Dr. Arshinder Kaur

Ph.D.(Supply Chain Management) ,IIT Delhi (2007)

M.Tech. , IIT Kharagpur (2003)

2257 4553(O)


Office : DoMS 410
Teaching interests
- Operations Research
- Supply Chain Management
- Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
- Strategic Sourcing
- Supply Chain Contracts
- Global Risk Management
- Industrial Engineering
Research interests
- Supply Chain Contracts and Coordination
- Sustainable supply chain
- Closed Loop Supply Chain
- Inventory Control
- Service Management
- Strategic Sourcing
- Applications in Agro-food and manufacturing supply chains
Published in International Journals
- Sagar B Pingale, Arshinder Kaur and Renu Agarwal, 2024, Collaborative Last Mile Delivery: A Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing Model with Collaboration Points, accepted in Expert Systems With Applications
- Vasanthraj, Vasanthraj; Potdar, Vidyasagar; Agrawal, Himanshu; Arshinder, Kaur, 2024, Transforming milk supply chains with blockchain: enhancing visibility and cost reduction, accepted in Benchmarking: An International Journal
- Mohan, A., Krishnan, R., Arshinder, K., Vandore, J.and Ramanathan, U., 2023, Management of Postharvest Losses and Wastages in the Indian Tomato Supply Chain—A Temperature-Controlled Storage Perspective. Sustainability,15, 1331,https://doi.org/10.3390/su15021331
- Nilanjan Dutta and Arshinder Kaur, 2023, Enabling socially responsible operations: A decision-making model for a firm contracting with decision-biased smallholders, Annals of Operations Research, 320, pages 509–533, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-022-04899-7
- Ramesh K., Arshinder Kaur and Renu Agarwal, 2022, Robust optimization of sustainable food supply chain network considering food waste valorization and supply uncertainty, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 171, 1-22, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2022.108499
- Nilanjan Dutta and Arshinder Kaur, 2022, A socially responsible decision-making model for firms contracting with constrained farmers, International Transactions in Operational Research, 30, 4, 2094-2121, DOI:10.1111/itor.13124
- Ramesh K., Phi Yen, Renu Agarwal, Arshinder Kaur and Christopher Bajada, 2021, Collaborative innovation and sustainability in the food supply chain- evidence from framer producer organizations, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 168, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.105253
- Goel, A. and Ganesh, L. S and Kaur, A., 2020, Benefits formulation in construction projects: an exploratory study through a social sustainability perspective, 2020, IIM Kozhikode Society and Management Review, 9, 2, 162-176. https://doi.org/10.1177/2277975219896510
- Ramesh, K., R. Agarwal, B. Christopher and Kaur, A., 2020, Redesigning a food supply chain for environmental sustainability - An analysis of resource use and recovery, Journal of Cleaner Production, 242, 1-16 (ABDC:A). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118374
- Kaur, A. and Balaji, M., 2019, Understanding the models of Indian Fruits & Vegetables supply chains, International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 15, 4, 307-332 (ABDC: C)
- Goel, A. and Ganesh, L. S and Kaur, A., 2020, Social sustainability considerations in construction project feasibility study: a stakeholder salience perspective, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27, 7, 1429-1459. (ABDC:A)
- Goel, A. and Ganesh, L. S and Kaur, A., 2020, Project management for social good: a conceptual framework and research agenda for socially sustainable construction project management, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 14, 4, 695-726. (ABDC: C)
- Deepak, E. B. and Kaur, A., 2020, Sustainability Practices in Tourism Supply Chain using Confirmatory Factor Analysis, International Journal of Service Economics and Management, 11, 3, 302-327
- Ashish Goel, L S Ganesh and Arshinder Kaur, Sustainability integration in management of construction projects: a morphological analysis of two decades’ research literature, Journal of Cleaner Production, 236, 1-21, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.117676
- Vandana and Arshinder Kaur, 2018, accepted in Two-level trade credit with default risk in the supply chain under stochastic demand, Omega: An International Journal of Management Science, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.omega.2018.12.003
- Ajitha Aswathy, Piyush Sharma , Russel Kingshott and Upendra Maurya and Arshinder Kaur, 2018, Customer participation and service outcomes: Mediating role of task-related affective well-being, Journal of Service Marketing, 33, 1, 16-30
