Dr. Thenmozhi M
Professor & Head

Ph.D., University of Madras, 1988.

M.Phil , University of Madras, 1984

M.Com , University of Madras, 1983

B.Com,University of Madras, 1981
Prof. (Ms.) M. Thenmozhi
Professor and Head
Department of Management Studies
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai 600 036, India
Mobile: 9840133732
Homepage: https://doms.iitm.ac.in/index.php/mtm
Prof. (Ms.) M.Thenmozhi is a Professor in Finance at Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai and currently, head of the Department of Management Studies at IIT Madras. She was previously, the Director of National Institute of Securities Markets, Mumbai. She also served as Faculty at Anna University, Chennai. She obtained her Doctorate from University of Madras and did her graduation and post-graduation at Ethiraj College for Women, University of Madras, Chennai. She has rich experience of more than three decades and is well known for her contributions in the domain of financial markets, financial modeling, corporate finance and governance.
She is a distinguished alumnus of Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai (2024) and a rank holder of University of Madras. She has been ranked in top 100 women in finance in India in 2019 and 2020 by AIWMA. She is an Executive Endeavour fellow of the Australian Government and a recipient of Fulbright-Nehru Visiting Lecturer Fellowship and European Union Erasmus Mundus Scholarship. She is a National Award winner for developing the best manufacturing policy draft for India from the former Prime Minister Shri. Atal Bihari Vajpayee at the National Manufacturing Sector Policy Competition organized by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and We Think for India(WTI) Forum. She is a recipient of EXIM Bank Chair Professorship in finance offered by Indian Council for Cultural relations, Ministry of External affairs, Government of India. She has international teaching/research experience with UPM, Madrid, University of Passau, Germany, Lagos Business School, Nigeria, QUT, Brisbane and San Diego State University, US.
She has guided 21 PhD scholars, 9 MS scholars and mentored three post docs. She has extensively published and has papers in journals such as International Review of Financial Analysis, Finance Research letters, Pacific Basin Journal of Finance, Emerging Market review, Research in international Business and Finance, Neural computing and Applications, Management Decision, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, Decision, IIMB Review and Journal of Emerging Market Finance.
She specialises in applied and policy implications-based research in the domain of corporate finance, market microstructure and financial time series modeling. Her prominent work includes modeling price discovery, volatility spillover and information transmission in stock, bond and commodity markets, developing hybrid artificial intelligence based models to predict stock prices, policy driven dimensions of governance of promoter dominated firms and determinants of FDI and cross border acquisitions. She has developed hybrid AI and Support Vector Machine based forecasting models for stock market trading and investing, models to test information transmission between markets, determinants of ETFs performance, Commodity market price discovery, impact of family and promoter driven firm’s governance and country level determinants of FDI and Cross border acquisitions. She has won several best research paper awards for her research work both at the national and international level. She received the Best researcher Award in Commerce (2020) from the K.P. Muraleedharan Endowment Trust, Calicut University.
She has set up a CAMS IITM Fintech Innovation Lab to develop solutions on unsolved issues in the area of fintech applications, particularly in banking and finance sector and develop and mentor startups in fintech domain.
Her professional assignments include: Advisory Committee Member, Vinod Gupta school of Management, IIT Kharagpur 2021-25, Member of Finance Committee of the Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing, Kancheepuram 2023-26, Academic Council Member, Madras School of Economics, Chennai, AICTE nominee on the Board of Governors of Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, AICTE nominee on the Board of Governors of XIME, Chennai, Member, Executive Board, Association of Indian Management Schools(AIMS).
She is known for her customised skill based executive development programmes for various companies such as L&T (PT&D), Flsmidth, GMMCO, IOCL, NTECL, CPCL and NLC. She has also developed e-learning modules in WebCT, Authorware Professional and NPTEL.
To add, she was Tamilnadu State Kho-Kho State Player (1974) and has won the gold medal in Chennai district Masters Athletic Competition, Tamilnadu (2023). She loves to read books and is very passionate about doing research.
Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai
Professor From 9.6.2006 till now
Director, National Institute of Securities Markets, Navi Mumbai - 400703 April 2018-Aug.2019 (on deputation)
Associate Professor 26.09.2000 to 08.06.2006
Assistant Professor 16.09.1998 to 25.09.2000
Department of Management Studies, Anna University, Madras
Assistant Professor 08.07.1993 to 15.09.1998
Lecturer 12.12.1989 to 07.07.1993
Visiting Faculty 30.11.1988 to 11.12.1989
Visiting Appointments
- Visiting EXIM Bank ICCR Chair Professor, Lagos Business School, Lagos, Nigeria, Sept.19-Oct.30, 2016.
- Fulbright Visiting Professor College of Business Administration, San Diego State University, San Diego, US, 13.1.2011 to 5.5.2011.
- Visiting Scholar, ETSII School , Universidad Politecnia de Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain, 9.11.2009 to 21.12.2009
- Visiting Professor, University of Passau, Passau, Germany , 10 to 28th June, 2010.
- Visiting Fellow, School of Economics and Finance, Faculty of Business, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia 5.11.2007 to 21.12.2007.
Research sabbatical
- Industry Sabbatical, Cognizant Technology Solutions, 23-27, July 2012.
- Research Sabbatical with Quantitative Finance group, Tata Consultancy services 1.3.2012 to 31.3.2012
- Director, National Institute of Securities Markets, Mumbai, 25.4.2018-18.8.2019
- Member, Senate, IIT Madras (From 9.6.2006 till now)
- Member, Senate, IISER, Trivandrum, 1.2.2018-31.1.2020,
- President, All India IIT Faculty Federation (AIIITFF),6.9.2009-3.12.2011
- President, Faculty Association, IIT Madras,1.11.2006-30.8.2010
- Vice-President, Faculty Association, IIT Madras, 8.12.2005-1.11.2006
- Secretary, Faculty Association, IIT Madras,1.10.2004-8.12.2005
- Head - Chairperson, Finance Group (Division), Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras, 13years
- Head-in charge, Management Division, Anna University, 17.10.1997-15.09.1998
- Director (Non-executive), Yrs Intuition Consulting Pvt. Ltd,(IITM Incubated Co.), 20.3.2014 - Till now
- Member, Board of Directors, Equity Derivatives Governing Council, Madras Stock Exchange(2012)
- Member, Research Advisory Committee (RAC), Securities Exchange Board of India(2019
- Member, Board of International and Alumni Relations (BIAR), IIT Madras, 2014-18
- Member, Board of Academic Courses, IIT Madras, 2012-14
- Member, Board of Academic Research, IIT Madras, 2009-11
- Member, Board of Infrastructure Committee, IIT Madras, 2004-10
- Member, Library Advisory Committee, IIT Madras, 2001-06, 2007-09
- Member, Women’s Grievance Cell, IIT Madras, 2001-02, 2008-09, 2010-11
- Member, Research Fund Committee, Industrial Consultancy and Sponsored Research, IIT Madras, 2013-14
- Member, Executive Committee, Women’s Forum, IIT Madras,2007-08, 2009-17, 2019-20
- Institute Co-coordinator, ID602 –Research Methodologies, Aug.2010-Dec.2010
- Member, Group term Insurance Committee, IIT Madras
- Member, Medical Insurance Policy Committee, IIT Madras
- Member, Project recruitment, Adhoc Committee, Industrial Consultancy and Sponsored Research (IC&SR), IIT Madras, 2009-11
- Member, Non-technical Interview committee -Faculty Recruitment, IIT Madras
- Chairman/ Committee member Recruitment Committee-administrative staff / Project staff, IIT Madras
- Member, Project staff recruitment norms committee, Industrial Consultancy and Sponsored Research (IC&SR), IIT Madras
- Member, Committee for Performance Evaluation of Officers of Engineering Unit
- Member, Core Committee on Web based education, Education Technology Cell, IIT Madras
- Member, Curriculum Revision - Task force Committee, IIT Madras
- Coordinator (Chairperson), MBA programme, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras, July 2014-June 2016
- Coordinator (Chairperson), Research programme at DoMS, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras, July 2012-June 2014
- Coordinator, CEP-Project - Executive Programme in Business Administration, IIT - 5 years
- Chairperson, Curriculum Revision Committee, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras, July 2010-June 2011, July 2012-June 2013
- Coordinator, MS/Ph.D. Admissions, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras
- Coordinator MBA Admissions, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras
- Faculty Coordinator, SANGAM activities, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras
- Faculty Advisor, Research scholars, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras
- Faculty Advisor Tech. (Industrial Management), Department of HSS, IIT Madras
- Faculty-in-charge, Systems Lab, Department of HSS, IIT Madras
- Faculty Advisor, B.A., Department of HSS/ Management, IIT Madras
- Committee member, HSEE (Humanities and Social Sciences Entrance Examination) examinations, IIT Madras, 2009-2010
- Committee Member, MBA Joint Management Entrance test (JMET) examinations, IIT Madras
- Expert Committee Member – Tamilnadu State fee Revision committee for engineering colleges (1998), Government of Tamilnadu.
- Corporate Finance and Strategy, Financial Markets and Institutions, Market Microstructure, Computational Finance, Forecasting and Time Series Modeling, Stock and Commodity Derivatives
Core Courses:
- Financial Accounting
- Financial Analysis and Applications
- Finance and Accounting for Engineers
- Cost Accounting
- Financial Management
- Working Capital Management
- Strategic Management
Elective Courses:
- Financial Institutions and Markets
- Treasury Management
- Computational Finance
- Fixed Income Securities: Trading and Strategy
- Derivatives and Risk management
- Investment Management
- Financial Services
- International Finance
Research Level Courses:
- Empirical Research in Finance-I
- Empirical Research in Finance-II
- Financial Modeling and Analysis
- Corporate Governance, Internal control and Risk management
- Dynamics of Family Businesses
- Financial Institutions and Management
- IT Strategy in Financial Institutions
Current Research Areas
- Impact of Promoter blockholdings in R&D
- SEBI regulations on Governance and Practice - case study
- CSR, Ownership and Firm value
- Digitilsation, Innovation and FDI – developed and developing economies
- Liquidity in commodity markets
- Arbitrage, Hedging and Speculation in Crude oil futures market
- RPT, Women Director and Audit committee -Impact on Firm value
- Ownership Pattern and Board Characteristics Impact on CSR Spending: Emerging Economies
- Gender Diversity Impact on Corporate Social Responsibility: Emerging Economies
- Family Firms and CSR spending on Community, Environmental and Education activities: Emerging Economies
- Listed in India’s Top 100 Women in Finance- 2019 - women professionals in Finance by Association of International Wealth Management of India (AIWMI), March 8, 2019.
- EXIM Bank ICCR Chair Professor 2016, Indian Council for Cultural Relations(ICCR), Ministry of External affairs, Government of India.
- U.S. Fulbright-Nehru Visiting Lecturer Fellowship 2010-11
- European Union Erasmus Mundus Scholarship 2009-2010
- Australian Government Endeavour Executive Award (Fellowship) 2007 Department of Education, Science and Training, Government of Australia
- National Award for developing the Best Manufacturing Policy Draft for India from the former Prime Minister Shri. Atal Bihari Vajpayee (2003), National Manufacturing Sector Policy Competition organized by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry(FICCI) and We Think for India(WTI) Forum, Delhi.
