Dr. Richa Agrawal
Associate Professor

Ph.D. , S.J.M. School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2003-2007(Research Topics- Customers’ Relational Behavior in a Pseudo-Relationship Context)

M.B.A. (Specialization in Marketing), Monirba Allahabad University,1994-1996

B.A. (Economics, Political Science, Geography), Allahabad University,1991-1994

+91-44-2257 4564


Office : DoMS 307
Advisor : Entrepreneurship - Cell (E-Cell), IIT Madras
Teaching & Research
- Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM)
- Consumer Behavior
- Marketing Tools: Strategies and Innovation
- Insights and Innovations in Marketing
- Design Thinking
- Gamification in marketing
- Human engagement with AI powered devices
- Consumer behaviour online & offline - Perception, Motivation, Intention, etc.
- Consumption communities
- Luxury and Environmentally Responsible Consumption
- Developing Psychometric measures/scales
Scholars graduated: Post-doc 1, PhD 2, MS 4; 4 Scholars received Best Thesis awards
Recent Publications
International Research Papers
- Agrawal, R. (January 2018). “Envisioning a Sustainable Future by Doing What It Takes”, A Commentary on Selected Works of Rajan Varadarajan on Environmental Sustainability and Innovation, in Volume 5 of - Legends in Strategic Marketing: Rajan Varadarajan - 5 Volume Set (Ed. Jagdish Sheth) Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd.
- Agrawal, R. and Gupta, S (13 January 2018). “Consuming Responsibly: Exploring Environmentally Responsible Consumption Behaviors”, Journal of Global Marketing.
- Gupta, S. and Agrawal, R. (19 December 2017). “Environmentally Responsible Consumption: Construct Definition, Scale Development, and Validation”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.
- Narayanan, S. and Agrawal, R. (2017). “Privacy and Information Trading on Social Media App(lication)s”, in Contemporary Issues in Social Media Marketing (Eds.) Bikramjit Rishi and Subir Bandhopadhyay, Routledge – New York.
- Agrawal, R. and Ramachandran, G. (2017). “Flocking Together – Benefits and Costs of Small Group Consumption Community Participation”, European Journal of Marketing, 51(9-10), pp. 1713-1738.
- Raja, Sowmya and Richa Agrawal 2013. “Perceived Brand Greenness: Scale Development and Validation”, Proceedings, Yale China India Insights Conference, September 19-21, 2013 New York, USA.
- Archana Narayanan, Richa Agrawal 2013. “Exploring Customers’ Relational Behaviour”, Proceedings, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), December 1-4, 2013 Auckland, New Zealand.
- Raja, Sowmya and Richa Agrawal 2012. Creating a Green Image: Marketing Efforts and Customer Sentiments, Proceedings, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), December 1-3, 2012 Melbourne, Australia.
- Agrawal, Richa, SS Gaur and Archana Narayanan 2012. Determining Customer Loyalty: Review and Model, the Marketing Review journal, Vol. 12 issue 3.
- Mathew, Sruthy Sara and Richa Agrawal 2012. Loyalty Program Membership: A Study of Factors Influencing Customer Decision, Proceedings, Academy of Marketing conference, July 2-5, 2012, University of South Hampton, South Hampton, United Kingdom.
- Agrawal, Richa and R Keerthi 2012. Customer Involvement and Behavioral Manifestations in Dissatisfying Consumption Situations, Proceedings, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior biennial conference, June 20-24, 2012, La Verne, California, USA.
- Agrawal, Richa 2008. Exploring Customers Feelings and Responses toward Relational Ads, Proceedings, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC) 2008, December 1-3, 2008, Sydney, Australia.
- Agrawal, Richa and SS Gaur 2008. Customers’ Interaction Satisfaction in a Pseudo-relationship Context, Proceedings, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference, June 23-27, 2008 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- Gaur, SS and Richa Agrawal 2007. Service Quality Measurement in Retail Store Context: A Review of Advances Made Using SERVQUAL and RSQS, the Marketing Review, Vol. 6 (4), pp.317-330.
- Gaur, SS and Richa Agrawal 2007. Validation of the Consumer Sentiment Scale: Evidence from India, Asian Journal of Marketing, Vol. 12 No.1 pp. 67-75.
- Agrawal, Richa and SS Gaur 2007. Customers Relational Behavior in a Pseudo-relationship Context. American Marketing Association. Conference Proceedings. Chicago: Summer 2007. Vol. 18 pg. 292.