- Chitra M Subramanian; Aneesh Krishna; Arshinder Kaur, 2018, Game Theory Based Requirements Analysis in the i* Framework, The Computer Journal, 6,3, 1 March, 427–446 https://doi.org/10.1093/comjnl/bxx110
- Rabindranath Bhattacharya, Arshinder Kaur, R K Amit, 2018, Price Optimization of multi-stage remanufacturing in a closed loop supply chain, Journal of Cleaner Production, 186, 1, 943-962. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.02.222
- Deepak, E. B., K. Arshinder and C Rajendran, 2017, Sustainability practices in tourism supply chain: importance performance analysis, Benchmarking: An International Journal, 25, 4, 1148-1170, https://doi.org/10.1108/BIJ-06-2016-0084
- Shamanna, S, Ganesh, L. S. and K. Arshinder, 2017, Knowledge Transfer: An Information Theory Perspective, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 15, 3, 400-412. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41275-017-0060-z
- Balaji M. and Arshinder Kaur, 2016, Modeling the causes of food wastage in Indian perishable food supply chain, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 114,4, 153-16, doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2016.07.016
- Janya Chanchaichujit, Jose Saavedra-Rosas and Arshinder Kaur, 2016, Analyzing impact of restructuring transportation, production and distribution on costs and environment- a case from the thai rubber industry, International Journal of Logistics Research and Application, 20, 3 , 237-253. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13675567.2016.1217317
- Chitra M Subramanian, Aneesh Krishna, Arshinder Kaur, 2016, Sensitivity Analysis of the i* Optimisation Model, Journal of Software, 11, 1, 10-26 doi: 10.17706/jsw.11.1.10-26
- Bhattacharya, R. and K. Arshinder, 2015, Allocation of external returns of different quality grades to multiple stages of a closed Loop Supply Chain, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 37, 3, 692-702. doi:10.1016/j.jmsy.2015.01.004
- Kabra, G., Ramesh, A. and K. Arshinder, 2015, Identification and prioritization of coordination barriers in humanitarian supply chain mangement, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 13, 128-138
- Narsimhalu, U., Potdar, V., Arshinder, K., 2015, A case study to explore influence of traceability factors on Australian food supply chain performance, Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 189, 1, 17-32
- Shamanna, S, Ganesh, L. S. and K. Arshinder, 2014, Classification of Supply Chain Knowledge: A Morphological Approach, Journal of Knowledge Management, 18, 4, 812-823
- Bhattacharya, R. and Arshinder, 2014, Single Stage closed loop manufacturing-remanufacturing system profitability with different combinations of internal and external return flows: an analytical study, International Journal of Logistics and Systems Management, 17, 4, 416-446
- Kalpana, P. And Arshinder 2013, Ordering Decisions of Single Period Split Order Supply Chain with Various Demand Distributions, International Journal of Operations Research, 16, 3, 263-286
- Padmapriya, P. and Arshinder 2012, A Simulation Study on Strategy to Mitigate Leadtime Uncertainty Risk in the Context of Information Sharing, International Journal of Logistics and Systems Management, 13, 4, 483 - 508
- Krithika .V, K. Arshinder and K. Chandra Sekaran, 2012, Web Services Supply Chains: A Literature Review, International Journal on Web Service Computing, Volume3, No. 1, 15-29.
- Kalpana, P. And Arshinder, 2012, Single Period Inventory Models with Multiple Ordering Opportunities: A Review, International Journal of Logistics and Systems Management, 13, 2, 209 - 229
- Arshinder, Kanda, A. and Deshmukh, S. G., 2009, A Framework for Evaluation of Coordination by Contracts: A Case of Two-Level Supply Chains, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 56, 4, 1177-1191.
- Pandey, P, Bhattacharya, S. and Arshinder, 2012, Exploring the Role of HR Practices in Supply Chain, Journal of Advances in Management Research, 9, 1, 113 – 123.
- Arshinder, 2012, Flexibility in Supply Chain using Coordination: Issues and Learnings, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 11, 3, 308-328.
- Kalpana, P. And Arshinder, 2011, Optimal ordering decisions and revenue sharing in a single period split order Supply Chain, Technology Operations Management, 2, 2, 61-79
- Arshinder, Kanda, A. and Deshmukh, S. G., 2009, A Coordination Theoretic Model for Three Level Supply Chains using Contracts, Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Science, 35, 5, 767-798.