- Recipient of National Junior Research Fellowship, National Education Test (Master’s Level), University Grants Commission, Government of India, 1985
- Best Innovation in Teaching Award – 2000, Association of Indian Management Schools, Annual Convention, IIM, Bangalore.
- Best Research Paper Award 1996, Association of Indian Management Schools, Annual Convention - Best Research Paper -Competition for Young Faculty Members.
- Best Case Writing Award – 1997, Association of Indian Management Schools, Annual Convention, Case Writing Competition for Young Faculty Members.
- Fourth Rank of University of Madras, in M.Com. Degree course in 1983.
- First Rank (All India Level) in the subject “Research Methodology”, in P.G.D.M. – Part II Examination conducted by AIMA, Delhi in June 1992.
- First Rank (All India Level) in the subject “Mathematics and Statistics for Management” in P.G.D.M. – Part I Examination conducted by AIMA, Delhi in May 1991.
- School Best All Rounder Prize, Bournvita, 1975.
- Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Award for the year 2013 in the Management and Governance category awarded to my doctoral student - P.C. Narayan’s research on "Cross-Border Acquisitions Involving Emerging Market Firms: A Study on the Impact of Country and Deal Characteristics on Value Creation".
- Best Research Paper Award - Prasadh, R.S., Thenmozhi, M.,(2018), CRISIL Doctoral Symposium held as a part of the India Finance Conference 2018, IIM Calcutta, December 20-22, 2018.
- Best Doctoral Paper Award- Bansal, S. and Thenmozhi, M.,(2017), 5th PAN-IIM World Management Conference, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, India, 14-16 Dec 2017.
- Best Research Paper Award- Bansal, S. and Thenmozhi, M.,(2017), 18th World Business Research Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2-3 Nov, 2017.
- Emerald Best Research Paper Award, Anuja Sethiya and Thenmozhi M.(2017)"Which type of Blockholder Promoters prefer more Leverage?” International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance (ICFMCF) 2017, IIT Kharagpur, India - July 7-8, 2017.
- Best Research Paper Award - Prasadh, R.S., Thenmozhi, M.,(2018), CRISIL Doctoral Symposium held as a part of the India Finance Conference 2018, IIM Calcutta, December 20-22, 2018.
- Best Doctoral Paper Award- Bansal, S. and Thenmozhi, M.,(2017), 5th PAN-IIM World Management Conference, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, India, 14-16 Dec 2017.
- Best Research Paper Award- Bansal, S. and Thenmozhi, M.,(2017), 18th World Business Research Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2-3 Nov, 2017.
- Emerald Best Research Paper Award, Anuja Sethiya and Thenmozhi M.(2017)"Which type of Blockholder Promoters prefer more Leverage?” International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance (ICFMCF) 2017, IIT Kharagpur, India - July 7-8, 2017.
- Best Research Paper Award - Thenmozhi.M, Nikhil Varaiya, P.Lakshmi (2016), "Evolution of aggregate cash holdings of US firms", DoMS Research Symposium, April 1- 2, 2016, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai.
- Best Paper Award - Narend.S and Thenmozhi.M (2016), "Gold Exchange Traded Funds and Price Discovery: Empirical Evidence from Global Gold ETFs", The International Academic of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD), 02-05 January 2016 at Orlando, Florida.
- Best Research Paper Award - Thenmozhi.M, Nikhil Varaiya, P.Lakshmi (2016), "Evolution of aggregate cash holdings of US firms", DoMS Research Symposium, April 1- 2, 2016, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai.
- Best Research Paper Award M.S. Student: S. Priya, International Conference on Emerging Financial Markets, PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore, 2007.
- Best Research Paper Award Ph.D student: Manish Kumar, International Conference, COSMAR, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2005.
- Best Research Paper Award M.S. student: S.Radha, Third National Conference on Business Research, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore,2004.
- Best Research Paper Award, M.S. student: Kishore Kumar, International Conference - COSMAR 2002, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2002.
- Best Research Paper Award, International Conference on Accounting in a Changing Perspective, Calcutta, 1997.
- Tamilnadu State Player, Tamilnadu State Kho-Kho Team at the All India Kho-Kho Competition, Bhopal, 1974.
RESEARCH GUIDANCE - Completed: Ph.D.- 17 M.S. -9 Current : Ph.D.-3
Current Scholars: Ph.D -9
- Lalitha Sitaraman, Credit Risk Management in Banks, 2023
- Revathi T, Climate Finance, 2023
- Priya, Fintech ,2022
- Harshita Mongia, coorporate strategy,2021
- Anushree Mishra, Sustaniability and governance 2020
- Alphin T Kallany, Coporate governance, 2021
Current Scholars: MS -3
- Koushik Hati
- Sanil Mohan Pawar
- Harish Kumar
Post Doc - Completed -3
- Haritha P Haridas- Spillover between Crypto currency and Global Financial Assets(2024)
- Abhijeet Chandra, Investor sentiment and asset pricing (2012-14).
- Lakshmi,P. Determinants of Aggregate Fund flows of US Private and Non-finance firms(2015-17)
Ph.D. Completed – 22
- Preeti, S.K., Factors Influencing Non-Traditional Debt Financing by Corporates: A Study Based on Selected Manufacturing Companies in India, 2005
- Sony Thomas, M. Interdependence and Dynamic Linkages Between S&P CNX Nifty Futures And Spot Market: With Specific Reference to Volatility, Expiration and Price Discovery Effects, 2006.
- Madhuri Malhotra, Stock Price Reaction, Liquidity and Volatility Changes around Bonus and Rights Issue Announcements, Coguide: G.Arun Kumar, June, 2009
- Suresh Srinivasan, Effect of Ownership and Industry structure on Corporate Diversification and Performance, Coguide: P.Vijayaraghavan, July 2009
- Lawrence Harold, Evaluation of Information System in Financial Services sector: A Process based Approach, July 2011
- Manish Kumar, Forecasting and Modeling Financial Time Series using Hybrid Linear and Nonlinear Models, Dec. 2011
- Sumathi G.N. Effect of strategic HRM practices on Employee performance: with reference to Primary Health Care Centres, Co-guide: T.J.Kamalanabhan , 2012.
- Narayanan, P.C., Cross-border Acquisitions Involving Emerging Market Firms: A Study of the Impact of Country and Deal Characteristics on Value Creation, 2013.
- Elango, J., Evaluation of Stakeholders Efficacy under Community Based Health Insurance Schemes: Beneficiaries Perspective, 2014.
- Lalita Anand, Impact of firm determinants, Promoter ownership, Board Structure and macroeconomic Factors on Cash Holdings, 2015.
- Narend, S., Exchange Traded funds-Price Discovery and Volatility Spillover, 2017.
- Shipra Maurya, Cross-Commodity Price Transmission, Comovement and Volatility Dynamics, 2017.
- Shashank Bansal, Ownership Structure, Board Composition and Related Party Transactions: An Emerging Market Perspective, co-guide: T.J.Kamalanabhan, 2019
- Shyaam Prasadh R., Impact of Country Characteristics on Cross- Border Acquisition Volume and Ownership Stake, co-guide: T.J.Kamalanabhan, 2020
- Kayalvizhi,P.N., Impact of Technology, Digitalization and Financial Sector Development on Inward FDI- Cross country Analysis,2019*
- Aghila Sasidharan, Impact of Board Composition and Audit Committee on Related Party Transactions,2020
- Anuja Sethiya, Impact of Blockholder Promoters on Debt Financing, Research and Development and Product Market Competition,2020.
- Kameswari VissaImpact of Home Country Macro Determinants on Domestic and Cross Border Mergers And Acquisitions, Submitted 2022.
- Sharon Christina Tensingh, Liquidity and Market efficiency in Commodity Market,2023.
- V. Vijayagopal, Family firms, Risk Propensity on internalization, tax, Accounting, Capax, R&D and Pledging Decisions 2024
- Shruti R ,Role of Promoters and Institutional investors on IFRS Impact & Stock Price Crash Risk 2024
- Vijaya C, Smart Beta Investing ,Performance, Spillover and Security Risk Assement Based on Portfolio construction Model 2024
M.S. by Research Completed –9
- Kishore Kumar, R., Futures Trading and Spot Price Volatility of Nifty Index Futures, 2002. Degree awarded in July 2003.
- Manish Kumar, Modeling Exchange Rates using Artificial Neural Network, 2004. Degree awarded in July 2004.
- Radha, S. Forecasting Short Term Interest Rates using Univariate and Structural Models, 2005. Degree awarded in July 2006.
- Priya, S., Price Discovery and Volatility Spillover in Gold, Silver and Crude Oil Spot and futures markets. Degree awarded in 2008.
- Karthika S. Nair, Effect of macroeconomic factors on Treasury Bond returns and Volatility in Emerging and Developed markets, Degree awarded in 2012.
- Mahalakshmi S. Cash holdings, Diversification and Firm Value : Evidence from India, 2013.
- Sarath Chand G, Hybrid GA-SVM Multi-strategy Simulated Trading Model using Global Stock Market Cues, 2014.
- Srinivasan, N., Oil Price Determinants and Co-Movement Dynamics, September, 2016.
- Hemamalini S., Comovement of banking stress across borders in short run and long run, 2020.
- Koushik Hati, Investor Risk Perception, Protection and Robo- Advising
B.Tech/Dual Projects
- Recent: Jan-May,2021 Swetha Srinivasan.
EMBA Projects
- Batch - 2020-22(2), 2021-23-(2), 2022-2024 (2), 2023-25- (3)
Journal Papers
- Choudhary, P., & Thenmozhi, M. (2024). Fintech and financial sector: ADO analysis and future research agenda. International Review of Financial Analysis, 93(October 2023), 103201. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.irfa.2024.103201
- Choudhary, P., Ghosh, C., & Thenmozhi, M. (2024). Impact of Fintech and Financial Inclusion on Sustainable Development Goals: Evidence from cross country analysis. Finance Research Letters,72, 106573. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.frl.2024.106573
- Vijaya, C., & Thenmozhi, M. (2024). Spillover and leverage effect in Smart Beta Exchange Traded Funds: Evidence from India. Decision, 51(1), 105-122. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40622-024-00376-1
- Vijaya, C., Hati, K., & Thenmozhi, M. (2024). Developing a Security Risk Assessment based Smart Beta Portfolio Model for Robo Advising. Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, 18(3), 7-25. http://dx.doi.org/10.14453/aabfj.v18i3.02
- Shruti, R., & Thenmozhi, M. (2024). Foreign institutional ownership stability and stock price crash risk. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 91, 101937. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intfin.2024.101937
- Vijayagopal, V., & Thenmozhi, M. (2023). Does Concentrated Shareholding Impact Family Firm Internationalisation?. Indian Journal of Corporate Governance, 16(2), 298-322. https://doi.org/10.1177/09746862231206870
- Tensingh, S. C., & Thenmozhi, M. (2023). Revenue Potential and Trading Volume Impact of Commodity Transaction Tax: Emerging Market Context. Finance India, 37(2), 507-532.
