Indian Institute of Technology Madras


Dr. Thenmozhi M

Professor & Head

Ph.D., University of Madras, 1988.

M.Phil , University of Madras, 1984

M.Com , University of Madras, 1983

B.Com,University of Madras, 1981



Office : DoMS 203

Brief Profile

Prof.  (Ms.) M. Thenmozhi 

Professor and Head

Department of Management Studies

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Chennai 600 036, India

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Mobile: 9840133732



Prof. (Ms.) M.Thenmozhi is a Professor in Finance at Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai and currently, head of the Department of Management Studies at IIT Madras. She was previously, the Director of National Institute of Securities Markets, Mumbai. She also served as Faculty at Anna University, Chennai.  She obtained her Doctorate from University of Madras and did her graduation and post-graduation at Ethiraj College for Women, University of Madras, Chennai. She has rich experience of more than three decades and is well known for her contributions in the domain of financial markets, financial modeling, corporate finance and governance.

She is a distinguished alumnus of Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai (2024) and a rank holder of University of Madras. She has been ranked in top 100 women in finance in India in 2019 and 2020 by AIWMA. She is an Executive Endeavour fellow of the Australian Government and a recipient of Fulbright-Nehru Visiting Lecturer Fellowship and European Union Erasmus Mundus Scholarship. She is a National Award winner for developing the best manufacturing policy draft for India from the former Prime Minister Shri. Atal Bihari Vajpayee at the National Manufacturing Sector Policy Competition organized by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and We Think for India(WTI) Forum. She is a recipient of EXIM Bank Chair Professorship in finance offered by Indian Council for Cultural relations, Ministry of External affairs, Government of India. She has international teaching/research experience with UPM, Madrid, University of Passau, Germany, Lagos Business School, Nigeria, QUT, Brisbane and San Diego State University, US.

She has guided 21 PhD scholars, 9 MS scholars and mentored three post docs. She has extensively published and has papers in journals such as International Review of Financial Analysis, Finance Research letters, Pacific Basin Journal of Finance, Emerging Market review, Research in international Business and Finance, Neural computing and Applications, Management Decision, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, Decision, IIMB Review and Journal of Emerging Market Finance.

She specialises in applied and policy implications-based research in the domain of corporate finance, market microstructure and financial time series modeling. Her prominent work includes modeling price discovery, volatility spillover and information transmission in stock, bond and commodity markets, developing hybrid artificial intelligence based models to predict stock prices, policy driven dimensions of governance of promoter dominated firms and determinants of FDI and cross border acquisitions. She has developed hybrid AI and Support Vector Machine based forecasting models for stock market trading and investing, models to test information transmission between markets, determinants of ETFs performance, Commodity market price discovery, impact of family and promoter driven firm’s governance and country level determinants of FDI and Cross border acquisitions. She has won several best research paper awards for her research work both at the national and international level. She received the Best researcher Award in Commerce (2020)  from the K.P. Muraleedharan Endowment Trust, Calicut University.

She has set up a CAMS IITM Fintech Innovation Lab to develop solutions on unsolved issues in the area of fintech applications, particularly in banking and finance sector and develop and mentor startups in fintech domain.  

Her professional assignments include: Advisory Committee Member, Vinod Gupta school of Management, IIT Kharagpur 2021-25, Member of Finance Committee of the Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing, Kancheepuram 2023-26, Academic Council Member, Madras School of Economics, Chennai, AICTE nominee on the Board of Governors of Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, AICTE nominee on the Board of Governors of XIME, Chennai, Member, Executive Board, Association of Indian Management Schools(AIMS).

She is known for her customised skill based executive development programmes for various companies such as L&T (PT&D), Flsmidth, GMMCO, IOCL,  NTECL, CPCL and NLC. She has also developed e-learning modules in WebCT, Authorware Professional and NPTEL.

To add, she was Tamilnadu State Kho-Kho State Player (1974) and has won the gold medal in Chennai district Masters Athletic Competition, Tamilnadu (2023). She loves to read books and is very passionate about doing research.