Dr. Rupashree Baral

Ph.D., S.J.M. School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2010

M.A. (Industrial Relations & Personnel Management), Berhampur University, Orissa, 2000

B.Sc. (Zoology Hons.) , Utkal University, Orissa, 1996

+91-44-2257 4561


Office :DoMS 206
- Professor (HR&OB) at IIT Madras from 2022 – till date.
- Associate Professor (HR & OB) at IIT Madras from 2018 – 2022.
- Assistant Professor (HR & OB) at IIT Madras from 2011 – 2018.
- Assistant Professor (HR & OB) at MPSTME, NMIMS, Mumbai.
- Visiting Faculty (IR and Labor Laws) at AMITY B’School, Mumbai.
- Lecturer (HR & OB) at IMAGE, Bhubaneswar.
- Academic Associate (P & IR) at IIM Ahmedabad.
- Visiting Faculty at the University of Passau, Germany, from November - December 2019.
- Advisor Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), IIT Madras (December 2022 - Till date)
- Management Representative ISO 9001:2015 QMS, IITM (August 2020 - Till date)
- Warden, Swarnamukhi Hostel, IIT Madras (September 2022 - Till date)
- Research Program Coordinator DOMS IIT Madras - (2019-2022)
- Human Resource Management
- Organisational Behaviour
- Industrial/ Employee Relations
- Career Management
- Organizational Leadership and Transformation
- Principles and Practices of Management
- Research in HR and OB
Current Research Interests
- Work-Family Interface: Work-Family Conflict, Work-Family Enrichment, Boundary Management, Cross-Cultural Dynamics
- Women in Management and Entrepreneurship: Women in Management, Women Entrepreneurship, Career Exit and Re-entry of Women, Gender
- Social Responsibility: CSR, Sustainability, Corporate Environmental Behavior, Sustainable Decision Making, Green HR
- Progressive HR Practices: Employer Branding, Employee and Family-Friendly HR Policies and Practices, Diversity and Inclusion
- Technology and Human Interface: Gamification and Learning, User behavior in MOOCs, Social Networking, Virtual Teams
- Behavior at Workplace: Knowledge Hiding and Sharing, Employee Well-Being, Employee Engagement, Leadership
- Lexman, R. R., and Baral, R. (2023). Digital twins in MOOCs: exploring ways to enhance interactivity. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, (Ahead of print)
- Thomas, NJ, Baral, R., Crocco, OS & Mohanan, S (2023). A framework for gamification in the metaverse era: How designers envision gameful experience. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 193, 122544. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122544
- Banu, J., Baral, R., & Kuschel, K. (2023). Negotiating business and family demands: the response strategies of highly educated Indian female entrepreneurs, Community, Work & Family, 1-27. DOI: 10.1080/13668803.2023.2215394
- Baral, R., Dey, C., Manavazhagan, S., & Kamalini, S. (2023). Women entrepreneurs in India: a systematic literature review. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. 15 No. 1, pp. 94-121. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJGE-05-2021-0079
- Billing, T., Baral, R. & Beutell, N (2023). Resilience during Disruption : A Cross National Examination of the Work-Family Interface. International Journal of Stress Management. 21 No. 1, 100718 https://doi.org/10.1037/str0000275
- Thomas, N. J., & Baral, R. (2023). Mechanism of Gamification: Role of Flow in the Behavioral and Emotional Pathways of Engagement in Management Education. International Journal of Management Education. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijme.2022.100718
- Ramya, S.M., Banu, J., Asokan Ajitha, A. and Baral, R. (2023), Walking on a thin line! Empirical examination of work–home boundary violations faced by employees during forced work from home, Employee Relations, Vol. 45 No. 2, pp. 277-303. https://doi.org/10.1108/ER-11-2021-0515
- Lexman, R.R. and Baral, R. (2023), Video-conferencing applications for educational continuity: an inquiry towards building institutional resilience, Development and Learning in Organizations, Vol. 37 No. 2, pp. 18-22. https://doi.org/10.1108/DLO-01-2022-0030
- Issac, A.C., Bednall, T.C., Baral, R., Magliocca, P. and Dhir, A. (2023), The effects of expert power and referent power on knowledge sharing and knowledge hiding, Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 27 No. 2, pp. 383-403. https://doi.org/10.1108/JKM-10-2021-0750
- Lexman, R., & Baral, R. (2022). Student perceptions influencing MOOC enrolment in Higher Education Institutions: An IQA perspective. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology, 18(1).
- Rastogi, M., Baral, R., & Banu, J. (2022). What does it take to be a woman entrepreneur? Explorations from India. Industrial and Commercial Training, 54(2), 333-356. https://doi.org/10.1108/ICT-03-2021-0022
- Thomas, N.J., Baral, R., & Crocco, O.S. (2022) Gamification for HRD: Systematic review and future research directions. Human Resource Development Review, 21(2), 198-224. https://doi.org/10.1177/15344843221074859
- Deepa, R. & Baral, R. (2022), Is my Employee still attracted to me? Understanding the impact of Integrated Communication and choice of Communication Channels on Employee Attraction, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 27 No. 1, 2022 pp. 110-126. DOI (10.1108/CCIJ-09-2020-0136)
- Banu, J. and Baral, R. (2022), Career choice, growth and well-being of women entrepreneurs’ community: insights on driving factors in India, Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, Vol. 16 No. 5, pp. 781-807. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEC-12-2020-0206
- Ramya, S.M., and Baral, R. (2021), CSR during COVID-19: Exploring select organizations’ intents and activities, Corporate Governance, DOI (10.1108/CG-09-2020-0426). VOL. 21 NO. 6 2021, pp. 1028-1042
- Deepa, R. & Baral, R. (2021), Relationship between Integrated Communication Effectiveness and Employee-based Brand Equity – Mediating role of Psychological Contract Fulfillment, Journal of Product & Brand Management. DOI (10.1108/JPBM-01-2019-2212).