- Shruti, R., & Thenmozhi, M. (2023). Founder ownership and value relevance of IFRS convergence: Role of institutional investors. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 79, 101989. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pacfin.2023.101989
- Anuja, S. (2023). Does product market competition moderate the impact of promoter ownership on firm value?. Managerial Finance, 49(2), 378-397. https://doi.org/10.1108/MF-05-2020-0244
- Vissa, S. K., & Thenmozhi, M. (2022). What determines mergers and acquisitions in BRICS countries: Liquidity, exchange rate or innovation?. Research in International Business and Finance, 61, 101645. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ribaf.2022.101645
- Misra, N., Lakshmi, P., & Thenmozhi, M. (2022). Hedging Dynamics and Intraday Volatility in Equity Market: An Analysis of Covid-19 Pandemic and Global Financial Crisis. Finance India, 36(2), 819-834.
Chinmoy Ghosh, Narayan P.C., Shyaam Prasad, M. Thenmozhi (2022), Does corruption distance affect cross-border acquisitions? Different tales from developed and emerging markets, European Financial Management, Available online 30 December 2021, https://doi.org/10.1111/eufm.12350, ABDC ranking -A, Cite score 1.803,SJR 1.31,H index 64
Siva Kameswari Vissa and M. Thenmozhi (2021), Do home country stability factors matter for domestic and cross border mergers and acquisitions? A case of G19 countries, Finance Research Letters, Article in Press. ABDC ranking- A, IF 1.709,Cites per doc.5.474, SJR 1.34, H index 39. Available online 6 November 2021, 102527, personalized Share Link: https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1eAXK_Z7jEtlIC
- Bansal, Shashank and Thenmozhi M. (2021) Does CEO duality affect board independence? Moderating impact of founder ownership and family blockholding, IIMB Management Review, ABDC ranking – B, H index 20, Cites/doc 2.92 SJR- 0.43 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iimb.2021.09.004
- Saravanan, Aghila Sasidharan and M.Thenmozhi (2021), Do Independent Directors add Value to the Firm? Evidence from India, Journal of Public Affairs (ABDC – B), H index 20, Cites per doc 1.08 SJR 0.22. , https://doi.org/10.1002/pa.2730
- Sumathi, G N, Elango,J. and Thenmozhi (2021), 'Patient Satisfaction on Hospital care services: A study with specific reference to beneficiaries of Community Based Health Insurance Schemes in India', International Journal of Services and Operations Management, IJSOM-70810 Paper Accepted, Dec. 2021, DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2021.10042141 Cites per doc 0.968 SJR 0.26 H index 27.
- Shashank Bansal and Thenmozhi, Does Concentrated Founder Ownership affect Board Independence: Role of corporate life cycle and Ownership identity, Pacific Basin Finance Journal, Volume 62, September 2020, 1013772020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pacfin.2020.101377, ABDC ranking – A, H index 47, Cite score: 2.21
- Shashank Bansal and Thenmozhi, Does Concentrated Founder Ownership Affect Related Party Transactions? Evidence from an Emerging Economy, Research in International Business and Finance, 2020, Volume 53, October 2020, Available online 21 February 2020, ABDC ranking – B, H index 31, Cite score 1.62 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ribaf.2020.101206
- Thenmozhi, Palanisamy Saravanan and Aghila Sasidharan(2020), Impact of Excess Cash on Earnings Management and Firm Value: Evidence from China, Corporate Ownership and Control, 2020,17(1)44-60. ABDC ranking – B, DOI:10.22495/cocv17i1siart7
- Prasadh, S., Thenmozhi, M. & Hu, M. Does economic freedom distance affect long-run post-acquisition performance and ownership level in cross-border acquisitions?. Decision 47, 191-213, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40622-020-00246-6
- Bansal, Shashank and Thenmozhi M Does CEO duality affect board independence? Moderating impact of founder ownership and family blockholding, IIMB Management Review, Accepted for publication March 2020, Forthcoming, ABDC ranking – B, H index 15, Cites/doc 1.783
- Thenmozhi and Aghila Sasidharan, Does Board Independence enhance firm value of State Owned Enterprises?:Evidence from India and China, European Business Review, Online: 14 May 2020, ABDC ranking – B, H index 36, Cites/doc 2.279, https://doi.org/10.1108/EBR-09-2019-0224
- Anuja P and M.Thenmozhi, Impact of type of blockholder promoters on leverage, International Journal of Corporate Governance, 2020, Vol.11 No.1 p.1-22, ABDC ranking – B, 1504/IJCG.2020.107393
- Shyaam Prasadh and M. Thenmozhi(2019), Does religion affect cross-border acquisitions? Tales from developed and emerging economies, Finance Research Letters, Vol.31, 300-312, ABDC ranking- A, IF 1.709 ,Cites per doc.1.88,SJR 0.77
- Shashank Bansal and M. Thenmozhi , Does Board Composition Matter to Institutional Investors?, Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 2019, First Published online June 18, 2019, Volume: 18 issue: 2_suppl, page(s): S238-S266, Issue published: August 1, 2019, ABDC ranking – B
- Narend, S. and Thenmozhi M., Do Country ETFs Influence Foreign Stock Market Index?: Evidence from India ETFs, Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 18(1_suppl), S59-S86. Article first published online: April 9, 2019; Issue published: April 1, 2019, ABDC ranking – B.
- Srinivasan Suresh, Thenmozhi, M., and P. Vijayaraghavan , Who drives corporate diversification? :Owners or Managers, Journal of Management Research, 2019, Vol. 19(4),pp.267- 284, Print ISSN : 0972-5814. Online ISSN : 0974-455X.
- Lakshmi, M. Thenmozhi and Nikhil Varaiya, Determinants of Aggregate Credit Flows to U.S. Corporate and Noncorporate Sector, SAGE Open, 2019, 9(1), First Published January 8, 2019.
- P.N. and Thenmozhi.M., Does Quality of Innovation, Culture and Governance Drive FDI? : Evidence from Emerging Market, Emerging Markets Review, 34 (March 2018), 175-191, ABDC ranking- A
- Anand, M. Thenmozhi, Nikhil Varaiya and Saumitra Bhadhuri (2016), Impact of macroeconomic factors on cash holdings: A dynamic panel model, Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 2018, 17(1), S27-S53, ABDC ranking – B
- Lakshmi & M. Thenmozhi (2018). The effect of Foreign Institutional investor Trades in Indian Equity and Debt Market: a three dimensional analysis. Decision, 2018, 45(3), 225-233.
- Maurya, Shipra and Thenmozhi, M.(2018), Unlocking the Black-box of crude oil and food prices in the presence of futures market, Finance India, March 2018, XXXII (1), 95-120, ABDC ranking – C
- Abhijeet Chandra and Thenmozhi, M (2017), Behavioural Asset Pricing: Review and Synthesis, Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 29(1):1-31. ABDC ranking – C
- Thenmozhi, M. and Maurya, Shipra Crude oil volatility transmission across food commodity markets: A Multivariate BEKK-GARCH approach, Journal of Emerging Market Finance, Accepted for publication 2017, Forthcoming, ABDC ranking – B
- Thenmozhi, M. and Chand, Sarath (2016), "Forecasting Stock Returns Based on Information Transmission Across Global Markets using Support Vector Machines", Neural Computing and Applications, Springer Journal, 27(4), 805–824. H index -57, SJR 0.64, Cites per doc 4.675
- Thenmozhi, M. and Narayanan, P.C (2016), Rule of Law or Country Level Corporate Governance: What Matters More in Emerging Market Acquisitions? Research in International Business and Finance, 37, 448–463. ABDC ranking – B, H index 31, Cites/doc 1.62, SJR: 0.65
- Narend, S. and Thenmozhi, M. (2016), What Drives Fund flows to Index ETFs and Mutual Funds?: A Panel analysis of Funds in India, Decision (Springer), 43(1):17–30.
- Thenmozhi, M., Sony Thomas and Abhijeet Chandra (2016), Open Interest, Basis, Volume and Spot Volatility during Growth, Crisis and Stable Period: Evidence from Indian Stock Market, Finance India, Vol.XXX No.2, June 2016, pp.473-510. ABDC ranking- C
- Thenmozhi, M and Srinivasan, N. (2016) Co-movement of oil price, exchange rate and stock index of major oil importing countries: a wavelet coherence approach, Journal of Developing Areas, 50(5), 85-102. ABDC ranking – B
- Srinivasan Suresh, Thenmozhi, M., and P. Vijayaraghavan (2016) Product Diversification Deciphered, Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 8(2), 38-52. ABDC ranking- C
- Anand, L., and Thenmozhi (2016), Do Large Blockholders Impact Value of Cash? Evidence from India. IPE Journal of Management, Jan-Jun 2016, Vol. 6 Issue 1, 63-79.
- Chandra, A., and Thenmozhi, M. (2015), On asymmetric relationship of India volatility index (India VIX) with stock market return and risk management. Decision, 42(1),33-55.
- Sumathi, G. N., T. J. Kamalanabhan and M. Thenmozhi (2015) “Impact of Work Experiences on Perceived Organizational Support: A Study among Healthcare Professionals”, AI & Society: Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication,30, 261–270
- Sumathi, G. N., T. J. Kamalanabhan and Thenmozhi M. (2015) Do healthcare professionals cross the border to serve rural population? ICTACT Journal of Management Studies 1(1), 20-25.
- Harold, L and M.Thenmozhi (2015), “IS/IT Success Factors In Financial Services Sector in India: A Process Model Perspective”, Prajnan (Journal of Social and Management Science), 44 (3), 225-250. ABDC ranking - C
- Narayanan, P.C. and Thenmozhi, M. (2014), "Do Cross-border Acquisitions involving Emerging Market Firms Create Value: Impact of Deal Characteristics", Management Decision, 52(8), 1451-73. ABDC -B, ABS ranking – 1*, H index -82, Cites/doc 2.538, SJR 0.73
- Sumathi, G. N., T. J. Kamalanabhan and M. Thenmozhi (2014), “Healthcare professionals’ perspective of support from public health department: a study inthe PHCs of Tamilnadu”, Indian Journal of Public Health, 58(4):230-234, H Index: 21, Cites/doc 0.868,SJR 0.4
- Harold, L. and Thenmozhi, M. (2014), Information quality and Banking Success: A Theoretical Model with Empirical Validation, International Journal of Information Quality(IJIQ), 3, No. 3, pp. 251 - 272. DOI: 10.1504/IJIQ.2014.064061
- Harold, L. and Thenmozhi, M. (2014),The Development and Application of Information System Driven Value Creation in Indian Financial Services Sector, International Journal of Business Information Systems (IJBIS), Vol. 17, No. 2, 198 – 220. H index 22, Cites/doc (2014) 1.049, SJR:0.31
- Kumar, M., & Thenmozhi, M. (2014). Trading and forecasting performance of different hybrid ARIMA-neural network models for stock returns.International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management, 4(3), 137-144.