- Agrawal, Richa and SS Gaur 2007. Impact of Money Attitude on Compulsive Buying Behavior: A Study of School-children Receiving Pocket Money in India, Proceedings, 2nd IIMA Conference on Research in Marketing 2007, Indian Institute on Management Ahmedabad, January 3-5, 2007 Ahmedabad India.
- Agrawal, Richa and SS Gaur 2006. Measuring Retail Service Quality in India: An Empirical Investigation of SREVQUAL and RSQS, Proceedings, 8thTriennial Retailing Conference 2006, The Academy of Marketing Science and The American Collegiate Retailing Association November 1-4, 2006 Orlando Florida USA.
- Agrawal, Richa and SS Gaur 2006. Validation of Consumer Sentiment Scale in Indian Context, Proceedings, 2006 AMS/KAMS Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference, The Academy of Marketing Science, Korean Academy of Marketing Science and the Hanyang University, July 12-15, 2006 Seoul South Korea.
- Agrawal, Richa and SS Gaur 2005. A Review of the Determinants of Customer Loyalty, Proceedings, 12th Biennial World Marketing Congress 2005, The Academy of Marketing Science and Marketing Center Muenster, University of Muenster, July 6-9 2005 Muenster Germany.
- Agrawal, Richa and Santosh Dhar 2002. Age and Internet Usage as Determinants of Exploratory Tendency, Proceedings, International Conference on Marketing of Technology Oriented Products and Services; Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, Dupree College of Management, Georgia Tech, Atlanta USA and The Academy of Marketing Science, December 27-28, 2002 Bangalore India.
International Case Studies
- Agrawal, Richa 2009. Threat of a ‘Me Too’ Perception: A Case of Café Coffee Day, the Marketing Review journal, Vol. 9 No. 3 pp. 251-271.
- Srivastava, Mala, Richa Agrawal, S Parashar, SL Kalia and Y Thakur 2008. Tri Star International*, Global Marketing: Foreign Entry, Market Development and Strategy Implementation by Michael R Czinkota, Iikka A Ronkainen, Carlyle Farrell and Ronald Mctavish, First Canadian Edition, Nelson Education.
Conference Proceedings
- Richa Agrawal, Narayanan S. and Vishwadeep R. (2018). “Impact of Ad Personalization on CTR – Findings from Online Ad Campaign of an International Hotel Group”. 2018 Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan. (Scheduled for July 26 -29, 2018)
- Sudhanshu Gupta and Agrawal R. (2017). “What is Environmentally Responsible Consumption and How to Measure it?”, In S. Dash, A. Goyal, D. D. Gupta and K. B. Gupta (sd.), Reaching consumers of Emerging Market, Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Conference of the Emerging Markets Conference Board, 727-732. ISBN: 978-81-928560-2-5
- Sudhanshu Gupta and Agrawal R. (2017). “Frugality and green consumption value as a predictor of environmentally responsible consumption behaviour: Evidence from India”, In S. Dash, A. Goyal, D. D. Gupta and K. B. Gupta (sd.), Reaching consumers of Emerging Market, Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Conference of the Emerging Markets Conference Board, 733-738. ISBN: 978-81-928560-2-5
- Sudhanshu Gupta and Agrawal R. (2017). “Do consumers having different levels of green consumption value and frugality have same or different level of participation in environmentally responsible consumption activities?”, In M. Stieler (ed.), Creating Marketing Magic and Innovative Future Marketing Trends, Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, Springer, Cham. 821-827. DOI
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-45596-9_153 - Sowmya Raja and Agrawal R. (2017). “Cross-Cultural Validation of the Perceived Brand Greenness Scale”. In M. Stieler (ed.), Creating Marketing Magic and Innovative Future Marketing Trends, Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, Springer, Cham. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-45596-9_216
- Varuna Newatiya and Agrawal R. (2015). “Beyond Status! Why new luxury customers in India are buying luxury”, Annual London Business Research Conference, Imperial College London, UK.