- Arshinder, Kanda, A. and Deshmukh, S. G., 2009, A Framework for Evaluation of Coordination by Contracts: A Case of Two-Level Supply Chains, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 56, 4, 1177-1191.
- Arshinder, Kanda, A. and Deshmukh, S. G., 2008, Development of a Decision Support Tool for Supply Chain Coordination using Contracts, Journal of Advances in Management Research, 5, 2, 20-41.
- Arshinder, Kanda, A. and Deshmukh, S. G., 2008, Supply Chain Coordination: Perspectives, Empirical Studies and Research Directions, International Journal of Production Economics, 115, 2, 316-335. (This paper has been rated among Top 25 Hottest Papers for year 2009-10 in www.sciencedirect.com ) doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2008.05.011
- Arshinder, Kanda, A. and Deshmukh, S. G., 2007, Supply chain coordination issues: A SAP-LAP framework, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 9, 3, 240-264. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13555850710772923
- Arshinder, Kanda, A. and Deshmukh, S. G., 2007, Coordination in Supply Chains: An Evaluation using Fuzzy Logic, Production Planning and Control, 18, 5, 420-435.
- Arshinder Kaur, Kanda, A. and Deshmukh, S. G., 2006, A graph theoretic approach to evaluate supply chain coordination”, International Journal of Logistics and Systems Management, 2, 4. 329-34110.1504/IJLSM.2006.010379
- Arshinder, Kanda, A. and Deshmukh, S. G., 2006, A Coordination based Perspective on the Procurement process in Supply Chain, International Journal of Value Chain Management, 1,2, 117-138. DOI: 10.1504/IJVCM.2006.011181
Published in handbook/book
- Arshinder, Kanda, A., and Deshmukh, S. G, (2011) “A review on supply chain coordination: Coordination mechanisms, managing uncertainty and research directions” accepted for Springer’s Research Handbook Series on Innovative Schemes for Supply Chain Coordination under Uncertainty, Edited by Tsan-Ming Choi (Jason) and T.C.E. Cheng.
- Arshinder (2011), “Quantitative models to evaluate supply chain coordination adopting various coordination mechanisms” Handbook of Supply Chain Management, edited by R P Mohanty and S G Deshmukh.
- Ramesh Krishnan, Phi Yen Phan, Arshinder Kaur, Sanjoy Kumar Paul (2021), “Blockchain and Allied Technologies for Food Supply Chain Risk Mitigation in Global Value Chains” chapter accepted in The Routledge Companion to Global Value Chains: Reinterpreting and Reimagining Megatrends in the World Economy, edited by Renu Agarwal, Christopher Bajada, Roy Green, Katrina Skellern
- I Thomson, Raichel Elsa Thomas, K. Susithra, S. Shobana, Arshinder Kaur and Chandrasekharan Rajendran (2022), “Optimal and Heuristic Profit Sharing using Sales Rebate Contract in a Multi Level Supply Chain” Springer edited book titled "Emerging Frontiers in Operations and Supply Chain Management: Theory and Applications”, edited by Vipin, B., Rajendran, C., Janakiraman, G., Philip, D. (Eds.), pg 89-118
- Saravanya Sankarakumaraswamy, Arshinder Kaur, Chandrasekharan Rajendran, Hans Ziegler (2022), “A Study on Inventory Models for Perishable Items in a Serial Supply Chain Operating with Price Markdowns”, Studies in Quantitative Decision Making, Springer, Singapore, 75-98
- Palvai, R.R.R., Kaur, A. (2023). Steel Price Forecasting for Better Procurement Decisions: Comparing Tree-Based Decision Learning Methods. In: Tiwari, M.K., Kumar, M.R., T. M., R., Mitra, R. (eds) Applications of Emerging Technologies and AI/ML Algorithms. ICDAPS 2022. Asset Analytics. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-1019-9_14
Bhattacharya, R. and Arshinder, (2013), “Profit Optimization of a Multi-Stage Closed Loop Manufacturing – Remanufacturing System”, Tenth AIMS International Conference on Management, January 6-9, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore India (This paper got third prize in doctoral competition)
Bhattacharya, R. and Arshinder, (2011), “Closed loop supply chain with factory rejections”, Int. Conference on Advances in Supply Chain and Manufacturing Management (ASCMM 2011), 16-18 December, IIT Kharagpur (This paper adjudged as Best Paper)
Kalpana, P. and Arshinder. (2011), “Two Orderings with correlated demand in single period supply chain”, 15th SOM Annual International Conference, Dec 16-18, IIM Calcutta, Kolkata (This paper adjudged as Excellent Paper in Doctoral Competition)
Kalpana, P. and Arshinder. (2011), “Single Period Split Ordering Supply chain Model with Information updating”, Int. Conference on Advances in Supply Chain and Manufacturing Management (ASCMM 2011), 16-18 December, IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal
Krithika, V., Arshinder, Chandra Sekaran, K. (2011), “Web services supply chains: a literature review” National Conference of Research Scholars in Management (NCRSM-2011), ABV-IIITM Gwalior, 26-27 March (This paper adjudged as Best Paper)
Krithika, V., Chandra Sekaran, K., Arshinder, (2011), “Issues in Service Modelling”, International Conference on Recent Advances In Technology, Engineering, Management And Science (ICRATEMS 2011), Vivekanandha College Of Engineering For Women, Tiruchengogu, near Erode, 4-6 March 2011. (This paper adjudged as Best Paper)
Bhattacharya, R. and Arshinder, (2011), "Internal and external returns flow in a closed loop supply chain" presented in Eighth AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS~8), IIM Ahmedabad, January 1-4.
