outcome of Learning in Electronic Procurement Negotiations,” (with Jay Shi) IEEE Transactions of Engineering Management (2012)
- “Models for Human Negotiation Elements: Validation, and Implications for Electronic Procurement,” (with Wilson Mok) IEEE Transactions of Engineering Management, Vol. 58, No. 3, pp. 412-430, 2011.
- “A multi-attribute approach to the modelling of human elements in electronic negotiation,” International Journal of Procurement ManagementVol. 4, No. 3, 2011
- “Application of an extended TAM model for online banking adoption: a study at a Gulf region university,” (with Nick Manochehri) Information and Resource Management Journal, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 1-13, 2011.
- "Modeling an Intelligent Authentication System to Protect Financial Information," International Journal of Accounting Information Systems Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 110-112, 2006.
- "A Decision Model for Standardizing Human Decisions Concerning Service-Contracts Management," Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 143, No. 1, pp. 171-189, 2006.
- "Evaluation of Enterprise Information Technologies: A Decision Model Incorporating Strategic and Operational Issues," (with J. Sarkis) accepted by IEEE Transactions on of Systems, Man and Cybernetics C, Vol. 36, No.: 2, pp. 260 – 273, 2006.
- "Alternative model representations and computing capacity," (with S. K. Gnanendran) Decision Support Systems 42, No. 3, pp. 1413-1430, 2006.
- "Using Information-systems Constructs to Study Online- and Telephone-banking Technologies," (with Judy Wu) Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 427-443, 2005.
- "Learning Algorithms for Single-instance Electronic Negotiations Using the Time-dependent Tactic," (with W. Mok) ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. 5, pp. 195-230, 2005.
- "A Web-based Approach for Standardizing the process of Managing Service Contracts," Decision Support Systems, Vol. 37, pp. 343-365, 2004.
- "Impact of Attachment-handling electronic agents on an individual's perceived work performance," (with T. Vuong) Internet Research, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 6-18, 2004. Outstanding paper of the year.
- "Managing Large-scale Global Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: A Case Study of Texas Instruments," (with J. Sarkis) International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 23, pp. 431-442, 2003. In top-10 requested paper, 2002 to 2004.
- "Heuristics for the Selection of a Set of Interdependent End-items to Stock," (with S.K. Gnanendran and J.K. Ho) European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 145, pp. 585-605, 2003.
- "Evaluating Componentized Enterprise Information Technologies: A Multiattribute Approach," (with J Sarkis) Information Systems Frontiers, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 303-320, 2003.
- "A Multiperiod Model for Purchasing Componentized Enterprise Information Technologies." (with S. Talluri) European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 146, No. 2, pp. 339-351, 2003.
- "Managerial Issues in Locating a Spare-parts Hub for Digital Equipment Corporation," (with J. Sarkis) Production and Inventory Management, Vol. 43, Nos. 3 & 4, pp. 47-54, 2002.
- "Hub Location at Digital Equipment Corporation: a Comprehensive analysis of Qualitative and Quantitative Factors" (with J. Sarkis) European Journal of Operational Research Vol. 137, No. 2, pp. 336-347, 2002.
- "An Optimization Approach to Plan for Reusable Software Components," European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 142, pp. 128-137, 2002.
- "Evolution of Brokering Paradigms for E-commerce Enabled Manufacturing." (with J. Sarkis) International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 75, No. 1-2, pp.21-31, 2002
- Anger intensity elicitation", (with Sriram Venkiteswaran), Group Decision and Negotiation Conference, Bellingham, June 2016
- “On using sentiment-analysis approach for designing anger aware negotiation agents”, (with Sriram Venkiteswaran), Group Decision and Negotiation Conference, Bellingham, June 2016
- "Architecture of in-app ad recommender system." Breakthroughs and Emerging Insights from Ongoing Design Science”, (with Mukherjee, Anik and Kaushik Dutta), Projects: Research-in-progress papers and poster presentations from the 11th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST) 2016. St. John, Canada
- "Prototype Design of a Healthcare-Analytics Pre-adoption Readiness Assessment (HAPRA) Instrument Tackling Society's Grand Challenges with Design Science", (with Mukherjee, Anik and Venkatraman, Sathyanarayanan), 11th International Conference, DESRIST 2016, St. John’s, NL, Canada
- “On Considering Customer’s Short-term Preferences for Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing Spot Markets”, (with Mukherjee, Anik and Kaushik Dutta), Proceedings of the Workshop of Information Technology and Systems, Dublin, Ireland, December 2016
- "Influence of Decision-maker Role on Analytics-systems Selection: A Construal-level Theory Approach,", (with S. Prithviraj and T. Ravichandran), Decision Sciences Meeting, November 2016
- “Incorporating Intertemporal Preferences in Electronic Negotiations for Computing Services: A Mechanism and Analysis,” (with K. Venkataraghavan) Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, June 17-21, Stockholm, (2013)
- “On Using Prisoner Dilemma Model to Explain Bidding Decision for Compute Resources on the Cloud,” (with K. Sowmya) Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, June 17-21, Stockholm, (2013).