- Issac, A. C., Issac, T. G., Baral, R., Bednall, T. C., & Thomas, T. S. (2021), Why you hide what you know: Neuroscience behind knowledge hiding. Knowledge and Process Management 28(3),266-276. https://doi.org/10.1002/kpm.1677.
- Issac, A.C. and Baral, R. (2021), Techniques that facilitate knowledge hiding: perspectives of ethical dilemmas from both sides of the coin, Development and Learning in Organizations, Vol. 35 No. 2, pp. 15-17. https://doi.org/10.1108/DLO-11-2019-0263
- Issac, A.C., Baral, R., & Bednall, T.C. (2020), What is not hidden about knowledge hiding: Deciphering the future research directions through a morphological analysis. Knowledge and Process Management, 28 (1), 40-55, https://doi.org/10.1002/kpm.1657.
- Sampath, P., Baral, R. and Rastogi, M. (2020), Crossover of work–family conflict in supervisor–subordinate dyads in India: does LMX matter?, South Asian Journal of Business Studies, Vol. 9 No. 3, pp. 373-390. https://doi.org/10.1108/SAJBS-11-2019-0212
- Ramya, S.M., Shereen, A. and Baral, R. (2020), Corporate environmental communication: a closer look at the initiatives from leading manufacturing and IT organizations in India, Social Responsibility Journal, Vol. 16 No. 6, pp. 843-859. https://doi.org/10.1108/SRJ-11-2019-0376
- Issac, A.C., Baral, R. and Bednall, T.C. (2020), Don’t play the odds, play the man: Estimating the driving potency of factors engendering knowledge hiding behaviour in stakeholders, European Business Review, Vol. 32, pp. 531-551. https://doi.org/10.1108/EBR-06-2019-0130
- Issac, A.C. and Baral, R. (2020), A trustworthy network or a technologically disguised scam: A biblio-morphological analysis of bitcoin and blockchain literature, Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, Vol. 69 No. 6/7, pp. 443-460.
- Kalra, A. and Baral, R. (2019), Enterprise social network (ESN) systems and knowledge sharing: what makes it work for users?, VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. 50 No. 2, pp. 305-327. https://doi.org/10.1108/VJIKMS-04-2019-0047
- Issac, A.C. and Baral, R. (2019), Knowledge hiding in two contrasting cultural contexts: A relational analysis of the antecedents using TISM and MICMAC, VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. 50 No. 3, pp. 455-475. https://doi.org/10.1108/VJIKMS-09-2019-0148
- Ramya M. & Baral, R. (2019). 'Mind' matters! - A conceptual framework using mental models and green nudging to drive corporate environmental responsibility, Management Decision, DOI: 10.1108/MD-01-2019-0061.
- Baral, R. (2019), Comparing the situation and person-based predictors of work–family conflict among married working professionals in India, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Vol. 39 No. 5, pp. 479-495. https://doi.org/10.1108/EDI-01-2019-0040
- Baral, R. & Pavithra, S. (2019). Exploring the moderating effect of susceptibility to emotional contagion in the crossover of work-family conflict in supervisor-subordinate dyads. Personnel Review, 48 (5), pp. 1336-1356.
- Deepa, R. & Baral, R. (2019). Importance-Performance Analysis as a tool to guide Employer Branding Strategies in the IT-BPM industry. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 6(1), pp. 77-95.
- Krishnapriya V. & Baral R. (2019). Organisational and inter-organisational competencies for supply chain integration. International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, 9 (1), 101-123.
- Issac, A.C & Baral, R. (2018). Dissecting knowledge hiding: a note on what it is and what it is not, Human Resource Management International Digest, 26 (7), 20-24.
- Manimegalai S. & Baral, R. (2018). Examining the mediating role of organizational trust in the relationship between CSR practices and job outcomes. Social Responsibility Journal. 14 (3), 433-447.
- Pavithra, S. & Baral, R. (2017). The Crossover of Work-family Experiences among Supervisor-subordinate Dyads in India. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 53 (1), 115 – 128.
- Deepa, R. & Baral, R. (2017). A Comprehensive Framework for Implementing an Effective Employer Brand Strategy. Global Business Review, Marketing Supplement issue (May-June 2017), 18(3), S75-S94.
- Pavithra, S. & Baral, R. (2017). Crossover of work-family experiences from supervisors to subordinates: A position paper. IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 6(2), 148-158.
- Baral, R. (2016). Work-family conflict, job satisfactions and psychological well-being among women managers and professionals in India. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 51(2), 432-446.
- Manimegalai S. & Baral, R. (2016). CSR Communication – A Study on Scale Development. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 5 (2), 251-256.
- Manimegalai S. & Baral, R. (2015). A Conceptual Framework for Exploring the Impacts of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee Attitudes and Behaviour, Journal of Human Values, 21(2), 127-136.
- Manimegalai S. & Baral, R. (2015). The moderating role of top management support in the link between CSR and employee engagement: A conceptual framework. Contemporary Management Research, 9(2), 1-15.