P. Kalpana and Arshinder (2010), “Supply Chain Coordination for Two Level Single Period Supply Chain with Two Ordering Opportunities”, SOM 2010”XIV Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management , organized by the National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai, December 17-19.
G. Ajay Karthic Bharathi, S. Sinduja, Arshinder (2010), “Supply Chain Coordination with Sales Rebate Contract: A case of Two Echelon Supply Chain”, SOM 2010”XIV Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management organized by the National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai, December 17-19.
Pandey, P., Bhattacharyya, S, Arshinder, (2010), “Influence of people, organizational and operational factors on supply chain performance: a conceptual framework”, International Conference & Colloquium, Excellence in Research & Education, IIM Indore, September 25- 28.
Arshinder, Shobana Subramaniyan and Susithra Kothandaraman, 2009, Profit Sharing using Sales Rebate Contracts in Three-Level Coordinated Supply Chain, Association of Asian Pacific Operational Research Societies, Jaipur, December 6-9.
Sneha, S., Ramkumar, J. and Arshinder, 2009, Multi-echelon Supply Chain Coordination using Buyback Contracts, International Conference on Operations Research applications in Engineering and Management (ICOREM) held at Anna University Tiruchirappalli, Tiruchirappalli,May 27-29.
Associate Professor (December 2014-Till date)
- Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras, Chennai, INDIA.
Senior Lecturer (January 2014-December 2014)
- School of Information Systems,Curtin Business School, Curtin University,Perth, AUSTRALIA
Assistant Professor (July 2008- January 2014)
- Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras, Chennai.
Adjunct Research Fellow (December 2014-till date)
- School of Information Systems,Curtin Business School, Curtin University, Perth, AUSTRALIA
Guest Professorship (December 5-December16, 2011)
- University of Passau, Germany
Post Doctoral Fellow (October 2007-July 2008)
EADS-SMI (European Aeronautics and Defense Space Company- Supply Management Institute Germany) chair for sourcing and supply management, IIM Bangalore
Doctoral students supervised
- DR. P KALPANA-Ordering and pricing policies for split order single period supply chain (February 2013)
- DR. R N BHATTACHARYA- Optimization of allocation of graded returns and price in a multistage closed loop supply chain (May 2014)
- DR. DEEPAK ELDHO BABU - A Study on Sustainability Practices in Hotel Supply Chain for Tourism (December 2017)
- DR. S. SUDHINDRA - Knowledge Management in Supply Chains: An Information Theory based Analysis (March 2018)- joint guidance with Prof. L S Ganesh
- DR. M BALAJI - Analysing the Factors Influencing Quality, Waste and Performance in Fruits and Vegetables Supply Chain (November 2018)
- DR. ASWATHY AJITHA ASOKAN- Mediating role of task-related affective well-being in the influence of customer participation via self-service technologies on service outcomes (July 2020)- Joint Guidane with Prof. Piyush Sharma at Curtin University, AUSTRALIA
- DR. K RAMESH- Collaborative innovation, life cycle analysis and network optimisation - essays on food supply chain sustainability (March 2021)- Joint guidance with Prof. Renu Agarwal at UTS Business School, AUSTRALIA
- DR. ASHISH GOEL- Integration of Social Sustainability Considerations in the Management of Construction Projects- A Stakeholder Approach (December 2021)- Joint guidance with Prof. L S Ganesh
- DR. NILANJAN DUTTA- Enabling socially responsible operations: Design and analysis of advance payment contracts between a firm and farmers in emerging economies (June 2023)
Master of Science (by Research) students supervised
- S Rajeswari - Determination of order-up-to levels and rationing mechanisms in a two-stage divergent supply chain (Jointly supervized with Prof. C Rajendran)
- Prachi Pandey- Operational, organizational and people factors in supply chain
- P. Padmapriya- Mitigating Supply risk through information sharing and dual sourcing
- Krithika V. - Evaluating composite index of QoS attributes in collaborative web services supply chains