- “Innovation Patterns and Firm Performance: An Analysis of Global Technology Companies,” (with Vijay Kumar) Proceedings of the Tenth AIMS International Conference on Management, IIM Bangalore, pp. 112-123, (2012)
- “Strategic Bidding for Cloud Resources under Dynamic Pricing Schemes” (with K. Sowmya) Best paper award from International Symposium on Cloud and Services Computing, (2012).
- “On Integrating Time-Preference and Concession Models into Cloud Computing Negotiations,” (with K. Venkataraghavan) International Symposium on Cloud and Services Computing, (2012).
- “Cloud-based Storage-as-a-service Selection: A DEA and Goal Programming Based Approach,” (with K. Venkataragahavan) Best Paper from Society of Operations Management Conference, (2012).
- “A selection framework for SaaS-based Enterprise Resource Planning applications,” (with K. Venkataraghavan) Accepted for presentation atInternational Conference onInformation Technology, Systems and Management, IIM Kozhikode 2011.
- “Do Companies' Online Privacy Policy Disclosures Match Customer Needs,” (with Won No and EfrimBoritz) Presented at the Canadian Annual Accounting Association Conference, 2008.
- “Privacy Policy Disclosures of Companies: An Exploratory Study of Country Level and Industry Level Differences,” (with Won No and EfrimBoritz) Presented at the AAA Mid-Year Meeting of the IS Section, January 11-12, 2008. Nominated for best paper award.
- "Internet Privacy in E-Commerce: Framework, Review, and Opportunities for Future Research,"Hawaiian International Conference on Systems Sciences, (with W. No and E. Boritz), 2008
- “The Effect of Involvement and Privacy Policy Disclosure on Individuals' Privacy Behaviour,” (with Won No and EfrimBoritz) Presented at the AAA Mid-Year Meeting of the IS Section, January 11-12, 2008.
Refereed Book
- Documentation of DECOMP: An Implementation of Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition for Linear Programming," Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems No. 338, Springer-Verlag, (with J. K. Ho), 1989.
Refereed Book Chapters
- “Influence of strategy on firm performance in Multinational tech firms,” (with Vijay Kumar) in Rakesh Chopra et al.(eds.) , Beyond Norms-strategies for excellence, pp. 215-226, Bloomsbury Publishers (UK), New Delhi, 2012”
- “Electronic Procurement Systems in India: Importance and Impact on Supply Chain Operations,” (with KomalKumari) in Global Logistics (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science) (ed.) J. Bookbinder, Springer Series, 2012
- "ERP-enabled BPR: Implications from Texas Instruments," (with J. Sarkis) in Business Process Transformation (eds.) V. Grover and L. Markus, Advances in Management Information Systems, M. E. Sharpe (JMIS) Press, 2007.
- "Internet Privacy Policies of Companies," (with W. No) Second Secure Knowledge Management Workshop, supported by Polytechnic University and National Science Foundation, 6 pages, 2006.
- "Evaluation and Justification of ERP: Values beyond the baseline," (with J. Sarkis) eds. E. Bendoly and F. R. Jacobs, in Strategic ERP Extension and Use, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, 2005.
- "Implementation management of an E-commerce-enables Enterprise Information System," (with J. Sarkis), ed. Mehdi Khosrowpour, in Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Idea Group Reference, 2005.
- From 7/10-present Professor, IIT-Madras
- From 9/06-6/10 Professor (2008), Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
- From 1/01-9/08 Associate Professor (tenured 2003), University of Waterloo, Canada
- From 9/89-1/02 Tenured (1996) faculty member, Clark University, USA
- 9/82 - 8/84 Engineer, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd., Hyderabad, India.