- Giridhar Ramachandran and Agrawal R. (2013). “Coffee Shops Yesterday, Running Groups Today - Consumption Communities As the New Address For Oldenburg's Third Places” (20 Min), in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume, 41, eds. Simona Botti and Aparna Labroo, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. (Also published as Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, October 3-6, 2013, Chicago, USA) (Video publication)
- N. Kuppan, Raja S. and Agrawal R. (2013). “The Indian Bazaar: Street Markets and Customer Perceptions” (16 Min), in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume, 41, eds. Simona Botti and Aparna Labroo, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. (Also published as Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, October 3-6, 2013 Chicago, USA) (Video publication)
- Sowmya Raja and Agrawal R. (2013). “Perceived Brand Greenness: Scale Development and Validation”, Proceedings of the Yale China India Insights Conference, September 19-21, 2013 New York, USA.
- Sowmya Raja and Agrawal R. (2012). “Creating a Green Image: Marketing Efforts and Customer Sentiments”, Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), December 1-3, 2012 Melbourne, Australia. (Full paper)
- Sruthy Sara Mathew and Agrawal R. (2012). “Loyalty Program Membership: A Study of Factors Influencing Customer Decision”,Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing conference, July 2-5, 2012, University of South Hampton, South Hampton, United Kingdom.
- Richa Agrawal and Keerthi R. (2012). “Customer Involvement and Behavioural Manifestations in Dissatisfying Consumption Situations”, Proceedings of the Journal of Consumer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior biennial conference, June 20-24, 2012, La Verne, California, USA.
National Research Papers
- Agrawal, Richa and Vinay Patangia 2005. Need for Cognition as Determinants of Response to Rational and Emotional Ad Appeals, Management and Labour Studies, Vol. 28, No. 3, August 2005.
- Misra, Rajnish K and Richa Agrawal 2003. Purchase Decision Involvement: An Exploratory Study on Consumer Values, Management and Labour Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2, May 2003.
- Agrawal, Richa and Sapna Parashar 2003. Television Commercials: A Question of Believability, Udyog Pragati Special Issue on Marketing, July-August 2003.
- Impact of Ambiences on Consumer Buying Behavior with Special Reference to Women Ready-made Garments, Proceedings, the XXXIII National Convention of ISTD on Human Resource Strategies for Sustainable Growth, ISTD, December 6-8, 2002. Agrawal, Richa and Sapna Kesari 2003.
- Income and Purchase Intention as Determinants of Consumer Involvement for the Purchase of Life Insurance Policies; in Changing Trends in Management: Challenges and Opportunities (Eds.) Dhar Upinder, Santosh Dhar and Richa Agrawal, 2003.
- Agrawal, Richa and Sapna Parashar 2003. Gender and Occupation as Correlates of Purchase Decision Involvement with Special Reference to Footwear; in Strategic Marketing in the Global Economy (Eds.) Manoj Kumar and Prashant Mishra, 2003.
- Agrawal, Richa and Anshu Arora 2002. Age and Gender as Determinants of Attitude towards Television Commercials; in Local Champions to Global Masters: Mobilising for Growth (Eds.) Upinder Dhar, Santosh Dhar and Mala Srivastava, 2002.
- Parashar, Sapna and Richa Agrawal 2002. Coupon Proneness: A Study of Consumer Susceptibility; in Local Champions to Global Masters: Mobilising for Growth (Eds.) Upinder Dhar, Santosh Dhar and Mala Srivastava, 2002.
National Case Studies
- Agrawal, Richa and Gayatre Pillai 2009. Balaji Wafers: A Quest for New Horizons, IMI-Disha, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 121-125 (April 2009).
- Agrawal, Richa, S Parashar, M Kumar and M Prakash 2007. Dynadrives at Cross Roads .( Case cleared by the European Case Clearing House (ECCH).)
- Dhar, Santosh, Richa Agrawal, S Johri, S Parashar and R Jangalwa 2004. Mast Tamatar, The Smart Manager Vol. 3 issue 2, April-June 2004. (Case used in the TCS-Smart Manager Case Contest 2004).
- Srivastava, Mala, Richa Agrawal, and P Mishra 2001. Venturing into HCV Segment (case of EML), PJMR Vol. 5 No. 1, April 2001. (Case was used in PIMR-EICHER Inter-Institute Case Study Competition 2001). ( Case cleared by the European Case Clearing House (ECCH).)
- Dhar, Santosh, Richa Agrawal, S Johri, S Parashar and R Jangalwa 2002. Radio Mirchi - A Success Story . ( Case cleared by the European Case Clearing House (ECCH).)
- Srivastava, Mala, Richa Agrawal, S Parashar, S S Menon and M Ali 2002. Competition Ahead: VSNL at Cross Roads . ( Case cleared by the European Case Clearing House (ECCH).)