- Nair, S. K and Thenmozhi. M,(2014) “Impact of changes in macroeconomic factors on treasury bond returns: evidence from emerging and developed markets” , Amity Global Business Review, Vol.9, pp.24-37.
(Alternative link): http://eds.a.ebscohost.com/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer
- Kumar, M. and Thenmozhi,M. (2014), Trading and Forecasting Performance of Different Hybrid ARIMA - Neural Network Models for Stock Returns”, International Journal of Modeling in Operations Management, (Inderscience), Vol.4, No.3/4 , pp.137 – 144.
- Krishna Prasanna, M.Thenmozhi and Nimit Rana(2014) , Determinants of Non-Performing assets in Indian Banking System , Journal of Bank and Bank System , 9(2), 65-78.
- Sumathi, G. N., T. J. Kamalanabhan and M. Thenmozhi (2013) Impact of perceived organizational support on job performance among health care professionals. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 7, No. 3, 2013 pp.379-391. http://inderscience.metapress.com/content/0n810tg4j6r733mr/
- Madhuri Malhotra, Thenmozhi M., Arun G. Kumar (2013), “Factors Influencing Stock Returns Abnormal Returns Around Bonus And Rights Issue Announcement”, IUP Journal of Applied Finance (IJAF), 19 (4), 41-60. ABDC ranking -C http://www.iupindia.in/1310/Applied%20Finance/Factors_Influencing_ara.html
- Malhotra, M., Thenmozhi, M., & Arun Kumar, G. (2013). Evidence on changes in time varying volatility around bonus and rights issue announcements. International Journal of Emerging Markets,8(2), 129-143. ABDC - B, H index : 22, Cites/doc 2.427
- Kumar, M. and M. Thenmozhi (2013) Forecasting Stock Index Returns using ARIMA-SVM, ARIMA-ANN, and ARIMA-Random Forest Hybrid Models, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance,5, No.3, 284 - 308. ABDC ranking -C
- Kumar, M., & Thenmozhi, M. (2012). Causal effect of volume on stock returns and conditional volatility in developed and emerging market. American Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2(4), 346-362. ABDC- C
- Srinivasan Suresh, Thenmozhi, M., and P. Vijayaraghavan (2012), Stock market reactions to corporate strategic decisions, Knowledge Economy, Vol. 1(2), pp. 5-20.
(Alternative link):
- Madhuri Malhotra, Thenmozhi M., Arun G. Kumar (2012),"Evidence on changes in Stock Prices and Liquidity around Rights Issue announcement: Industry Specific Analysis. International Journal of Business Insights and Transformation, Vol.5, No.2. pp.11-28.
(Alternative link):
- Madhuri Malhotra, Thenmozhi M., Arun G. Kumar (2012),"Liquidity Changes Around Bonus and Rights Issue Announcement: Evidence from Manufacturing and Service Sectors in India", Wealth- International Journal of Money, Banking and Finance, 1(1), Jan-Jun 2012,28-34.
- Nair, S. K and Thenmozhi. M,(2012) “Macroeconomic factors and conditional bond volatility: Evidence from emerging and developed bond markets”, American Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp.326-345. ABDC ranking -C
- Kumar, M. and M. Thenmozhi (2012) Stock Index Return Forecasting and Trading Strategy Using Hybrid ARIMA-Neural Network Model, International Journal of Financial Management, 2(1), 1-14.
- Kumar, M. and M. Thenmozhi (2012) A Hybrid ARIMA-EGARCH and Artificial Neural Network Model in Stock Market Forecasting: Evidence for India and US, International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, Volume 4, Number 2, 160-178. ABDC ranking -C
- Nair, S. K and Thenmozhi. M, (2011) “Adaptive Market Hypothesis: Evidence from Indian Bond Market”, International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 4(12), pp. 27–40. ABDC ranking C
(Alternative link): http://www.researchgate.net/publication/260165630_Adaptive_Market_Hypothesis_Evidence_from_Indian_Bond_Market
- Thenmozhi, M. and S. Priya (2011), Price Discovery in Gold, Silver and Crude Oil Spot and Futures Markets in Emerging and Developed economies, Journal of Business and Accounting, Vol.23,No.1,pp.166-177. ABDC ranking C http://ejournal.narotama.ac.id/files/AN%20EMPIRICAL%20INVESTIGATION%20OF%20THE.pdf#page=167
- Kumar, M. and Thenmozhi, M. (2009), “Forecasting Stock Index Movement: A Comparison of Support Vector Machines and Random Forest”, IIMB Management Review, Vol.21, No.1, pp.41-55. ABDC ranking- B
- Thenmozhi, M. and Radha S, (2008),“Forecasting interest rates using ARIMA and GARCH models”, Indian Journal of Capital Market, Jan-Mar, pp.17-28.
(Alternative link):
- Thenmozhi, M. and Radha S, (2008) “Dynamic Interactions among stock returns, short term interest rate, spread and expected inflation”, International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 296-318. ABDC ranking C.
- Thenmozhi, M. and S. Priya (2008), “ Volatility Spillover in Bullion and Energy futures and Spot Markets” , Journal of Emerging Financial Markets, Vol.1, No.1, pp.85-108.
(Alternative link):
- Thenmozhi, M. , Sony Thomas and R. Balaji (2008), " Expiration Day and week effects of derivatives on Spot Market trading Volume, Price Reversal and Volatility: Evidence from India"Indian Journal of Capital Market, July-September, pp.35-45.
- Thenmozhi M. and M. Sony Thomas (2008), Price discovery and Volatility Spillover in spot and futures market: Evidence from India, Indian Journal of Capital Market, A Journal of Bombay Stock Exchange, Oct.-Dec. 2007, pp.1-29.
(Alternative link):
- Malhotra, M., Thenmozhi, M. & Arun Kumar, G. (2007), ”Effect of Bonus Issue Announcement on Stock Returns using Market Model,” Journal of International Finance and Economics, Vol. 5 (1), 44-58.
(Alternative link):
- Madhuri Malhotra, Thenmozhi, M. and G. Arun Kumar (2007),“Announcement Effect of Rights Issue on Stock Returns: A study of selected Indian Manufacturing Companies", Journal of Services Research,7, No.1, April-Sept, pp.215-231.
(Alternative link):
- Thenmozhi, M. and Manish Kumar (2007), "An Experimental Analysis of Selected Training Algorithms for Artificial Neural Networks in Financial Time Series Prediction", International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, Vol. 3 (1), pp. 15-32.
- Thenmozhi, M. and Manish Kumar (2007), “Predictability and Trading Efficiency of S&P CNX Nifty Index Returns Using Support Vector Machines and Random Forest Regression”, Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, Vol. 7 (1), pp. 150-164.
(Alternative link):
- Thenmozhi, M.(2006) Forecasting stock index returns using neural networks, Delhi Business Review, X Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 59-69.a href="http://%0bwww.delhibusinessreview.org%20›%20v_7n2%20›%20v7n2e%0d"><b">de"hibusinessreview.org › v_7n2 › v7n2e
- Thenmozhi, M. and Preeti, S.K.(2006), Determinants of Non-Traditional Debt Financing Choices, KUTPM Journal of Technology and Management (Malaysia), June 2006, Vol.4(2), pp.22-46.
- Srinivasan Suresh, Thenmozhi, M., and P. Vijayaraghavan (2006), Impact of diversification Strategy on Firm Performance: Entropy Approach, ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance,12, No.11, Nov.2006, pp.27-48. http://www.iupindia.in/1106/IJAF_Diversification_Strategy_27.html
- Thenmozhi, M. and Radha S (2006), “Short-Term Interest Rates and Macroeconomic Variables: An OLS Model”, ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance, 12, No.1, pp.1-16.
- Thenmozhi, M. and Radha S (2006),“Forecasting TB Yield Using ARIMA Model”, PSGIM Journal of Management, 1, No.1, Jan- Mar. 2006, pp.29-40.
- Haripriya, R., Thenmozhi, M., & Kumar, G. A. (2006). Impact of Event in Cross-listed Market on the Stock Returns of ADR-listed Companies. Journal of Management Research, 6(1), 35-47.
- Manish Kumar, Thenmozhi and C Rajendran (2004),“Forecasting Daily Returns of Exchange Rates Using Artificial Neural Network and ARIMA model”, The ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance,Vol.10, No.11 pp.16-36.
- Thenmozhi M. and M. Sony Thomas (2004), “Impact of Index Derivatives on S&P CNX Nifty Volatility: Information Efficiency and Expiration Effects”, The ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance, 10, No.9, pp.36-55.
- Thenmozhi M. and R. Kishore Kumar (2003), “Impact of Index Futures Trading on Spot Index Volatility”, Management and Accounting Research, 7, No. 1&2 pp. 6-25.
- Sarma, L.V.L.N. , Thenmozhi M. and Preeti S.K. (2002),“The impact of Macro Finance Variables on Non-traditional Debt Financing”, ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance,8 No.1 Jan.2002 pp.35-54.
- Thenmozhi M. and Fareed Jaman (2002),“Competitive Advantage for Players in Mutual Fund Industry: A Study Based on the Perceptions of Mutual Funds” , Management and Accounting Research, April-June 2002 , Vol. 5 No.4. pp. 57-68.
- Thenmozhi M. and R.Shanthi (2002), “Opportunities and Challenges in EDI Applications in Financial Markets”, Journal of Services Research,2 No.1 2002 pp.107-122.
- Thenmozhi M. (2002), “Customer Driven Marketing Strategy for Financial Services”, Indian Journal of Business Papers,2-3 No.4-5 2002 pp.38-42.
- Thenmozhi M.(2002), “Futures Trading, Information and Spot Price Volatility of NSE-50 Index Futures Contract”, NSE News - National Stock Exchange of India, 2002 pp.8-12, 17.
- Thenmozhi, M. (2001), "Testing Chaos and Nonlinearity in BSE Sensex Time Series”, South Asian Journal of Management, Vol.7, No. 3 & 4, pp.12 –24. ABDC- C
- Karthikeyan, G. and Thenmozhi, M.(2000), TQM practices in travel services - A case study, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research,59, No. 8-9, pp. 732-737. SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) (2013) :0.282, IPP (Impact per Publication) (2013) :0.704,SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) (2013) : 0.82 http://www.niscair.res.in/sciencecommunication/researchjournals/rejour/Jsir/august.htm
- Thenmozhi, M.(2000), Market Value Added and Share Price Behaviour: An Empirical Study of BSE Sensex Companies, Delhi Business Review- An International Journal of Society for Transformation and Research, 1, No.1, pp.83-92.
- Thenmozhi M. (1999), “Economic Value Added as a Measure of Corporate Performance", The Indian Journal of Commerce, 52 No.4 Oct.- Dec. 1999. pp. 72-88.
- Thenmozhi M. (1997), “Debt Securitisaton in India”, Udyog Pragati, NITIE Bombay, Oct.– Dec. 1997 pp.41-52.