- Saravanya - Inventory models for perishable items in a serial supply chain operating with price markdowns
- Sandeep Menon - Strategic Sourcing in Indian Casting industry
- G Aravind- Life Cycle Assessment and Network Design of Recycled End-of-Life Vehicles and Lithium-Ion Batteries
- Sivamanikarthikeyan R- Impact of socio-environmental supplier assessment on purchasing performance and relationship with sourcing analytics
- Sagar Pingale- Two Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem based on Collaboration Points in the Last Mile Delivery
- Honorary Appointment as a Key Technology Partner at UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney, AUSTALIA form 5 May 2017 to 3 June 2017
- Staff mobility for Teaching under Erasmus + mobility project at Hof University of Applied Sciences, Hog, GERMANY from 9-13 November 2016
- Awarded with Highly Commended Award Winner of the 2008 Emerald / EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Award by the Editors and judging panel of International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, for my doctoral thesis.
- Successfully completed Quality Management Systems Auditor/ Lead Auditor Course (Based on ISO 9001:2008) on 26th – 30th October 2009, Chennai.
- Recipient of Best paper Award for the paper presented in the session of Doctoral student paper competition in the fourth AIMS International Conference held at IIM Indore, India (December, 2006).
- Awarded Travel grant from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, to attend POMS 2007 conference held in Dallas, Texas, USA, May 4-7, 2007.
Invited lectures
- Conducted two sessions in the AICTE Staff Development Programme on ‘Decision making in a Fuzzy Environment’ sponsored by MHRD and organized by Department of Mathematics & Centre for Continuing Education, National Institute Of Technology Calicut, NIT Campus P.O., Calicut, 673601. Kerala, India from June 01-05 2009 on following topics:
- Applications of Fuzzy AHP in Supply Chain Coordination
- Applications of Fuzzy TOPSIS in Supply Chain Coordination
- “Managing inventory in supply chain” at 27th Material management day organized by Indian Institute of Materials management, Chennai Branch on 24th April, 2010.
- Conducted session on “Supply chain contracts: A coordination perspective” in short term course on Supply Chain management organized by the Department of Industrial Engineering (DoIE), CEG, Anna University, Chennai, 24-25 September 2010
- Invited lecture on “Service Supply Chain: Web Services” International Conference on Recent Advances In Technology, Engineering, Management And Science (ICRATEMS 2011), Vivekanandha College Of Engineering For Women, Tiruchengogu, near Erode, 4 March 2011.
- Invited lecture on “Strategic Sourcing: Technology and Contracts Management” in Beroe Consulting (I) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, 14 June 2011
Short term programmes conducted
- Conducted session on “Performance metrics and quality in operations” for CEP Certificate Programme for industry professionals organized by IIT Bombay.
- Conducted online session on “Inventory Management”, “Supply Chain Coordination” and “Performance Measurement System” for Hughes online Management courses.
- Conducted session on “Operational Efficiency” for L&T supervisory programme (5 March 2011)
- Full course handled on “Introduction to Supply Chain Management” for Areva (March-September 2011): comprised of 12 lectures and 24 hours
- Conducted session on “Integer Programming” in NIT, Trichy (1 April 2011)
Referee to Journals
European Journal of Operational Research
International Journal of Production Research
Production Planning and Control
Applied Mathematical Modeling
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
International Journal of Business Performance & Supply Chain Modeling
Defense Science Journal
International Journal of Integrated Supply Management
Journal of Modeling in Management
Computers & Industrial Engineering
Reviewer for the International conference organized by Operations Research Society of India-2010
Reviewer for International Conference of Advances in Supply Chain Management 2011 organized by IIT Kharagpur