- Srivastava, Mala, Richa Agrawal, S Parashar, SL Kalia and Y Thakur 2001. Excel Exports: The Dilemma of Entering Domestic Market . ( Case cleared by the European Case Clearing House (ECCH).)
- Changing Trends in Management: Challenges and Opportunities, (Eds.) Upinder Dhar, Santosh Dhar and Richa Agrawal. Excel Books: New Delhi, 2003.
- Cases in Management: An Indian Perspective, PIMR Monograph Series, Upinder Dhar, Santosh Dhar and Richa Agrawal. 2001.
Invited Presentations
- Service Quality Measurement in Retail Store Context: A Review of Advances Made, International Retailing Conference, 2005, The Academy of Marketing Science, Omer DeSerres Chair of Retailing, Auchan Chair of Retailing, and Reims Management School, Reims France, July 1-2, 2005.
- Retail Service Quality Measures: A Review and Critique of SERVQUAL & RSQS, International Conference on Retailing and Sourcing, Philadelphia University, USA and Birla Institute of Management Technology, New Delhi India, January 7-8, 2005.
- Strategizing for Growth: A Case Study of Hindustan Motors Limited, Sixth Annual Convention, XLRI Jamshedpur India, April 24-26, 2003.
Industrial Training & Consultancy
- Insightful MarketingWorkshop as part of Stratup Essentials 2020 – Training Tips and Tools, hosted by IIT Madras Incubation Cell in partnership with IIT Alumni Industry Interaction Centre, November 26, 2020.
- Designing Insight Based Solutions a Workshop for members of MADITSSIA - Madurai District Tiny & Small Scale Industries Association, November 24, 2020.
- Design Thinking & Problem Solving a Workshop for 1st time Entrepreneurs as part of Samanvay 2020, October 31, 2020.
- Bootcamp on How to make a Compelling Elevator Pitch for Marketing Executives as part of EMBARK'20, September 14, 2020.
- An Introduction to Design Thinking, September 12, 2020, as part of Management Program for Executives.
- Design Thinking Workshop for Startups as part of Samanvay 2019, October 17, 2019.
- Negotiation Skills: Practices in Negotiation, BATNA, for Larsen & Toubro as part of the Building Leadership in Operations and Organizational Management Program (BLOOM), August 8, 2019.
- Principles of Design Thinking, for Combat Vehicles Research & Development Establishment (CVRDE), Chennai, July 23 – 24, 2019
- Customer Relationship Management Concepts for Banking, for Indian Bank Management Academy for Growth and Excellence (IMAGE), Chennai, July 15 – 17, 2019.
- Designing Solutions: Better-To-Best, one day workshop for Hyundai Motor India Ltd., Chennai, May 15, 2019.
- Customer Satisfaction & Value Creation for Larsen & Toubro as part of the PLMDP program, May 13, 2019.
- Negotiation for Larsen & Toubro for the SDP Program, April 5, 2019.
- Principles of Design Thinking, February 19, 2019 as part of Management Program for Executives.
- Negotiation for Larsen & Toubro for the SDP Program, January 29, 2019.
- Strategic use of Marketing for Selling Milk and Milk Products for the marketing team of Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Limited (AAVIN) 2013.
- Customer Relationship Management for Indian Postal Services Department at GPO Mumbai, for Marketing of Services Training Program organized by NMIMS University, April 2006.
- Customer Mapping and Market Analysis for Milk and Milk Products (M&MPs) a research based consultancy project for Tamil Nadu Cooperative Milk Producers’ Federation Limited (AAVIN)
Faculty Development Programs
- 2nd Theory Construction for Model Specification Workshop: 04th April-08th April 2018, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras, Chennai.
- 1st Theory Construction for Model Specification Workshop: 22nd – 26th November 2017, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras, Chennai.
- 3rd Scale Development Workshop: 05th – 09th April 2017, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras, Chennai.
- 2nd Scale Development Workshop: 28th September- 02nd October 2016, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras, Chennai.
- 1st Scale Development Workshop: 07th – 12th September 2016 (sponsored by AICTE), Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras, Chennai.
- Facilitator and Coordinator, Case Writing Workshop, September 19-23, 2011, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras, Chennai.
- Facilitator, 23rd Case Writing Workshop, session on “Central issue identification and Case Plan Development” May 6-8, 2010, Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore.
- Facilitator, Quality Improvement Program (QIP) on Marketing: The Recent Advancements, March 19, 2010, FMS BHU, Varanasi, INDIA.