- Thenmozhi M. (1990),“The Issue of Autonomy of Public Enterprises”, Business Spectrum, I No.2 1989, pp.1-12
- Thenmozhi M. (1990), “Valuation of Shares”, Business Spectrum, II, No.4 1990, pp.30-36.
Popular articles
- Are related party transactions beneficial for firms? Financial Express, March 3, 2019 - M Thenmozhi and Aghila Sasidharan
- Dual class share system: Putting appropriate safeguards in place, Financial Express, May 6, 2019, M Thenmozhi and Aghila Sasidharan
- Corporate Social Responsibility: Policy and Spending- A Review: BSE Brokers Forum, July Edition, 2019 - M Thenmozhi and Aghila Sasidharan
- M. Thenmozhi, Regulations on Board Composition of Indian Firms, Prime Database, September, 2019
International Conferences
- Shruti, R., Thenmozhi, M., and Ghosh, C. (2024). Role of Institutional Investors in Pledging Risk: Evidence from India. Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting, GrapeVine, Texas, USA, Oct 16-19, 2024.
- Shruti, R., Thenmozhi, M., and Ghosh, C. (2024). Role of Institutional Investors in Pledging Risk: Evidence from India. Vietnam Symposium in Entrepreneurship, Finance and Innovation, Hanoi, Vietnam, Sep 26-27, 2024.
- Shruti, R., Thenmozhi, M., and Ghosh, C. (2024). Role of Institutional Investors in Pledging Risk: Evidence from India. Financial Management and Accounting Research Conference, Aiya Napa, Cyprus, June 16-18, 2024.
- Shruti, R., Thenmozhi, M., and Ghosh, C. (2024). Role of Institutional Investors in Pledging Risk: Evidence from India. British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Meeting. University of Portsmouth, UK, April 8-10, 2024.
- Hati, Koushik., Vijaya, C., & Thenmozhi, M. (2024). ESG Robo Advising: A risk-assessment based Smart Beta portfolio construction model. 14th Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference (FMCG) 2024, Monash University, Malaysia, 2-4, April 2024.
- Mishra, A., & Thenmozhi, M. (2024). Does ESG Affect Economic Development; Taking Evidence from Cross-Country Analysis Considering Role of Countries' Economic Status and Legal Origin. International Conference on Economics, Finance & Business, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, Paris, France, 3-5 June, 2024.
- Kallany, A. T., & Thenmozhi, M. (2024). Does State Ownership Affect Related Party Transactions? Evidence from Indian State-Owned Enterprises. Global Finance Conference, organized by the Global Finance Association, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy. June 18 -20, 2024.
- Choudhary, P., & Thenmozhi, M. (2024). Unlocking the Banking Potential: Digital Payment Paradigm (Paper Presentation). Global Finance Conference (GFC 2024) at Sardinia, Italy (Virtual), June 18-20, 2024.
- Mongia, H., and Thenmozhi, M. (2024). Role of Innovation during Uncertainty: Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions, Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference, Monash University, Malaysia, 2-4 April, 2024.
- Shruti, R., Thenmozhi, M., and Ghosh, C. (2023). Ownership Dynamics and Pledging Risk. Southern Finance Association (SFA) Annual Meeting. Puerto Rico, USA, Nov, 15-18, 2023.
- Shruti, R., Thenmozhi, M., and Ghosh, C. (2023). Ownership Dynamics and Pledging Risk. World Finance Conference. University of Agdar, Kristiansand, Norway, Aug 2-4, 2023.
- Shruti, R., and Thenmozhi, M. (2022). Does origin affect the monitoring incentives of institutional investors? Evidence from Stock Price Crash Risk. 1st International Conference of the International Society for the Advancement of Financial Economics. Ho Chi Minh University of Banking, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Dec 5-6, 2022.
- Sasidharan, A., Thenmozhi, M., & Ghosh, C. (2021). Does audit committee moderate the impact of related party transactions on firm value? Evidence from BRICS. Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference, Melbourne, Australia (Virtual), April 7–9, 2021.
- Shruti, R., and Thenmozhi, M. (2021). Does founder ownership impact value relevance of IFRS convergence? Evidence from India. 11th Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference. La Trobe Business School, La Trobe Unviersity, Melbourne, Australia, Apr 7-9, 2021.
- Vissa, K., & Thenmozhi, M. (2020). Do home country stability factors matter for domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions? A case of G19 countries. CCPF-Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (JIFMIM) Conference (Virtual), August 20–22, 2020.
- Aghila Sasidharan and M. Thenmozhi, Does Gender Diversity have any impact on CSR?: Evidence from Emerging Economies, 11-13 October, 2019 JFIFM- CCPF, Taiyun, China.
- Aghila Sasidharan, M. Thenmozhi and P.Saravanan, Does concentrated ownership impact CSR?: Evidence from India and China,11-13 October, 2019, JFIFM- CCPF, Taiyun, China.
- Saravanan, Aghila Sasidharan and M. Thenmozhi, Family Firms and CSR Spending : Evidence from Emerging Economies 27-30 July, 2019, International Family Enterprise and Research Academy Conference, Bergamo, Italy.
- Aghila Sasidharan and M.Thenmozhi, Does Excess cash drives Tunneling or Propping- Evidence from Emerging and Advanced Economies, 18-20 June,2018, JIFMIM, Cross country perspective in finance, Guangzhou, China.
- Anuja Sethiya, M. Thenmozhi (2018) “Do the type of Blockholder Promoters’ impact R&D investment in emerging economies?” JIFMIM- Cross Country Perspectives in Finance Conference, Guangzhou, China – June 21-23, 2018
- Anuja Sethiya, M. Thenmozhi (2018) “Do the type of Blockholder Promoters’ impact R&D investment in India?” JIFMIM- Cross Country Perspectives in Finance Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania – December 12-17, 2018
- Bansal, S. and Thenmozhi, M. (2018). “Does concentrated founder ownership affect Related Party Transactions? Evidence from Emerging Economy” World Finance Conference, Mauritius, 25-27, July 2018.
- Kameshwari Vissa and M. Thenmozhi (2018). Do Macro Determinants fillip Domestic, Inbound and Outbound Mergers & Acquisitions: A Case of G19 Countries?, 12-15, December 18, 2018 Cross Country Perspective in Finance Symposium, Tanzania
- Kameshwari Vissa and Thenmozhi(2018), Do Macro Determinants fillip Domestic, Inbound and Outbound Mergers & Acquisitions: A Case of G19 Countries JIFMIM , Cross Country Perspectives in Finance Conference, Guangzhou, China – June 21-23, 2018
- Sharon, Tensingh & Thenmozhi, M. (2018). “Interlinkages in Arbitrage, Hedging & Speculation in Crude Oil Futures Market: A Vector Error Correction (VEC) Approach”. Cross Country Perspectives in Finance, Guangzhou, China. 21-23rd June 2018.
- Prasadh, S., Thenmozhi, M.(2017). " Us Versus them": Does religious distance affect Cross-border acquisitions?, JIFMIM, Cross Country Perspective in Finance 2017, Chiang Mai University Thailand,15-17, December,2017.
- Bansal, S., & Thenmozhi, M. (2017). “Does CEO Duality Affect Board Independence?? Moderating impact of founder ownership and family blockholding” 18th World Business Research Conference, San Francisco,USA, 2-3 Nov, 2017.
- Bansal, S., & Thenmozhi, M. (2017). “Does Increasing Controlled Ownership affect Board Independence?” 2nd Vietnam Symposium in Banking and Finance, Vietnam National Univeristy, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 26-28 Oct 2017.
- Anuja Sethiya, Thenmozhi M.(2017) "Effect of Blockholder Promoters on Leverage”, 24th Annual Global Finance Conference, Hempstead, New York, USA - May 4-6, 2017.
- Prasadh, S., Thenmozhi, M.(2017). " Us Versus them": Does religious distance affect Cross-border acquisitions ?, JIFMIM, Cross Country Perspective in Finance 2017, Chengdu, China, June 23-25,2017.
- Sharon Christina T, M. Thenmozhi (2017), "Does Commodity Transaction Tax (CTT) have an impact on Indian Commodity Futures Market?”, 24th Annual Global Finance Conference, Hempstead, New York, USA - May 4-6, 2017.
- Prasadh, S., Thenmozhi, M., Narayanan, P.C. and Sundaramurthy, C. (2016). Does corruption distance affect cross-border acquisitions around the world? 4th Indonesian Financial Management Association (IFMA) Conference, Bali, Indonesia, December 14-15, 2016.
- Hemamalini and M.Thenmozhi (2016), "Comovement of banking stress across emerging and developed economies" Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (JIFMIM) Special Issue Conference, Pu’er, Yunnan, China on December 16-17, 2016.
- P.N and Thenmozhi. M (2016), "Does Quality of Innovation, Culture and Governance Drive FDI? Evidence from Emerging Markets", Conference on Cross Country Issues on Credit, Banking, Asset Pricing, and Market Liquidity, Pu’er, Yunnan, China, December 16-17, 2016.
- Lakshmi, P., M. Thenmozhi and Nikhil Varaiya. “Aggregate liquidity of the U.S. corporate sector and the economic environment: A time and frequency varying analysis”, 4th European Conference on Banking and the Economy, University of Southampton, UK, Oct 12, 2016.
- P.N and Thenmozhi.M (2016), "Does Quality of Innovation, Culture and Governance Drive FDI? : Evidence from Emerging Markets", Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (JIFMIM) Special Issue Symposium on “Cross Country Issues on Credit, Banking, Asset Pricing, and Market Liquidity” , June 23-25, 2016 at Shanxi, China.
- A and Thenmozhi.M (2016), "Co-movement of banking stress across emerging and advanced economies: A dynamic factor model and wavelet coherence approach", Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (JIFMIM) Special Issue Symposium on “Cross Country Issues on Credit, Banking, Asset Pricing, and Market Liquidity” , June 23-25, 2016 at Shanxi, China.
- S and Thenmozhi.M (2016), "Gold Exchange Traded Funds and Price Discovery: Empirical Evidence from Global Gold ETFs", The International Academic of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD), 02-05 January 2016 at Orlando, Florida.
- M, Nikhil Varaiya, P.Lakshmi (2016), "Evolution of aggregate cash holdings of US firms", The International Academic of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD), 02-05 January 2016 at Orlando, Florida.
- P.N and Thenmozhi.M (2016), "“Quality of Innovation Impacts Foreign Direct Investment: A Panel Analysis”, The International Academic of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD), 02-05 January 2016 at Orlando, Florida.
- Thenmozhi, M, Narayanan, P. C. and R. Shyaam Prasadh(2015), Does economic freedom impact post acquisition performance of cross border deals, Brunel Studies in Economics and Finance Conference, Brunel University, London, UK, June1-2.
- Thenmozhi, M and Srinivasan, N, Capturing co-movement of oil price, exchange rate and stock index of major oil importing countries: a wavelet coherence approach, 2015, Asia Pacific Conference on Business and Social Sciences, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 23 - 24.
- Narend, S and Thenmozhi, M. (2014). Performance and Price Discovery of Gold Exchange Traded Funds. Asian Finance Association – Bali, Indonesia, June 24-27, 2014.