- Christy A.R. & Baral, R. (2015). Adoption of ERP system: An Empirical Study of Factors Influencing the Usage of ERP and its Impact on End User, IIMB Management Review. 27(2), 105–117.
- Krishnapriya, V. & Baral, R. (2014). Supply chain integration - A competency based perspective. International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC), 5(3), 45-60.
- Bharathi R. & Baral, R. (2014). Factors Influencing the Attitudes, Behaviors and Career Success of Reentry Women: An Indian Perspective. Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers, 39(2), 31-42.
- Deepa R. & Baral, R. (2013). A Logic Model Approach to Assess the Impact of Employer Branding Programs. AIMS International Journal of Management, 7(3), 181-195.
- Bharathi R. & Baral, R. (2013). Determinants of Career Exit and Professional Re-entry of Working Women in India. Review of HRM, 2(1), 175-186.
- Baral, R. & Bhargava, S. (2011). Predictors of Work-Family Enrichment: Moderating Effect of Core Self-Evaluations, Journal of Indian Business Research, 3(4), 220-243.
- Baral, R. & Bhargava, S. (2011). Examining the Moderating Influence of Gender on the relationships between Work-Family Antecedents and Work-Family Enrichment, Gender in Management: an International Journal, 26(2), 122-147.
- Baral, R. & Bhargava, S. (2011). HR interventions for work-life balance: evidences from organisations in India. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Sciences (IJBMSS), 2(1), 33-42.
- Baral, R. & Bhargava, S. (2010). Work-family enrichment as a mediator between organizational interventions for work-life balance and job outcomes. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25(3), 274-300.
- Bhargava, S. & Baral, R. (2009). Antecedents and Consequences of Work-family Enrichment among Indian Managers. Psychological Studies, 54, 213-225.
Case Study
- Bhargava, S. Baral, R., Sharma, A. & Krisnan, A.R. (2007). “Emerging Trends in Outsourcing: A Case Study” registered in European Case Clearing House
- Thomas, N. J., & Baral, R. (2023). Gamification for Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning. In P Kumar & J Eisenberg (Eds.), Synchronous and Asynchronous Approaches to Teaching. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Banu, J., Baral, R., Agarwal, U. A., & Rastogi, M. (2021). Role of socio-cultural factors in shaping entrepreneurial decision and behavior: An Indian perspective, Guelich, U., Bullough, A., Manolova, T., and Schjoedt, L. (Eds.) Women’s Entrepreneurship & Culture, Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing, Pages:140–172. ISBN: 9781789905038; eISBN: 9781789905045; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781789905045
- S.M. Ramya, Fong T. Keng-Highberger, Rupashree Baral (2020). Enabling an Intrinsic Perspective Towards Approaching Tensions in CS Decisions Through Moral Imagination: A Conceptual Framework, in David M. Wasieleski, James Weber (Eds), Business & Society 360, Vol. 4, Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Banu, J. & Baral, R. (2019). Wellbeing of women entrepreneurs: An Indian perspective. Lepeley, M., Kuschel, K., Beutell, N. J., Pouw, N. R. M., and Eijdenberg, E. L. (Eds.) The Wellbeing of Women in Entrepreneurship: A Global Perspective, 1st Edition, Publisher: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
- Christy, R. & Baral, R. (2014). "Factors affecting the user acceptance of ERP and the impact on the individuals: A conceptual model, in M.K. Nandakumar, Sanjay Jhakaria, Abilash S. Nair (Eds) Organizational Flexibility and Competitiveness (pp 167-180), Springer India.
- Deepa, R. & Baral, R. (2013). Book Review on the book "Sustainability and Human Resource Management - Developing Sustainable Business", NHRD Network Journal, October.
- Baral, R. & Bhargava, S. (2009). “Examining the link between work-life balance practices, perceived organizational family support and job attitudes”. In P. Verma, P.B. Bhaskaran, B. Thakar & P. Saxena (Eds.). HRM in Context of Global Meltdown (pp. 105-114). New Delhi, India: Excel India Publishers.
International Conference Proceedings/Presentations
Billing, T., Baral, R. & Beutell, N (2021). Understanding Work-Family Conflict During Covid-19: A Demands-Resources Perspective. Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management 2021 (Virtual) during May 19 - 22, 2021.
- Issac A.C, Baral R, & Bednall TC (2021). “Effects of expert and referent power on knowledge sharing and hiding.” Presented at the Academy of Management (AOM 2021) Annual Meeting.
Thomas, N. J., Hamari, J., Baral, R., & Sukumar, H. (2021). What is Gameful Experience? Towards a Conceptual Definition. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2021, No. 1, p. 14337). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Baral, R, Banu, J., & Kuschel, K. (2020). What does it take to be a woman entrepreneur? Examining the link between entrepreneurship and work-life balance. Academy of Management (AOM, 2020) held virtually on 7-11 August, 2020.
Thomas, N. J., Baral, R., & Dey, C. (2019). Gamification Through Flow: Exploring the Mechanism in Gamification of Learning. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2019, No. 1, p. 16857). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Issac A.C. & Baral R (2019) “Ethical dilemmas as a contributor and end-user in data analytics: perspectives from both sides of the coin.” Academy of Management (AOM 2019) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Thomas N.J & Baral, R. (2018, May 21-23). Flow Conditions: A proxy to assess gamification in the context of learning. 2 nd International GamiFIN Conference, Pori, Finland.