- Facilitator and workshop coordinator, Case Writing Workshop, May 4-8, 2009, Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad.
- Coordinator, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th National Case Writing workshops, PIMR, Indore and AIMS (Association of Indian Management Institutes), 2000-2002.
Fellowships and Grants
- Awarded grant by DAAD Germany for Teaching and Training masters students in Design Thinking, November 27-December 17, 2019.
- Awarded Erasmus+ grant by Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training, March 7-15, 2019.
- Awarded Travel grant by Academy of Marketing Science for attending the Doctoral Consortium in Denver, May 14-16, 2015.
- Represented India at the “Study Meeting on Customer Relationship Management” Project No. 10-RP-50-GE-STM-B; organized by the Asian Productivity Organization (APO), Tokyo and Korean Productivity Council (KPC), December 6-9, 2010, Mokpo, Republic of Korea.
- Selected by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Government of India for receipt of Travel Grant for attending the Australia-New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2008, Sydney, Australia.
- Awarded grant by Dorabji Tata Trust in 2006 for attending the 8th Triennial Retailing Conference 2006, Academy of Marketing Science and American Collegiate Retailing Association November 1-4, 2006 Orlando, Florida USA.
- Awarded grant by Dorabji Tata Trust in 2005 for attending the12th Biennial World Marketing Congress 2005, Academy of Marketing Science and Marketing Center Muenster, University of Muenster, July 6-9 2005 Muenster Germany; and the International Retailing Conference, 2005,Academy of Marketing Science, Omer DeSerres Chair of Retailing, Auchan Chair of Retailing, and Reims Management School, Reims France, July 1-2, 2005.
- First recipient of the National Doctoral Fellowship in Management awarded by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Ministry of HRD, Government of India.
Foreign Engagements & Collaborations
- Design Thinking November-December 2019 University of Passau, Germany
- Consumer Perception & Cultural Influences on Consumers Behaviour, March 2019 Turku School of Economics, Pori Unit, University of Turku, Finland
- Marketing & Innovation: Opportunities for Entrepreneurs February 19, 2011 College of Management of Technology - EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland Research Supervision/Guidance
- NYU Stern School of Business, New York, USA
- Columbia University, New York, USA
- Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Faculty In-charge NIRMAN : The Pre-incubator (April 2022 - 2023)
- On sabbatical to Columbia Entrepreneurship Innovation and Design Studio, Columbia University from July 12-December 15, 2020.
- Indian Institute of Technology Madras (from March 2010 to present)
- Mudra Institute of Communications Ahmedabad - MICA (July 2007 to March 2010)
Honours and Awards
- “What is Environmentally Responsible Consumption and How to Measure it?” won the Arun K. Jain Best Paper in Conference Award at the 2017 EMCB IIM Lucknow Annual Conference organized by the Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, Noida India, January 5-7, 2017.
- “Benefits of Flocking Together: Perceived Value of Consumption Community Membership - Results of a Qualitative Study” Received the Syndicate Bank Best Paper Award at IMR Doctoral Conference 2014 (December 22-23, 2014) organized by IIM Bangalore in association with ‘Management Review’, the journal.
- “Environmentally responsible consumption: Scale Development and Validation” selected in the Top 30 marketing research proposals internationally, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Doctoral Consortium 2016, Orlando
Florida, USA; May 19-21, 2016. - “Measuring the Benefits and Costs of Consumption Community Participation: Scale Development and Validation” in the Top 50 marketing research proposals internationally, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Doctoral Consortium 2015. Received travel grant of the AMS to attend the same in Denver, USA; May 14-16, 2015.
- Represented India at the “Study Meeting on Customer Relationship Management” Project No. 10-RP-50-GE-STM-B; organized by the Asian Productivity Organization (APO), Tokyo and Korean Productivity Council (KPC), December 6-9, 2010, Mokpo, Republic of Korea.
- Selected by All India Council for Technical Education (Ministry of Human Resource Development undertaking) for receipt of Travel Grant for attending the Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2008, Sydney, Australia.
- First recipient of the National Doctoral Fellowship in Management awarded by All India Council for Technical Education (Ministry of Human Resource Development undertaking).
- Scored a CPI of 9.75/10, highest ever at SJM SOM, IIT Bombay.
- Qualified U.G.C. (NET) examination held in June 1999.
- Position holder in Economics and Geography (BA, University of Allahabad).