- Narend, S and Thenmozhi, M. (2014). Performance and Price Discovery of Gold Exchange Traded Funds. World Finance & Banking Symposium – Singapore, December 11-12, 2014.
- Maurya, Shipra and Thenmozhi, M. (2014). Is there any Contagion Effect among Crude oil and Staple Food Prices?. 2014 IMRA-KEAN International Conference, Union, United State, May 29-31, 2014.
- Abhijeet Chandra and M. Thenmozhi (2014), Liquidity in Currency Options Market in India”, Financial markets and Corporate Governance Conference, QUT, Brisbane, April22-24, 2014. Paper in www.ssrn.com
- Sarath Chand G and M. Thenmozhi (2013), "Do Global stock market cues matter in forecasting stock returns in developed and developing markets?", 22th European Financial Management Association (EFMA) 22nd Annual Meeting, University of Reading, UK, June 26-29, 2013
- Mahalakshmi, M. Thenmozhi and Nikhil Varaiya (2013), "Effect of Diversification on Cash Holdings and Firm Value: A Study on Indian Firms", accepted for the presentation at the 2013 Global Finance Conference in Monterey, California, May 20-22, 2013.
- Narayanan, P. C. and Thenmozhi, M. (2012), Cross Border Acquisitions Involving Emerging Market Firms: Do Country Characterstics Matter? Midwest Finance Association Conference. New Orleans: SSRN -1927038.
- Sumathi, G. N., T. J. Kamalanabhan, and M. Thenmozhi (2012). Impact of work experiences on perceived organizational support: A study among healthcare professionals, International Management Research Academy, IMRA International Conference, London, UK, May 17-18. Proceedings in CD.
- Sumathi, G. N., T. J. Kamalanabhan, and M. Thenmozhi (2011). A study on the impact of human resource practices on organizational citizenship behavior among healthcare professionals. Academy of Human Resource Development, 10th International Conference of the Asia Chapter, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 3-6.
- Sumathi, G. N., T. J. Kamalanabhan, and M. Thenmozhi (2011). Perceived organizational support and job performance among medical personnel: a study in Indian public healthcare sector. 7th International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, Turkey, October, 6-8.
- Sumathi, G. N., T. J. Kamalanabhan, and M. Thenmozhi (2011). Measuring the performance of health care professionals. 15th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research, (ISHIMR 2011) organized by University of Sheffield and University Hospital Zurich and University of St. Gallen, Zurich, Switzerland, September 8-9.
- Elango Janakiraman and M. Thenmozhi (2011) “Effect of Service Quality of Hospitals on Patient satisfaction: A study with specific reference to beneficiaries of Community Based Health Insurance Schemes in India”, 15th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research (ISHIMR 2011) organized by University of Sheffield and University Hospital Zurich and University of St. Gallen, Zurich, Switzerland, 8-9th September.
- Kumar, M. and M. Thenmozhi, “Forecasting Stock Index Returns using ARIMA-SVM, ARIMA-ANN, and ARIMA-Random Forest Hybrid Models”, Industrial-Academic Workshop on Optimization in Finance and Risk Management, Oct 3-4,2011, Fields Institute, Toronto, Paper accepted for presentation as Invited speaker at the workshop.
- Nair, S. K and Thenmozhi. M, “Adaptive Market Hypothesis: Evidence from Indian Bond Market”, presented at the International Journal of Arts and Sciences National Conference for Academic Disciplines, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, March 7-10, 2011.
- Thenmozhi, M. and S. Priya, Price Discovery of Gold, Silver and Crude Oil Spot and Futures Markets in Emerging and Developed economies, ASBBS 17th Annual Conference, Las Vegas, 18-21February 2010. Proceedings in CD.
- Srinivasan Suresh, Thenmozhi, M., and P. Vijayaraghavan (2009), Effect of Ownership Dynamics on Diversification and Performance Relationship during Institutional Transition: The Indian Experience, 2009 Journal of Corporate Finance conference on Corporate Finance and Governance in Emerging Markets , Guanghua School of Management, Peking University in Beijing, 23rd to 25th August, 2009.
- Lawrence Harold, M. Thenmozhi: Information Quality and Banking Success: Evidence from the Indian Banking Industry. International Conference on Information Quality(ICIQ) 2008, MIT. Cambridge, MA. Proceedings, pp. 146-158.
- Thenmozhi, M. and Manish Kumar, A Comparison of Different Hybrid ARIMA - Neural Network Models for Stock Index Return Forecasting and Trading Strategy, 20th Annual Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney,12-14 December 2007.
- Suresh, S., Thenmozhi, M. and Vijayaraghavan, P. (2007) Effect of Ownership Dynamics on Firm Diversity-Performance Relationship. Proceedings of International Conference on Global Academy of Business and Economic Research, Bangkok, Thailand, Dec 27-29, 2007
- Malhotra, M., Thenmozhi, M. and Arun Kumar, G., “Effect of Bonus Issue Announcement on Stock Returns using Market Model.” International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE- 2007), Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. October 14-17, 2007.
- Thenmozhi, M. and Manish Kumar,(2007), “Predictability and Trading Efficiency of S&P CNX Nifty Index Returns Using Support Vector Machines and Random Forest Regression”, International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE-2007) Annual Conference, Las Vegas, USA October 14-17.
- Thenmozhi, M. and Rakesh Gupta, “Determinants of capital Structure choices in a Liberalised Environment: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing firms”, Australasian Business and Behavioural Sciences Association conference, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Sept.19th to October 1stProceedings in CD.
- Thenmozhi, M. and Manish Kumar, “Forecasting Index Future Returns Using Neural Network and ARIMA Models”, Financial Engineering and Applications Conference, MIT, Boston, November 8-10th Proceedings published in CD.
- Thenmozhi, M. and Sony Thomas, M. “Dynamic Interactions between Speculative Activity and Spot Market Volatility in Indian Stock Market”, Financial Engineering and Applications Conference, MIT, Boston, November 8-10th , 2004. Proceedings published in CD.
- Sarma, L.V.L.N., Thenmozhi, M, and S.K. Preeti, “Micro finance Determinants of Non-traditional Debt Financing”, International Conference on Financial Engineering and Applications, IASTED, Banff, Canada, Proceedings, pp.24-33, July 2003.
- Thenmozhi, M., “Venture capital Financing-strategies for growth”, Fifth Academic Conference 1998, South Asian Management forum, Management of Development: Growth with Equity, Thimpu, Bhutan, April 20-22,1998. Proceedings pp. 135-146.
International conference Held in India
S.No. | Author | Title | Year | Conference |
1. | Anuja Sethiya and Thenmozhi M | Which type of Blockholder Promoters prefer more Leverage? | July 7-8, 2017. | International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance (ICFMCF) 2017, IIT Kharagpur, India |
2. | Prasadh, S, and Thenmozhi, M. | “Us Versus them": Does religious distance affect Cross-border acquisitions | July 7-8, 2017 | International Conference on Corporate Finance and Financial Markets. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India |
3. | Thenmozhi,M. and Aghila Sasidharan. | Impact of Excess cash holdings on Related Party Transactions -Evidence from Indian Business Group | July 7-8 ,2017 | International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance(ICFMCF) 2017, IIT Kharagpur, India |
4. | Sharon Christina T and M. Thenmozhi | Commodity Transaction Tax (CTT) and Indian Commodity Futures Market Efficiency | July 7-8, 2017 | International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate |
5. | Vijayagopal, V. and Thenmozhi M. | The Internationalization of Indian Family Firms - The case of TVS Group of Companies | April 21-23, 2016 | Academy of International Business India Chapter Conference, IIM Indore |
6. | Thenmozhi.M, Nikhil Varaiya, P.Lakshmi | Evolution of aggregate cash holdings of US firms | April 1 and 2, 2016 | DoMS Research Symposium, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India |
7. | Lalita Anand, M. Thenmozhi, Nikhil Varaiya and Saumitra Bhadhuri | Impact of macroeconomic factors on cash holdings: A dynamic panel model | , 12-13, August, 2016 | International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance, Dept. of Management Studies, IIT Madras |
8. | Lakshmi, P., Thenmozhi M and Nikhil Varaiya | Determinants of Aggregate Cash Holdings of US Corporate Sector | 12-13, August, 2016 | International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance Dept. of Management Studies, IIT Madras |
9. | Kayalvizhi.P.N and Thenmozhi.M Kayalvizhi.P.N and Thenmozhi.M Kayalvizhi.P.N and Thenmozhi.M | Synergic impact of technology and exports on FDI | 12-13, August, 2016 | International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance ,Dept. of Management Studies, IIT Madras |
10. | Shyaam Prasadh R, Thenmozhi M., Narayanan P.C. and Chamu Sundaramurthy | Does corruption affect cross-border acquisitions around the world | 12-13, August, 2016 | International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance ,Dept. of Management Studies, IIT Madras |
11. | Madhuri Malhotra and M. Thenmozhi | Linkages among corporate governance, intellectual capital efficiency and firm performance: An empirical analysis from emerging market | 12-13, August, 2016 | International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance ,Dept. of Management Studies, IIT Madras |
12. | Hemamalini and M.Thenmozhi | Comovement of banking stress across emerging and advanced economies | 12-13, August, 2016 | International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance, Dept. of Management Studies, IIT Madras, |
13. | Narend S and M. Thenmozhi | Do country ETFs induce volatility spill-over in the foreign stock market?: evidence from India ETFs | 12-13, August, 2016 | International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance, Dept. of Management Studies, IIT Madras |
14. | Shashank Bansal and M. Thenmozhi | Does Controlled Ownership affect Board composition? | 12-13, August, 2016 | International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance, Dept. of Management Studies, IIT Madras |
15. | Vijayagopal V and M. Thenmozhi | The internationalization of family business – looking for evidence from the Indian stock market | 12-13, August, 2016 | International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance, Dept. of Management Studies, IIT Madras |
16. | Bansal, S., & Thenmozhi, M. | Does Board Composition matter to Institutional Investors? | 24th & 25th November 2015. | COSMAR’15, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore |
17. | Kayalvizhi, P.N and Thenmozhi M | Impact of Country Governance on FDI – A conceptual Framework | April 1 and 2, 2015 | DoMS Research Symposium, Indian Institute of Technology Madras |
18. | Srinivasan, N and Thenmozhi, M. | Determinants of WTI oil price: A Markov Regime Switching approach. | March 14-15, 2014 | DoMS Symposium, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras |
19. | Narend, S and Thenmozhi, M Narend, S and Thenmozhi, M | Performance and Price Discovery of Gold Exchange Traded Funds. | November 15-16, 2013 | COSMAR, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore |
20. | Maurya, Shipra and Thenmozhi, M | Contagion Effect between Crude oil and Food prices in India | Dec. 11-13, 2013 | International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore |
21. | Abhijeet Chandra and M. Thenmozhi | Investor Sentiment, Volatility and Stock Returns Comovements | Dec. 17-19, 2013 | India Finance Conference 2013, IIM Ahmedabad, |
22. | Narayanan, P. C., Thenmozhi M. and Chamu Sundaramurthy | Corruption Index and Cross border acquistions: An emerging market perspective | 15-17th, April 2013 | The Academy of International Business India Conference, IIM-Bangalore |
23. | Lalita Anand, Thenmozhi M. and Nikhil Varaiya | Corporate Governance and Firm’s Cash holdings: Evidence from India | Dec. 2012 | CMC XI Capital Markets Conference |
24. | Abhijeet Chandra and Thenmozhi M. | Liquidity in currency options market in India | Dec. 2012 | CMC XI Capital Markets Conference |
25. | Lawerence Harold and Thenmozhi M. | Development of a measurement instrument for evaluating information technology investment success in financial services sector | Dec. 21-23, 2011 | India Finance Conference, IIM Bangalore |
26. | Manish Kumar and Thenmozhi M. | Causal effect of volume on stock returns and conditional volatility in developed and emerging markets | Dec. 21-23, 2011 | India Finance Conference, IIM Bangalore |
