Dr. Vaibhav Chawla
Associate Professor

FPM, IIM Kozhikode, India

+91-44-2257 4585


Office : DoMS 503
Areas of Interest
- Customer recovery over social media
- Product returns in E-tailing
- Service recovery in B2C and B2B contexts
- Chatbots and custome service
- Social media usage in selling
- Positive psychology concepts (such as mindfulness, spirituality, ego etc.) in selling.
- Mindfulness & Sales Call Reluctance
Selected Journal Publications
- Baliga, A. J., Chawla, V., Sunder M., V., & Kumar, R. (2020). Barriers to Service Recovery in B2B Markets: A TISM Approach in the Context of IT-based Services. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. (Forthcoming)
- Baliga, A. J., Chawla, V., Sunder M., V., Ganesh, L. S., & Sivakumaran, B. (2020). Service Failure and Recovery in B2B Markets–A Morphological Analysis. Journal of Business Research. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.09.025)
- Chawla, V., Lyngdoh, T., Guda, S., & Purani, K. (2020). Systematic review of determinants of sales performance: Verbeke et al.’s (2011) classification extended. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. (https://doi.org/10.1108/JBIM-07-2019-0322)
- Chawla, Vaibhav and Guda, Sridhar (2017), 'Salesperson's Spirituality: Impact on Customer Orientation and Adaptability', Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 35, Issue 3, pp. 408-424. Emerald Publishers.
- Chawla Vaibhav (2016), ‘Workplace Spirituality Based Governance in Sales Organizations: The Impact on Customer Orientation and Salesperson Performance’ Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 31, Issue 5, pp. 498-506. Emerald Publishers.
- Chawla, Vaibhav (2014), ‘The Effect of Workplace Spirituality on Salespeople’s Organizational Deviant Behaviors: Research Propositions and Practical Implications’, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 29, Issue 3, pp. 199-208. Emerald Publishers.
- Chawla, Vaibhav and Guda, Sridhar (2013), ‘Workplace Spirituality as a Precursor to Relationship Oriented Selling Characteristics’, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 115, Issue 1, pp. 63-73. Springer Publications.
- Chawla, Vaibhav and Guda, Sridhar (2010), ‘Individual Spirituality at Work and its Link with Job Satisfaction, Propensity to Leave and Job Commitment: An Exploratory Study among Sales professionals’, Journal of Human Values, Vol. 16, Issue 2, pp. 157-167. SAGE Publications.
Case studies and Teaching note
- Guda, Sridhar, Mallesham, Chintakindi, Lyngdoh, Teidor, and Chawla, Vaibhav (2016), 'AASU Mallesham: Scaling Blues', ET Cases - Times of India.
- Guda, Sridhar, Mallesham, Chintakindi, Lyngdoh, Teidor, and Chawla, Vaibhav (2016), 'AASU Mallesham: Scaling Blues - Teaching Note', ET Cases - Times of India.
- Guda, Sridhar, Chawla, Vaibhav and Singh, Deep (2013), ‘Candy and Chocolate India (CCI): Last Mile Distribution’, Globalens Publishing – a division of the William Davidson Institute (WDI) at the University of Michigan.
- Guda, Sridhar, Chawla, Vaibhav and Singh, Deep (2013), ‘Candy and Chocolate India (CCI): Last Mile Distribution – Teaching Note’, Globalens Publishing – a division of the William Davidson Institute (WDI) at the University of Michigan.
- Ramesh, A., & Chawla, V. (Forthcoming). Chatbots in Marketing - A morphology of literature, In EMAC 2020 Budapest -Proceedings, European Marketing Academy.
- Chacko, A. M., & Chawla, V. (2020, April). Impact of B2B Salesperson’s Social Media Usage on Buyer Intelligence Collection- A Conceptual Framework. Paper presented at National Conference in Sales Management (NCSM), Norfolk, Virginia, US.
- Chacko, A. M., & Chawla, V. (2020, November). Small Talk is not that Small’! B2B Salespersons’ Social Media Usage Facilitating Collection of Buyer Intelligence Resulting in Sales Performance. Paper presented at Society for Marketing Advances (SMA),Texas, US.