- Issac A.C. & Baral R (2018) “Morphological Analysis of Knowledge Hiding.” International Human Resource Management (IHRM 2018), Madrid, Spain.
Banu, J. & Baral, R. (2018). Women entrepreneurs and their work-life balance in India: A literature review and future research directions. Work and Family Researchers Network (WFRN) held at Washington, D.C. 21-23 June 2018.
Baral, R. and Pavithra, S. (2017). Crossover of work-family experiences from supervisors to subordinates: Mediating role of family-supportive work environment, accepted for presentation at the 31st ANZAM Conference to be held at Melbourne, Australia during 6-8 December 2017.
Deepa, R. and Baral, R. (2016). “Thinking Beyond Value Propositions – A Business Model Canvas Approach to Map Employer Brand Strategy”, presented at the 14th International Conference Human Resource Management (IHRM), held during 21st - 23rd June 2016 at Victoria, BC, Canada.
Pavithra, S. and Baral, R. (2016). Crossover of work-family experiences among supervisor-subordinate dyads in India: Mediating roles of family supportive organisational perception and schedule control. Work and Family Researchers Network conference, held at Washington, US.
Pavithra, S. and Baral, R. (2015). Crossover of Work-Family Experiences - Crossover of work-family conflict and facilitation among supervisor-subordinate dyads. 5th Annual International Conference on Human Resource Management and Professional Development in the Digital Age (HRM and PD), held at Singapore and received the “Best Paper Award”.
Manimegalai,M and Baral, R. (2014). "A conceptual framework linking CSR with employee job attitudes and behaviors", Presented at the 28th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference held during 3rd-5th December 2014 at Sydney, Australia.
Bharathi R. and Baral R. (2013). “Factors Influencing the Attitudes, Behaviors and Career Success of Reentry Women: An Indian Perspective”. Presented at the 8th Asian Business Research Conference, Bangkok, Thailand held during 1st -2nd April 2013.
Deepthi, U. and Baral, R. (2013). “Impact of Psychological Contract Fulfillment on Employee’s Cognitive Responses: Does Generational Difference Matter?", Presented at the 8th Asian Business Research Conference, Bangkok, Thailand held during 1st -2nd April 2013.
Baral, R. (2012). “Predicting Work-Family Conflict: Comparison between Situation and Person-Based Predictors” Presented at the 13th International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB) Conference, Bali, Indonesia held during 12th -14th September, 2012.
Aishwarya, L.R. and Baral, R. (2012). “Comparing the Competencies of Indian Software Professionals across Generations” Presented at the 13th International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB) Conference, Bali, Indonesia held during 12th -14th September, 2012.
Bharathi R. and Baral R. (2012). “Women’s Career Exit and Reentry: A Qualitative Study”, Presented at the 13th International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB) Conference, Bali, Indonesia held during 12th -14th September, 2012.
Christy A.R. and Baral R. (2012). “Examining the Factors Influencing ERP Usage and Its Impact on Panoptic Empowerment and End User Performance”, Presented at the 13th International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB) Conference, Bali, Indonesia held during 12th -14th September, 2012.
Aishwarya, L.R. and Baral, R. (2012). "Comparing the Competencies of Indian Software Professionals across Generations" Presented at 6th Asian Business Research Conference, Bangkok, Thailand held during 8th -10th April 2012.
Christy A.R. and Baral R. (2012). “Role of Individual, Organizational and Technological Factors on the Adoption of ERP and its Impact on the individual”, Presented at the 6th Asian Business Research Conference, Bangkok, Thailand held during 8th-10th April, 2012.
Baral, R. & Bhargava, S. (2010). “Predictors of Work-Family Enrichment: Moderating Effect of Core Self-Evaluations” Research paper accepted for presentation at 2010 Annual Academy of Management Conference, Montreal, held during 6th - 10th August 2010.
Baral, R. & Bhargava, S. (2008). “Mediating effect of work-family enrichment on relationship between organizational interventions for work-life balance and job outcomes” 22nd Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference.
Baral, R. & Bhargava, S. (2006). “Family-Friendly Policies: Prospects for Indian Organizations”, 14th International Employment Relations Association (IERA) Conference on Family-Friendly Employment Policies & Practices: An East-West Perspective on Work-Life Balance at Hong Kong.
National Conference Proceedings/ Presentations
Ramya S.M., Banu, J. Aswathy A. A. & Baral. R. (2022). "Walking on a Thin Line! Empirical Examination of Work-Home Boundary Violations Faced by Employees During Forced Work From Home" Presented at the 1st International Conference on Management of MSMEs (ICMM 2022) (http://icmm.iimamritsar.ac.in/) conducted at IIM Amritsar on 22- 23 January 2022. (2nd Best Paper Award).
Ramya S.M., Baral., R. & Fong, K H. (2022) "Effect of employees’ sustainability-related moral conflict on sustainability actions: A multi-method investigation". Presented at DoMS Research Symposium 2022 (IITMDRS-22) conducted at DoMS IIT Madras on 28- 29 January 2022. (Best Paper Award)
- Issac A.C, Baral R, & Bednall TC (2021). “Effects of power on knowledge transfer.” Conference on Excellence in Research and Education (CERE 2021), IIM Indore, India (II runners-up, Best paper Award).
