MBA Admission FAQ
Application Process
1.When will the application process for MBA 2024 admissions begin?
The applications will be available online only from the day after the CAT 2024 results to 31st January 2025.
MBA admissions 2025 application already opened.
MBA admissions 2025 application already opened.
2. What is the minimum qualification for applying?
3. How should I apply? Online or by regular mail?
4. What are the prerequisites that I should take care of before I begin applying?
5. How much is the application fee for MBA 2025 admissions?
6. How do I pay my application fees?
7. How will my application be evaluated?
8. How do I add new information if I have already submitted my application?
9. Are international students eligible to apply for DoMS MBA programme?
10. Is my CAT score the only or the most important criteria for my candidature?
Work Experience
1.Is work experience mandatory for DoMS MBA program?
2. What is a valid work experience?
3. What is an ideal length of experience?
Interview Process
1.When should I expect an invitation for an interview?
2. How do I prepare?
3. Where will the interview take place?
4. What should I bring with me on my interview day?
Follow up
1.How long can I take to communicate my acceptance?
2. If admitted, am I expected to pay a tuition deposit?
3. Who should I contact if I have a question regarding my application status?
4.What kind of hostel facilities will I get in DoMS, IIT Madras?