- Suresh, P., & Chawla, V. (2019). Service Recovery on Social Media- Containing the Customer Outpour of Emotions in Double Deviation Cases. In IMRDC Conference, IIM Bangalore- 2019.
- Chawla, V., & Guda, S. (2019). Does Delay of Gratification of Physical and Social Needs Predict Salesperson Customer Orientation? Abstract published. In Global Sales Science Institute Conference, Vienna, June 6-9
- Saxena S., Chawla V. & Agarwal R. (2019). Return attributes that matter! An abductive research approach to study return attributes of the e-Tailing firms and customer outcomes. Proceedings of Research, Marketing on Fire: Burning Questions, Hot New Methods, and Practical Ideas Worth Spreading, AMA Summer Academic Conference (pp.UXO36-38). Chicago, Illinois: American Marketing Association.
- Saxena S. & Chawla V.(2019).Worry-free returns: Does it matters to e-tailing firms? (A netnographic content analysis approach to study e-tailer’s return service attributes and customer outcomes. Proceedings of Research, Book of Abstracts: 2019 IIM Indore- NASMEI Summer Marketing Information Systems Conference (pp.307). New Delhi: Emerald.
- Saxena S. & Chawla V. (2020). Does product return experience in e-tailing matters? (Study of customer satisfaction and purchase intention during e- return service encounter). Paper presented at 8th AIM – AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium and Conference,Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH), Greater Noida.
- Guda, S., Chawla, V. & Lyngdoh, T. (2019), Product Adaptation for Rural Markets - A social relations approach, Abstract published, In Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress (WMC), Edinburg, July 10.
- Saxena S., Chawla V. & Agarwal R. (2019).Study of return service attributes and customer outcomes in context of e-tailing firms. Paper presented at NATCOD Seminar, University of Turku, Finland.
- Suresh, P., & Chawla, V. (2018). Attributes of Service Recovery on Social Media-A Content Analysis-Extended Abstract. In 12th NASMEI CONFERENCE 2018.
- Chawla, Vaibhav (2011), ‘Indian Ethos in Management and Western Concept of Workplace Spirituality’, Presented at 71st Academy of Management Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas, USA, August 12-16.
- Chawla, Vaibhav and Guda, Sridhar (2011), ‘Individual Spirituality at Work and its Link with Relational Selling Characteristics: A Study among Front-line Salespersons’, Selected for Presentation at 2nd Biennial Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) and World Marketing Congress Doctoral Consortium, Reims, France, July 19-23. (Did not attend)
- Chawla, Vaibhav (2011), ‘Individual Spirituality at Work and its Link with Relational Selling Characteristics: A Study among Front-line Salespersons’, Presented at 4th IIM Ahmedabad Doctoral Consortium, January 3-4, IIM Ahmedabad.
- Chawla, Vaibhav and Guda, Sridhar (2009), ‘Workplace Spirituality and Salesperson Outcomes’ in Proceedings of 7th AIMS International Conference on Management, December 20-23, IIM Bangalore.
Awards and Honors
- Winner of the “MOST PROMISING DISSERTATION AWARD” for Management, Spirituality and Religion Division at 71st Annual Academy of Management Meeting in San Antonio, Texas, USA, August 12-16, 2011.
- Selected for Doctoral Travel Fellowship, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), 2nd Biennial AMS Doctoral Consortium held in conjunction with World Marketing Congress, Reims, France, July, 2011. (Could not attend)
- Best Proposal Award in Early Proposal Tracks, IIM Ahmedabad, 4th IIM A Doctoral Consortium, Ahmedabad, January, 2011.
- Assistant Professor at IFMR Business School, Chennai from April 2013 – Sept., 2015
- Senior Faculty Associate at IFMR Business School, Chennai from Nov., 2012 – March, 2013