Banu, J., Baral, R., Rastogi, M., & Agarwal, U. A. (2020). Women entrepreneurs in India: A research review and future directions. Indian Academy of Management (INDAM, 2020) held at Indian Institute of Management, Tiruchirappali, 2-4 January, 2020.
Thomas N.J & Sukumar H.T. (2020, January 1-4). Understanding Gamefulness: The Essential Feature of Gamification. 6th Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management, Trichy, India.
Banu, J., Baral, R. & Vijaylakshmi V. (2019). Growth and sustainability of women entrepreneurs: A qualitative study. International Conference on Human Resource Development and MSME Development, at EDII, held at Gandhinagar, 24-25, January 2019.
Thomas N.J & Baral, R. (2019, November 29-30). The Mechanism of Gamification of Learning: A Model Anchored on SOR Theory. Association for Information Systems Workshop, Chennai, India.
Thomas N.J & Baral, R. (2019, January 4-5). Gamification of Learning: Evidence, Frameworks, and Future Research Directions. 2 nd International Future of Learning Conference (FoL), Bangalore, India.
Issac A.C. & Baral R (2018). “Strategic Factors Engendering Knowledge Hiding: A Relational Analysis using TISM.”18th Consortium of Students in Management Research (COSMAR), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Issac A.C. & Baral R (2017). “Understanding knowledge hiding.” Doctoral Summer school, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad.
- Manimegalai Santhosh and Baral, R. (2016). “Linking Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities with Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB): Mediating role of Organizational Prosocial Identity" presented at the 26th Annual Conference of the National Academy of Management (NAOP) held between 29th - 31st December 2016 at IIT Madras.
Deepa, R. and Baral, R. (2016). "Do EVP Attributes affect Employee Engagement? - A Closer Look through Psychological Contract Lenses", presented at the 26th Annual Conference of the National Academy of Management (NAOP) held between 29th - 31st December 2016 at IIT Madras.
Deepa, R. and Baral, R. (2016). “Role of Communication Effectiveness in the Relationship Between Employment Value Proposition and Employee-based Brand Equity", presented at the 4th PAN IIM World Management Conference, held between 13th - 15th December 2016 at IIM Ahmedabad.
Pavithra, S. and Baral, R. (2016). “Crossover of work-family conflict among supervisor-subordinate dyads: Does susceptibility to emotional contagion matter?" presented at the 4th PAN IIM World Management Conference, held between 13th - 15th December 2016 at IIM Ahmedabad.
Manimegalai Santhosh and Baral, R. (2016). “Examining the Mediating Effect of Organizational Trust on the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Organizational Pride and Identification" presented at the 25th Silver Jubilee convention of National Academy of Psychology 2015-16 held in Allahabad, India during 2nd-5th Feb. 2016.
Manimegalai Santhosh and Baral, R. (2016). “CSR Communication: A Study on Scale Development’ presented at the 7th International Conference on IT and Business Intelligence (ITBI-16) held during January 21-23, 2016 at Goa. (First Prize in the Student Paper Presentation category).
Pavithra, S. and Baral, R. (2016). Exploring the Moderating Effect of Susceptibility to Emotional Contagion in the Crossover of Work-Family Conflict among Supervisor-Subordinate dyads. DOMS Research Symposium, held at IIT Madras, Chennai.
Deepa, R. and Baral, R. (2015). "Employer Branding and Talent Management - A Review and Research Agenda", DoMS Research Symposium, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras, held between January 16th and 17th 2015.
Santhosh, M. and Baral, R. (2015). “Linking CSR practices with employee attitudes and behaviors: The mediating role of organizational trust”, presented at the 4th Biennial Indian Academy of Management Conference, held between 11th -13th, 2015 at IIM Lucknow Noida Campus, NCR.
Rofia, R. and Baral, R. (2014) “The Role of HR Practices in Building a Good Employer Brand – Does the Organizational Culture and Leadership Matter?” Presented at the Fourth International HR Conference at SDMIMD, Mysore during 5th -6th December 2014.
Kalra, A. and R. Baral (2013). “Insights into factors affecting Enterprise SNS adoption and its usage potential for Knowledge Sharing”, Presented at the 3rd biennial conference of the Indian Academy of Management (IAM), 2013, held at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) during 12th-13th December 2013.
Bharathi R. and Baral R. (2013). “Factors Affecting the Work Attitudes of Indian Reentry Women in the IT Sector”, Presented at the 3rd biennial conference of the Indian Academy of Management (IAM), 2013, held at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) during 12th-13th December 2013.
Deepthi, U. and Baral, R. (2013). “Psychological Contract Fulfilment and Its Impact on Employees’ Cognitive Responses: Does Generations Make Any Difference?” Presented at the 3rd biennial conference of the Indian Academy of Management (IAM), 2013, held at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) during 12th-13th December 2013.
Baral, R. (2013). “Examining the Consequences of Work-Family Conflict among Women Managers in India”, Presented at the International Conference on Women Empowerment: Global Perspective, Organized by Environmental Advisory for Sustainable Trust (EAST), Kanyakumari, India, held during 27th-28th September 2013.
Baral R. (2013). Impact of Family-Friendly Policies on Job Related Outcomes: Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Family Support. Presented at the 1st Pan-IIM World Management Conference on “Emerging Issues in Management”, held at Goa, India from May 30 - June 1.
Bharathi R. and Baral R. (2013). “Determinants of Career Exit and Professional Re-entry of Working Women in India”, Presented at the 3rd National Conference on Human Resource Management (NCHRM), held on 14th April 2013.