27. | Nachiketa Misra and Thenmozhi M. | Price leadership of stock futures and spot market: A market condition based analysis using intraday data | Dec. 21-23, 2011 | India Finance Conference, IIM Bangalore |
28. | Karthika S. Nair and Thenmozhi M. | Effect of macroeconomic variables on bond index return and conditional volatility: Evidence from emerging and developed markets | Dec. 21-23, 2011 | India Finance Conference, IIM Bangalore |
29. | Sumathi, G. N., T. J. Kamalanabhan and Thenmozhi M. | Improving PHC performance: the key to meet Millennium Development Goals | March 3-4, 2011 | X development convention 2011 and doctoral colloquium on Millennium Development Goals: performance, prospects and challenges for South India, Hyderabad |
30. | Malhotra, M., Thenmozhi M. and Arun Kumar, G. | Evidence of Changes in Time Varying Volatility around Bonus and Rights Issue Announcements | 18–20 February, 2011 | International Conference on Practice and Research in Management 2011, at Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University), Agra |
31. | Sujay Prasad Srivastava and Thenmozhi M. | A Study of Market Efficiency of Stock Markets in Emerging and Developed Economies | January 1-4, 2011 | Eighth AIMS International Conference on Management, Management Education in 2020: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad |
32. | Manish Kumar and Thenmozhi M. | Stock Index Return Forecasting and Trading Strategy Using Hybrid ARIMA-Neural Network Model | 26-28 December 2007 | International Conference on Emerging Financial Markets, PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore |
33. | Malhotra, M., Thenmozhi M. and Arun Kumar, G. | Stock Market Reaction and Liquidity Changes Around Bonus Issue Announcement: Evidence from India Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=962830 | 19 December, 2007 | Tenth Indian Institute of Capital Markets Conference |
34. | Thenmozhi M. and Priya, S | Price Discovery In Commodity Markets: A Study of Indian Gold Market | 26-28 December 2007 | 1st International Conference on Emerging Financial Markets, PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore |
35. | Thenmozhi M. and Manish Kumar | Support Vector Machine Approach to Predict the S&P CNX NIFTY Index Returns http://ssrn.com/abstract=962833 | December 2006 | 10th Indian Capital Market Conference, Indian Institute of Capital Market |
36. | Thenmozhi M. and Manish Kumar | A Comparison Study of Selected Training Algorithms for Neural Networks to Financial Time Series Prediction | August 2006 | 7th International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management, Jaipur |
37. | Thenmozhi M. and Manish Kumar | Forecasting Stock Index Movement: “A Comparison of Support vector Machines and Random Forest http://ssrn.com/abstract=876544 | December 2005 | Nineth Indian Capital Market Conference, Indian Institute of Capital Markets, Mumbai |
38. | Thenmozhi M., Srinivasan Suresh and P. Vijayaraghavan | Stock Market Reaction to Corporate Strategic Decisions | December 2005 | Nineth Indian Capital Market Conference, Indian Institute of Capital Markets, Mumbai |
39. | Thenmozhi M. and Radha S | Forecasting Short Term Interest Rates using ARMA, ARMA-GARCH and ARMA-EGARCH models | December 2005 | Nineth Indian Capital Market Conference, Indian Institute of Capital Markets, Mumbai |
40. | Thenmozhi M. and Manish Kumar | Static and Dynamic Neural Network in Forecasting Exchange Rate Returns | March, 2005 | Conference on Finance and accounting, IIM Lucknow |
41. | Thenmozhi M. and Manish Kumar | Stock Index return Forecasting and Trading Strategy using Hybrid ARIMA-Neural Network Model | July, 2005 | Second Conference on Research on Indian Financial System, ICICI Research, & GIM, Goa |
42. | Thenmozhi M. and Manish Kumar | A Comparison of Different Hybrid ARIMA and Neural | August, 2005 | International |
43. | Thenmozhi M., G. Arun Kumar and R. Haripriya | Impact of Event on the Performance of ADR | August, 2005 | International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management, IIM |
44. | Thenmozhi M. and Sony Thomas, M | Dynamic Interactions and Causal Relationship among Spot | Jan. 2005 | International Conference 2005 on Emerging Securities Market: Challenges and Prospects, SEBI |
45. | Lawrence Harold and Thenmozhi M. | Evaluation of Information Technology Investments – | 7th-8th January, 2005 | International Conference of Banking and |
46. | Thenmozhi M. and Radha S | Short-term interest rates and Macroeconomic variables: An OLS model | 26th –27th December 2004 | Second International Conference on Business and Finance, ICFAI, Hyderabad |
47. | Thenmozhi M. and Radha S | Modeling and Forecasting Short-term Interest rates: A Literature Survey | 19th -20th November 2004 | Third National Conference on Business Research, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore |
48. | Thenmozhi M. and Madhuri Malhotra | Structure and Operations of Indian Debt Market: Critical Issues for Development | 19th -20th November 2004 | Third National Conference on Business Research, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore |
49. | Thenmozhi M. and Radha S | Long-run relationship between interest rates and inflation: An Error Correction Model http://ssrn.com/abstract=876556 | 20th –21st December 2004 | Eighth Capital Markets Conference, IICM Mumbai – |
50. | Thenmozhi M. and Radha S | Forecasting TB Yield Using ARIMA Model | 26th –27th November 2004 | First National Conference on Finance and Economics, ICFAI Bangalore |
51. | Thenmozhi M. and Sony Thomas, M | Dynamic Interactions between Hedging Activity and Spot Market Volatility in Indian Stock Market | July 17-18, 2004 | Research on India’s Financial System, NSE, GIM, Goa |
52. | Thenmozhi M. and M. Sony Thomas | Impact of Index Derivatives on S&P CNX Nifty Volatility: Information Efficiency and Expiration Effects | December 2003 | International Conference on Business and Finance, ICFAI, Hyderabad and Philadelphia University |
53. | Manish Kumar, Thenmozhi M. and C Rajendran | Forecasting Daily Returns of Exchange Rates Using Artificial Neural Network and ARIMA model | December 2003 | International Conference on Business and Finance, ICFAI, Hyderabad and Philadelphia University |
54. | Sarma,L.V.L.N., Thenmozhi M. and Preeti S.K. | Effect of Non-Traditional Debt on Financial Risk: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Firms | December 2003 | International Conference on Business and Finance, ICFAI, Hyderabad and Philadelphia University |
55. | Thenmozhi M. and Sony Thomas, M. | Expiration Day Effects of Stock Index Derivatives: Evidence from Indian Stock Market | Dec. 18-19, 2003 | Seventh Annual Capital Markets Conference- 2003, UTI, Mumbai |
56. | Thenmozhi M. and Rakesh Gupta (M.B.A student) | Determinants of Capital Structure Choices of Indian Manufacturing Firms in the last decade of Liberalisation | Dec. 18-19, 2003 | Seventh Annual Capital Markets Conference- 2003, UTI, Mumbai |
57. | Thenmozhi M., C. Rajendran and Manish Kumar | Neural returns based forecasting of the daily returns of Exchange Rate | Dec. 18-19, 2003 | Seventh Annual Capital Markets Conference- 2003, UTI, Mumbai |
58. | Thenmozhi M. and Sony Thomas, M | Applications of Heteroscedastic Modeling in Finance | Nov. 2002 | National Seminar on Business Research Methods, PSG School of Management, Coimbatore |
59. | Thenmozhi M. and Kishore Kumar, R. | Predictability of BSE Returns using Neural Networks: An exploratory study | Aug. 12-14, 2001 | International Conference on Industrial Mathematics, IIT Madras |
60. | Thenmozhi M. | Knowledge Management in Knowledge Based Industries | December, 2001 | National Seminar on Management Practices in Knowledge Based Industries, NISIET, Hyderabad |
61. | Thenmozhi M. and Kishore Kumar R. | Implications of WTO on the Indian Banking Sector | Aug. 25-27, 2001 | AIMS Annual Convention: WTO and Competitiveness- Challenges of Indian Business and Management Education, Excel Books, 2001, pp.328-339 |
62. | Thenmozhi M. | Critical Success National Seminar on Funding Options for Long Gestation Projects Factors for private sector Financing of Road Sector Projects | July, 27, 2001 | NISIET, Hyderabad |
63. | Thenmozhi M. | Private Sector Financing for Infrastructure projects: Issues and Challenges - with particular reference to Transport Sector | March 23-25, 2000 | South Asian Management Forum 2000: Opportunities and Challenges for Management Development, Poona |
64. | Thenmozhi M. | Market Value Added and Share price Behaviour: An Empirical Study of BSE Sensex Companies | January 8-10, 2000 | International Conference on International Business: Challenges and Perspectives, Delhi |
65. | Thenmozhi M. and Shanthi, R. | EDI Applications in Financial Markets | January 3-6, 2000 | Second International Conference on Business and Management, Ahmedabad [Conference Proceedings, McGrawHill, New Delhi, pp.196-203] |
66. | Karthikeyan, G. and Thenmozhi M. | TQM Practices of Service Providers in India: A Case Study | December 28-29, 1999 | International Workshop on ‘Management of Intangibles', National Institute of Science, Technology and Development, New Delhi |
67. | Thenmozhi M. | Electronic Commerce and Integrated Supply Chain Management | November 1999 | XXII Annual Convention 1999 - Supply Chain Management, Indian Institute of Materials management, Hyderabad |
68. | Thenmozhi M. | Economic value added as a measure of Corporate Performance | October 28-30, 1999 | 53rd All India Commerce Conference, Aurangabad |
69. | Thenmozhi M. | International trade: Emerging issues | 18-19, September, 1999 | Seminar on " Managing Foreign trade: Directions for the next Millenium" Chennai |
70. | Thenmozhi M. | Effective Corporate Response to Liberalisation | 13-14, March, 1999 | National Conference on Surviving Success through Liberalisation, Coimbatore |
71. | Thenmozhi M. | Chaos and Non-linear Dynamics: Application to Indian Stock Market | Dec 9-11, 1999 | International Conference on Mathematical Modeling of Nonlinear Systems |
72. | Thenmozhi M. | Technology Based Teaching Pedagogy | 18-20, November 1998 | National Seminar on Better World Environment through engineering, education and management, TTTI, Chennai |
73. | Thenmozhi M. | Information Technology Based Management Learning | March 25-26, 1998 | National Seminar on Recent Trends in Information technology and Its Impact on Business Management, Anna University, Chennai |
74. | Thenmozhi M. | Innovations in Technology Financing | December 21-24, 1997 | International Conference on Management of Technology, IIT, New Delhi |
75. | Thenmozhi M. | Critical Issues in Debt Securitisation in India | January 4-5, 1997 | Third International Accounting Conference on Accounting in a Changing Perspective, Calcutta |
76. | Thenmozhi M. | Barun Chemicals – The Growth Dilemma | August 29-31, 1997 | AIMS Annual Management Convention, Poona |
77. | Thenmozhi M. | Disinvestment of Public Enterprises – The Pricing Issue | November 23-24, 1996 | National Seminar on Issues in Privatisation, Foreign Investment & Disinvestment in Public Sector Undertakings, Velur |
78. | Thenmozhi M. | Competitive Structural Analysis of Merchant Banking Industry | August 20-21, 1996 | AIMS Annual Management Convention, Chennai |
79. | Thenmozhi M. | The Changing Debt Market Scenario | December 29-31,1994 | 48th All India Commerce Conference, Kakatiya University, Warangal |
80. | Thenmozhi M. | Indian Capital Market – Trends and Challenges Ahead | March 24-25, 1994 | National Seminar on Economic Liberalisation and Industry, Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar |
81. | Thenmozhi M. | Privatisation of Public Enterprises – In the Indian Context | June 22-26, 1992 | National Research Development Workshop, Bombay |
82. | Thenmozhi M. | Organisational Relationships and Productivity in Public Enterprises | December 6-8, 1990 | National Seminar on Employment and Productivity: Through People, Technology and Change, Calicut |
83. | Thenmozhi M. | The Privatisation Issue in the Government – Public Enterprise Interface | March 22-23, 1989 | Seminar on Privatisation of Public Enterprises: Issues and Policies, Pondicherry |
84. | Thenmozhi M. | Organisational Climate, Job Satisfaction | February 1988 | Seminar on Organisational Climate, Vellore |
85. | Thenmozhi M. | Performance Indicators for State Financial Institutions | March 1987 | Seminar on Entrepreneurial Development and Development Banking, Madras |
Industry Sponsored Skill Development Projects/Consulting
–51 Projects – Selective List
- Web Enabled Management training Program for Chennai Petroleum Corporation LTD & Chennai, January, 2020
- Strategic Leadership Programme, Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Neyveli, Jan 2020.
