Indian Institute of Technology Madras


Dr. Lata Dyaram



Dr. Lata Dyaram is a Professor and Area Chair of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviour (HR&OB). She has BA and MA (Hons) in Organizational Psychology from University of Mumbai, and a PhD in Management from IIT Madras.

Her corporate experience is primarily in HR and consulting services, with focus on hiring, psychometrics, leadership and organization development (L&OD). She has publications in leading academic and scientific journals. She specializes in analytical modelling as well as experimental research methods including surveys and design of controlled experiments.



Office : DoMS 411

Faculty Member, Amex DART Lab

Co-Principal Investigator- An IIT-M Madras Community for Experiential Technology

Teaching and Research

Areas of Interest

  • Organization and Management Studies
  • Work, Worker, Workspace
  • Behavioural Science
  •  Psychometrics and Psychophysiology
  •  Philosophy

Head - Behavioural Lab (BLab)

  • BLab leverages cutting-edge tools in analytics, and bio-technology ecosystem to advance research works in behavioural science. BLab explores several pertinent and intricate phenomena pertaining to cognition, affect and human behaviour in work and non-work context.
  • Some of the ongoing works employ virtual reality (VR) simulations of work scenarios within a controlled setting. We integrate biofeedback data, such as electroencephalogram (EEG), electrodermal activity (EDA), and eye-tracking technology, to capture in-depth insights into individual and environmental influences
  • Factual surveys, perceptual surveys, large-scale field studies, focus group discussions, and other qualitative enquiries complement our understanding of human behaviour in real-world work contexts.