Deepthi, U. and Baral, R. (2013). “Generational Differences: An Examination of Work Values of Gen Y", Research paper presented at 10th AIMS International Conference on Management, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore held during 6th -8th January, 2013.
Krishnapriya V. and Baral R. (2013). “Role of People and Organizational Factors in Supply Chain Management”, Presented at the 10th AIMS International Conference on Management, IIM Bangalore, India held during 6th -8th January, 2013.
Deepthi, U. and Baral, R. (2013). “Generational Differences: An Examination of Work Values of Gen Y", Research paper presented at 10th AIMS International Conference on Management, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore held during 6th -8th January, 2013.
Deepa.R. and Baral R. (2013). “A Logic Model Approach to Assess the Impact of Employer Branding Programs”, Presented at the 10th AIMS International Conference on Management, IIM Bangalore, held during 6th -8th January, 2013.
Manimegalai,M and Baral, R. (2012). "Examining the link between corporate social responsibility and employee engagement", Presented at the International Conference on CSR, Institute of Public Enterprises, Hyderabad held during 6th-7th December 2012.
Deepthi, U. and Baral, R. (2012). “Understanding the generational differences and diversity climate of the organization in state of psychological contract fulfillment, and its impact on employee’s cognitive responses: A conceptual analysis”, Research paper presented at the XXII Annual Convention of the National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) India, Christ University, Bangalore held during 10th -12th December 2012.
Aishwarya, L.R. and Baral, R. (2012). "Comparing the Competencies of Software Professionals across Generations - A Research Proposal" Presented at National Conference on Emerging Trends in Business, Christ University, Bangalore held during 21st -22nd February 2012.
Christy, A. R. & Baral, R. (2012). “Effect of Characteristics Affecting the User Acceptance of ERP and the Impact on the Individuals”. Presented at the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Business at Christ University, Bangalore held during 21st - 22th February 2012.
Aishwarya, L.R. and Baral, R. (2011). "Comparison of Generational Competencies among Software Professionals- A Research Proposal". Presented at Eleventh Global Conference on Flexible Systems Management, IIM-Kozhikode held during 9th-12th December 2011.
Christy, A. R. & Baral, R. (2011). “Factors Affecting the User Acceptance of ERP and the Impact on the Individuals: A Conceptual Model”. Presented at the Eleventh Global Conference on Flexible Systems Management at IIM-Kozhikode held during 9th - 12th December 2011.
Baral, R. & Bhargava, S. (2009). “Examining the link between work-life balance practices, perceived organizational family support and job attitudes”. Presented at the conference on HRM in Context of Global Meltdown at IBS Ahmedabad held during 10th-11th July 2009.
Baral, R. & Bhargava, S. (2007). “Understanding the Effectiveness of HR Interventions for Work-Life Balance”, Presented at the APROS 12 conference on Challenges in Organizing and Managing in Rapidly Emerging Economies in Learning to Organize in Global World at MDI Gurgaon held during 9th-12th Dec, 2007.
Aggrawal, U., Baral, R. & Bhargava, S. (2007). “Understanding Work-Life Balance from Psychological Contract Framework: Implications on POS and Organizational Outcomes”, Presented at the APROS 12 at MDI Gurgaon held during 9th-12th Dec, 2007.
Baral, R. (2005). “Work Family Issues: A Review of Recent Literature and Agenda for Future Research”, COSMAR, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. (Best Paper Award)
Baral, R. & Bhargava, S. (2004). “Work and Life: Striking the Crucial Balance”, Second AIMS International Conference on Management, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta.
Baral, R. & Mohanty, P.K. (2003). “Changing Pattern of Industrial Relations in India”, 45th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
- Baral. R. (2003). “A New Identity for the 21st Century Organization”, First AIMS International Conference on Management, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.
- Best Teacher Award for Excellence in Teaching for the year 2023" for DOMS IIT Madras
- CSR Changemaker Award by IIT Madras for significant work undertaken under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), 2023.