- External Referee for Tenure Cases in Virginia Tech, York University and University of Malaysia
- Professional (as referee) i. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management ii. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics iii. Conference on Information Systems Assurance iv. Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences v. NSERC strategic grant application vi. Information Systems Frontiers vii. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management viii. OMEGA ix. European Journal of Information Systems x. European Journal of Operational Research xi. Decision Support Systems xii. Annals of Operations Research xiii. Production and Operations Management xiv. National Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute xv. ORSA Journal on Computing xvi. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications xvii. Journal of Operational Research Society xviii. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
- Worked in different department as 1. Associate Chair (Graduate Studies), 2004-2006 2. Chair, Computing Committee, 2001-2004 3. Member, Task force for viability of undergraduate program (Ad hoc, Winter 2004) 4. Member, Graduate Admissions Committee (2004) 5. Member, Scholarships ranking committee (2004) 6. Member, Tenure and Promotions Committee, 2003-2004 7. Member, Planning Task Force for self-study (2004-2005) 8. Chair, Information Systems Curriculum Committee, 2003 9. Member, Operations Research Curriculum Committee, 2003 10. DACA, 2001-2002 (at Waterloo, from this point onward ) 11. Library Coordinator, from 1999-2000.
Awards and Honors
- Beta, Gamma, Sigma (1996)
- University-wide Distinguished Performance Award, University of Waterloo (2005)
Professional Affiliations
- Editorial Board, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
- Editorial Board, Management Research Review
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems
- Co-editorship of special issue on E-commerce for Information Systems Journal (with Professors A. Gunasekaran, J. Sarkis and J. Burns).
- External Referee for Tenure/Promotion Cases IIM Indore; Virginia Tech; York University; University of Malaysia
- External Nominations for Doctoral Examiner IIT Delhi, Vishveswaraya Technological University
- Member, Board of Studies, Vels Tech, Avadi
- Member, “Indian Railways Road Map for Innovation, 2010-2020” committee set up by the Central Board of Railway Research
- Research in Motion, Waterloo, Canada • Studied the relationship between the employee adoption of attachment-handling electronic agents and work productivity.
- Compaq Computer Corporation, Reading, United Kingdom • Provided a standardized policy and a prototype computer implementation for managing the spare-parts for contract-obligated supply-chains.
- Digital Equipment Corporation, Stow, MA • Considered the location of an international Asia-Pacific hub. Our recommendations formed an important piece of a presentation at a crucial decision-making body of Vice Presidents.
- Digital Equipment Corporation, Littleton, MA • Developed a web-based system to support channels-marketing efforts of employees in over 11 countries.
- Yaskawa Electric, Chicago, IL • Recommended inventory policies that took advantage of dependencies among the products of the company.
Research Supervision
- S. Prithviraj (since 9/13), S. Bharathan(co-guide since 9/13), Krishnan Balasubramaniam(since 9/13)
- K. Venkataraghavan (since 10/10); Vijay Kumar (since 8/10); K. Sowmya (since 1/12);
- Won No (co-supervised with Professor Boritz), Completed 2007 (at Iowa State)
- Jairui Dang (co-supervised with Professor Fuller), Completed, 2007. (at Canada Post)
Master's Thesis
- AseemPahuja (since 1/13); Anik Mukherjee (since Sep 2013), Paul Meloche (2007);
- V. Visuvalingam (2006); J. Qi (2006); J. Shi (2005); Wilson Mok (2002)
Master's Project
- H. Jain and S. Vidhyasagari (‘10) 2nd prize in Business Standard Competition, 2011;
- T. Vuong (12/01); Jerry Kao (5/02); H. Jin (5/02); J. Wu (5/02); M. Badr (4/03); K. Wong (4/03);
- K. Wong (4/03); C. Yao (4/03); W. Neaves (4/03); E. Gonzalez (4/03); J. Addison (4/04); L. Chen (9/04); A. Raghozar (4/05)
- Graeme Hein; David Tung, Aye Sun, Jenny Lin; Bart Ciak; Deepak Sharma
- AmulyaPanyam and Pratik Choudhury (last two with Professor C. Rajendran)
Research in Progress
- "Internet Privacy Policies of Companies: A Country- and Industry-level Study," (with W. No).
- "Offering Assortment Depth in a Product Family by Exploiting Substitutability," (with S. K. Gnanendran).
- "Preference Elicitation and Negotiation Tactics for Electronic Shopping Agents"
- "Quasi-Newton learning algorithms for electronic negotiations" (with Paul Meloche)
- "Optimal Reaction algorithms for electronic negotiations."
- “Theoretical Properties of Decision Functions Used in Electronic Negotiations,” (with J. J. Qi)