- Project Leadership and Management Development Program (PLMDP), L&T, April, Nov.2019 Dec.2017,April,2018, May 2018,.
- Fundamentals of research in Management and Engineering, FLSmidth Private Limited, Sep 2019 , March 2017, 2013, 2011, 2010, 2009
- Executive Programme in Business Administration, GMMCO and others, Aug 2018 to July 2020
- Executive Programme in Business Administration, GMMCO, Tafe and others, Aug 2017 to July 2019
- Supervisory Development Programme, L&T, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009
- Executive Development Programme for NTECL, Chennai, May 2017
- Executive Programme in Business Administration, GMMCO, Aug 2016 to June2018
- Management and Supervisory Development Programme, NTPC, Nov. 2016
- General Management Programme, NTECL-Vallur, May 2016
- Executive Programme in Business Administration, GMMCO and others, July 2015-July 2017,
- Management training for Headmasters of Chennai schools, Department of School Education, Chennai, 2012, 2010
- EDP on International Marketing Exporters of Leather and Leather Manufacturers, 2010
- Executive Development programme, Consolidated Construction Consortium,2010
- Management development Programme – Finance for project Managers Caterpillar India ltd., Consultant,2007
- Design and Development of Internal Customer Satisfaction index for Engineering Projects Division, Bharat petroleum Corporation of India limited, Consultant, 2002
- Mutual Funds – Processing system, Wipro Technologies, July 2000
Sponsored Research Projects -16 projects
- Financial Risk Governance structure in India, ICAI Accounting Research Foundation (ARF), Coinvestigator: Krishna Prasanna, 2012-13, Rs.9,00,000
- Study and evaluation of nonperforming assets of HUDCO, HUDCO, Mumbai, Coinvestigator: P.Krishna Prasanna,2012-13, Rs.6,48,000
- Corporate liquidity and Flow of funds, San Diego State University, San Diego, Joint research project with Prof. Nikhil P . Varaiya, Professor in Finance, SDSU, San Diego, Feb. 2011
- Computational Finance - Book writing, IIT Madras, Principal Investigator,2013, Rs.1,00,000
- Risk Management- Crude Oil and Forward Rate forecasting, Chennai, Tata Consultancy Services, Principal Investigator,1 month-2012, Rs.50,000
- India VIX and Risk management, National Stock Exchange, Principal Investigator, Co-investigator: Abhijeet Chandra, Dec.2012-April, 2013
- NPTEL Project for Development of the course ‘Financial Institutions and Markets´, CCE, IIT Madras, Principal Investigator,2009-10,Rs.2,00,000
- Dynamic Interaction among Mutual Fund Flows, Stock Market Return and Volatility, National Stock Exchange, Principal Investigator, Coinvestigator: Manish Kumar, 2009
- Development & Updating of Curriculum on Strategic Management, CCE, IIT Madras, Principal Investigator, Coinvestigator: L.Prakash Sai,2006-2007,Rs.40,000
- NPTEL Project for Development of the course ‘Management Science-I”, CCE, IIT Madras, Principal Investigator, 2004-2005, Rs.1,00,000
- Futures Trading and Spot Price Volatility of Nifty Index Futures, National Stock Exchange, Principal Investigator, 3 months-2002
- Multimedia Based Instructional Module on Financial Services, AICTE and Centre for Continuing Education, IIT Madras, Principal Investigator, June 2002-2003,Rs.1,30,000
- Multimedia Based Instructional Module on Corporate Strategy Formulation in the Global Scenario, AICTE and Centre for Continuing Education, IIT Madras, Principal Investigator, June 2000-2001, Rs.1,00,000
- Multimedia Based Instructional Module on Strategic Options to Become a Global Company, AICTE and Centre for Continuing Education, I.I.T. Madras, Principal Investigator, November 1999-2000, Rs.1,00,000
- Financial Control and Risk Management by Multinational Corporations, New Faculty Scheme, I.T. Madras, Principal Investigator, January- June 1999,Rs.1,00,000
- Computer Aided Instructional Module on Project Appraisal, AICTE and Centre for Continuing Education, I.T. Madras, Principal Investigator ,November 1998-99,Rs.75,000
Faculty Development Programmes – (selective list)
- Workshop on Business Groups and Governance in Emerging Market, M.Thenmozhi,17-22 July, 2017.
- Workshop on Practical Approaches to stock market Investing, M.Thenmozhi, 8-9 aug.2015.
- Workshop on IPR: strategy for Growth, M.Thenmozhi & Feroz Ali Khader, 7-8 Aug.2015.
- Summer School on Financial engineering and Analytics, M.Thenmozhi & P.Krishna Prasanna, 14-18 May, 2015.
- Workshop on Understanding Business processes through Case studies, M.Thenmozhi, 22-26, Sept. 2015.
- Improving the Quality of Research and Making Mid-Course Corrections, M.Thenmozhi, 24-29, March 2015.
- Workshop on Financial Modeling and Analytics,M.Thenmozhi & P.Krishna Prasanna,5-9, Nov.2013
- FDP on Multivariate Data Analysis, M.Thenmozhi,5-6 Dec., 2013
- FDP on Time Series Analysis, M.Thenmozhi, 7 Dec. 2013
Entrepreneurial Development Programmes
- 14 week SIDBI Small Industries Management Programme, 2005
- 14 week SIDBI Small Industries Management Programme, 2004
- 14 week SIDBI Small Industries Management Programme, 2003,
Received the National Award for developing the best manufacturing policy draft for
India from the former Prime Minister Shri. Atal Bihari Vajpayee at the National Manufacturing Sector Policy Competition in 2003Executive Programme in Business Administration, (Batch 2014 - 2016)
Inaugral ceremony of ICFMCF 2017
Inaugral ceremony of ICFMCF 2016
Project leadership and Managerial development programme 2017 for L&T
Seminar on Liquidity and Asset Prices by Prof. Yakov Amihud, Ira Rennert Professor of Enterpreneurial Finance,
Leonard N. Sterm School of Business, NYU.
Workshop on Business Groups and Governance in Emerging Markets by Prof. Radhakrishnan Gopalan, Olin Business School,
Washington University in St. Louis.
List of International assignments - US, Australia, Europe, Nigeria
- Visiting Fellow, School of Economics and Finance, Faculty of Business, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane 11.2007 to 21.12.2007 – Research Project
- Visiting Scholar, ETSII School , Universidad Politecnia de Madrid, Madrid - 11.2009 to 21.12.2009. – Taught International Masters course jointly - Accounting and Finance for Management
- Fulbright Visiting Professor College of Business Administration, San Diego State University, San Diego, 1.2011 to 5.5.2011 – Research Project.
- Visiting Professor, University of Passau, June 10 to 28th, 2010 - Taught a Master’s course : Financial Institutions and Markets - 2 credits.
- Visiting EXIM Bank ICCR Chair Professor, Lagos Business School, Lagos, Nigeria, Sept.19-Oct.30, 2016, Indian Council for Cultural Relations(ICCR), Ministry of External affairs, Government of India – Teach Finance course to executive MBA and Research
List of international seminar /talks (selective list)
- Keynote address titled Regulations and Trends in Financial Market at the International Conference on Banking, Finance and Business, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman,24, April 2019
- Talk on Digital and Cultural Integration Skills, at the Seminar on Managing Cultural Diversity at Koblenz University, University of applied sciences, Rhein Ahr campus, Remagen, Germany, 25, Nov.2017
- Public lecture on "Path Towards Robust Financial Sector: The Indian Perspective" to Indian business professionals on 22.10.16 at High Commission office, Lagos, Nigeria.
- Delivered a Seminar talk at Department of Business Administration, San Diego State University, San Diego on the topic “Determinants of Corporate Cash Holdings: A Study Using U.S. Federal Reserve Flow of Funds Data” on April 15, 2011
- Delivered a Seminar talk at Department of Accounting and Finance, California State University, Stanislaus on the topic “Dynamic Interaction among Mutual Fund Flows, Stock Market Return and Volatility” on April 29, 2011
- Delivered a Seminar talk at Seidman College of Business, Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, MI on the topic “Stock Index Forecasting using Hybrid ARIMA-EGARCH-SVM Models” on April 4, 2011
- Delivered a Seminar Talk in the School of Economics and Finance, Faculty of Business , QUT, on the topic – Price Discovery and Volatility Spillover in S&P CNX Nifty Futures and Spot Market: Evidence from India on 18th December, 2007.