- Best Research Paper Award (Co-authors: Ms. Jasmine Banu & Katherina for the research paper titled What Does it Take to be a Woman Entrepreneur? Examining the Link between Entrepreneurship and Work-life Balance, at the 6th Biennial Conference of Work and Family Researchers Network (WFRN) held during 23- 25 June 2022 in NYC, US. (The paper was presented as part of WFRN’s 2021 Virtual Conference Series). (International)
- Best Research Paper Award (Co-author: Ms. Jasmine Banu) for the paper titled at the Women Entrepreneurship and their Work-Family Interface: A Systematic Literature Review of a Growing Research at the 59th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management on Resilience and Reinvention: Moving Forward (EAM-2022) held during May 17 - 20, 2022 at Portland, Maine. (International)
- Certificate of Excellence in Cross Cultural Research for outstanding contribution as a Country Co-Investigator - GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) 2020 Project. (International)
- Top Paper Award (Co-authored with S.M. Ramya and Fong K. H.) Effect of employees’ sustainability-related moral conflict on sustainability actions: A multi-method investigation at the Annual Flagship Research Event IITM-DoMS Research Symposium 'IITMDRS 2022' held at DOMS IIT Madras during 27- 29 January 2022. (In house)
- 2nd Best Research Paper Award (Co-authored with S.M. Ramya. Banu, J, Aswathy A.) for the paper Walking on a Thin Line! Empirical Examination of Work-Home Boundary Violations Faced by Employees During Forced Work From Home at the 1st International Conference on Management of MSMEs (ICMM 2022) (http://icmm.iimamritsar.ac.in/) conducted at IIM Amritsar during 22- 23 January 2022. (National)
- II runners-up (Best paper) (Co-authored with Abraham Cyril and Tim Bednall) for the paper at the Conference on Excellence in Research and Education (CERE) 2021 held at IIM Indore in June 18-20, 2021 for the paper titled Effects of power on knowledge sharing and hiding. (National)
- Received Best Research Paper Award (Co-authored the paper with Rahul R Lexman) for the paper Being a happy digital learner: A learning perspective through the adoption of playfulness in MOOCs for the paper presented at the Berchmans National Conference on the theme - Happiness Edge: The Holistic Business Mantra (Co-sponsored by Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala), held at Kochi on February 16, 2018. (National)
- Received Best Research Paper Award (Co-authored the paper with Manimegalai S.) for the paper CSR Communication: A Study on Scale Development for the research paper presented at the 7th International Conference on IT and Business Intelligence (ITBI-16) held at Goa during January 21-23, 2016. (National)
- Received Best Research Paper Award (Co-authored the paper with Pavithra S.) for the paper Crossover of Work-Family Experiences - Crossover of work-family conflict and facilitation among supervisor-subordinate dyads, presented at the 5th Annual International Conference on Human Resource Management and Professional Development in the Digital Age (HRM and PD), held at Singapore during December 14-15, 2015. (International)
- Received Best Research Paper and Presentation Award for the paper Examining the Consequences of Work-Family Conflict among Women Managers in India, presented at the International Conference on Women Empowerment: Global Perspective, Organized by Environmental Advisory for Sustainable Trust (EAST), Kanyakumari, India, held during 27-28 September 2013. (National)
- Received Best Research Paper Award (Co-authored the paper with Bharathi Ravindran) for the paper Determinants of Career Exit and Professional Re-entry of Working Women in India, at National Conference on Human Resource Management, NCHRM 2013, held at India International Centre, New Delhi on April 4, 2013. (National)
- Received Best Research Paper Award (Co-authored the paper with Christy Angeline) for the paper Effect of Characteristics Affecting the User Acceptance of ERP and the Impact on the Individuals, presented at the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Business at Christ University, Bangalore held during 21- 22 February 2012. (National)
- Received Best Research Paper Award in Human Resource Management category for the paper Work Family Issues: A Review of Recent Literature and Agenda for Future Research presented at the Consortium of Students in Management Research (COSMAR), Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore, 2005. (National)
- Won Best Case Study Award in ISB Case Chase Competition in 2005 for the case Emerging Trends in Outsourcing: A Case Study (Co-authors: Bhargava, S. Sharma, A. & Krisnan, A.R.). (National)
- Recipient of AICTE National Doctoral Fellowship (NDF), 2004, UGC Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and National Eligibility Test for Lectureship (NET), 2002.
- Received Dibakar Patnaik Memorial prize and Prof. Gopal C. Rath Merit certificate for being University Topper in M.A. IR & PM, 2000.
- Academy of Management (AoM)
- National Academy Of Psychology (NAOP), India
- National HRD Network Chennai Chapter
- NIPM Chennai Chapter
- Life Member, National Institute of Personnel Management (NIPM), Madras Chapter
- Life Member, National HRD Network, India
- Member, Work and Family Researchers Network (WFRN)
- Adhoc Reviewer in Personnel Review, Gender in Management: An International Journal, Journal of Managerial Psychology, IIMB Management Review, South Asian Journal of Human Resource Management, Management and Labour Studies, IIM Kozhikode society and Management Review, International Journal of Happiness and Development (IJHD) and reputed Conferences such as Academy of Management, Indian Academy of Management, PAN IIM Conference
- Coordinated (Along with Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi) AICTE sponsored Short Term Faculty Development Programme on “Research Methodology in HR&OB” during February 21-26, 2022.
- Coordinated (Along with Prof. T.J. Kamalanabhan, IIT Madras) 2 batches of Management Development Programmes (ONLINE) for Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL) Distributors during 2021.
- Coordinated (Along with Prof. T.J. Kamalanabhan, IIT Madras) 3 batches of Supervisory Development Programs for Larsen & Toubro during 2018-2019.
- Coordinated (Along with Prof. T.J. Kamalanabhan, IIT Madras) 5 batches of Management Development Programmes for Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL) Distributors during 2018.
- Coordinated (Along with Prof. T.J. Kamalanabhan, IIT Madras) 2 batches of Leadership Development Programmes for Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (CPCL) during 2017-2018.
- Coordinated (Along with Prof. T.J. Kamalanabhan, IIT Madras) 5 batches of Management Development Programmes for Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL) Dealers during 2017 – 2018.
- Coordinated (Along with Prof. T.J. Kamalanabhan) 13 batches of Management Development Programmes for IOCL Dealers during September 2016 – September 2017.
- Coordinated (Along with Prof. T.J. Kamalanabhan) 8 batches of Management Development Programmes for IOCL Dealers during October 2015 - February 2016.
- Coordinated (Along with Prof. T.J. Kamalanabhan) 2 batches of Executive Development Programme for HLL during October - November 2014.
- Coordinated (Along with Dr. M.P. Ganesh) a Faculty Development Programme sponsored by AICTE (AICTE-STC) for Faculties from October 13-17, 2014.
- Coordinated (Along with Prof. T.J. Kamalanabhan a training programme on “Managerial Effectiveness” for TAI-VHS, Chennai during September 16-18, 2013.
- Coordinated (Along with Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi and Dr. M.P. Ganesh) Management Development Programme “NURTURING THE INNER YOU: For Personal, Group, and Organizational Excellence” during November 25-26, 2011 and during November 02-03, 2012.
- Coordinated (Along with Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi) AICTE sponsored Short Term Training Programme (STTP) for Faculty on “Research Methods in Management and Social Science” during February 03-07, 2013.
- Moderating role of entrepreneurial orientation on the relationship between antecedent factors, entrepreneurial intention and perceived entrepreneurial success: A study among women entrepreneurs in Tamil Nadu Minor Research Project Scheme of the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). (Ongoing)
- What stops Indian female athletes? Exploring a mechanism for their ramp up. National Commission on Women (NCW) (Ongoing)
- Creating a Ripple Effect in the Youth’s Development: Through Holistic Education. Banca Sella and Mormugao Port Trust (Co-PI, Ongoing).
- Should I fight or flight? Role of sustainability-related intrapersonal moral conflict and emotions on employees’ organizational behaviors. (Ministry of Education, Singapore) (Co-PI, Ongoing)
- Creating a ripple effect through inspiring, nurturing, and empowering women. Women Leading IITM (WLI), IIT Madras, Total Grant: Rs. 5,00,000/- (Completed, 2021 - 2022).
- Unraveling the problems, and supportive factors and their impact on the development of rural women entrepreneurs: A state-level comparative study. Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) under Impactful Policy Research in Social Science (IMPRESS). Co-PDs - Dr. Upasana A Agarwal and Dr. Mansi Rastogi, Total Grant: Rs. 15,17,400/- (Completed, 2019 - 2021).
- How to drive corporate environmental responsibility?: An exploratory study. (Exploratory Research Proposal, IIT Madras; Funding: INR 5,00,000). (Completed, 2019 - 2020).
- Empowering and Developing Women Entrepreneurs: Exploring the Avenues (CSR Funding from TNPL, Chennai; Funding: INR 20,00,000, Co-PI: Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi) (2016 - 2019).
- Creating a Ripple Effect in the Youth’s Development: Through Holistic Education (CSR Funding from Banca Sella, Chennai; Funding: INR 15,00,000, Co-PI: Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi) (2017 - Ongoing)
- Social Enterprise & Women's Empowerment (Multi-country - UK, USA, Brazil, Pakistan and India Research Project Funded by British Council) (2016-2017).
- Employer branding for talent management: A study to understand the gap between the expectations of employees and the offerings of employers (Exploratory Research Proposal, IIT Madras; Funding: INR 3,5,00,00). (Completed, 2014-2015).
- Career break and reentry among women in India: Exploring the barriers and opportunities (New Faculty Seed Grant, IIT Madras; Funding: INR 5,00,000). (Completed, 2011-2014).
- Predictors of effective learning among undergraduate Engineering students: Role of learning styles and teacher effectiveness. (AICTE funded Curriculum Development Cell (CDC) Activity, IIT Madras; Funding: INR 5,00,00; Co-PI: Dr. M.P. Ganesh). (Completed, 2012-2013).
Doctorate (Ph.D.)
- Haridas Unnikrishnan(Co-Guide). Talent Management
- Priya Soi Pulikal. Intersectionality and Gender
- Archana Tulasidharan. Gender Intelligence
- Garima Bajaj. Diversity and Inclusion
- Reema Nayyar. Role of Workplace Spirituality in Work-Family Integration
- Preethy Unnikrishnan. Talent Management
- Jalamangala Vaishnavi Meghana (MS+ PhD). Work-Family Interface among Nurses
- Mathukumalli V R K Kanaka Durga Devi. Green HRM
- Reshma M. Remote Work
- J Jasmine Banu (MS+ PhD) (Submitted). Work-family boundary dynamic among women entrepreneurs: a mixed method study
- Rahul Lexman (Submitted). Examining learner behaviors in the adoption and use of e-learning tools: understanding motives, determinants, and utility of MOOCs.
- Nibu John Thomas (2023). Mechanism of Gamification: Examining Gameful Experience and Flow in Learning
- Ramya M. (2022). Effect of employees’ sustainability-related moral conflict on sustainability actions: A multi-method investigation
- Abraham Cyril Issac. (2022). Joint Doctoral Candidate Indian Institute of Technology Madras & Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, Knowledge Hiding and Sharing Behavior
- Deepa R. (2017). A study linking Employment Value Proposition (EVP) and Employer Branding (EB) to outcomes of Employee Attraction, Engagement and Retention
- Manimegalai S. (2017). Examining the Link between Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Attitudes and Behaviors.
Master of Science (by Research)
- Pavithra, S. (2017). Crossover of work-family experiences from supervisors to subordinates.
- Abhishek Kalra (2015). Enterprise social networking site adoption and its usage potential for knowledge sharing.
- Krishnapriya V. (2015). Role of individual and organizational competencies in supply chain integration and performance.
- Bharathi R. (2014). Career exit and re-entry of women professionals.
- Deepthi, U. (2014). Psychological contract and job attitudes: impact of generations.
- Aishwarya L.R. (2014). Identifying essential competencies of information technology professionals in india and examining generational and gender differences.
- Christy Angeline (2013). Role of individual, organizational and technological characteristics on the adoption of ERP and its impact on the end-users