Dr. Varisha Rehman
Associate Professor

Ph.D. ,Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) , Allahabad.

MBA (International Business ), Aligarh Muslim University

B.Com (Hons.), Aligarh Muslim University

Cleared UGC-NET

+91-44-2257 4572


Office : DoMS 207
Research Interests
- Food Marketing
- Advertising and Branding
- Brand Crisis
- Bottom of the Pyramid Market
- Khatoon, Sajira., & Rehman, Varisha. (2021). Negative Emotions in Consumer Brand Relationship: A Review and Future Research Agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies
- Chandrasekar Kalpana & Rehman Varisha (2021). Responsibility finds a way: A Typology and Framework Development Approach towards Public Sector Crisis Management.International Journal of Strategic Communication
- Selvanayagam, Karthik & Rehman Varisha (2021). Building “Pyramid of Oneness” - Delineating Differences among Human Brands, Celebrities and Person-Brands. Advances in Consumer Research
- Manohar, S., Rehman V. and Sivakumaran B. (2021), “ Role of unfamiliarity and information on consumers’ willingness to try new healthy foods”, Food Quality and Preference, 87 (Jan). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodqual.2020.104037
- Rehman,V. (2019), “Revisiting the fairness paradigm Synthesis of literature and application of the self-concept theory”, Society and Business Review,14(1), 31-42. https://doi.org/10.1108/SBR-03-2018-0023
- Selvanayagam, K. and Rehman V.(2019), “Materialism, Television and Social Media - Analysis of the Transformation of Post-Colonial Indian Market”, Journal of Historical Research in Marketing,11(3).
- Rehman, V. (2018), “Attitudinal change in children: An insight from three decade of advertising campaigns in India”, Journal of Marketing Communications, 25(8), 884-911. https://doi.org/10.1080/13527266.2018.1489877
- Selvanayagam, K. and Rehman V.(2018),“A Conceptual Framework of Violation of Trust and Negative Emotional Responses during Brand Transgressions”, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research, 46, eds. Andrew Gershoff, Robert Kozinets, and Tiffany White, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, 785-786. Advances in Consumer Research.
- Manohar, S. and Rehman V. (2018), “Brand resurrection in an emerging economy”, Journal of Marketing Communications 25(7),783-798. https://doi.org/10.1080/13527266.2018.1455292 Manohar, S. and Rehman V. (2018), “Consumers' Choice of Functional Foods : A Case Study of Millets in India , Journal of International Business Education , 12, 117-134
- Manohar S. and Rehman V. (2017), “Drivers to Nurturance: Application and Extension of FWB in India”, Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 30(2), 132-155. https://doi.org/10.1080/08974438.2017.1402726
- Rehman, V. (2017), “Looking through the Glass of Indian Culture: Consumer Behaviour in Modern and Postmodern Era”, Global Business Review,18(3), S19-S37.
- Rehman V. and Vaish A. (2015), “Exploring the impact of need to evaluate on advertisements: a study of small city Indian consumers”, International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 10(1), 110-121
- Rehman, V. and Vaish, A. (2013), “Content Fusion in Traditional and New Media: A Conceptual Study”, Journal of Internet Commerce,12 (2),225-245 .
- Chandrasekar Kalpana and Rehman V. (2020), “Micro, Meso and Macro exploration of the Public Sector Crisis Management: Research Questions through Theoretical underpinning,”6th Management Colloquium, Vinod Gupta School of Management , Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India, February 05-06.
- Chaudhary Ayush and Rehman V. (2019), “Integration of Geddesian Town Planning Theory into Marketing: An Interdisciplinary Approach for Bottom of Pyramid Market”, Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, July 09-12.
- Chaudhary Ayush and Rehman V. (2019), “Understanding the BoP market from the interdisciplinary lens of town planning theory and SoR model”, INFORMS Marketing Science, University of Rome, Italy, June 20-22.
- Chaudhary, Ayush and Rehman V. (2019), “What Works Better for BoP and ToP consumers? Findings of Bruzzone & Frame-by-Frame Test on Advertisement Retention”, International Conference on Evidence Based Management, BITS, Pilani, February 1– 2 .(Won the best paper award)
- Selvanayagam K. and Rehman V. (2019), “A Conceptual Framework of the Role of Shame during Violation of Trust in a Consumer-Brand Relationship”, ACR Asia Pacific Conference, to be held at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad in January 2019
- Chaudhary Ayush and Rehman V. (2019), “Applying the Geddesian Triad Theory of Town Planning to Understand the Data Consumption Patterns at the Bottom of Pyramid”, ACR Asia Pacific Conference, to be held at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad in January 2019.
- Chaudhary Ayush and Rehman V. (2018), “Integration of Stimulus Organism Response (SOR) Model with Geddesian Town Planning Theory: An Interdisciplinary Approach for Bottom of Pyramid Market”, PAN IIM Conference, to be held in Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore in December 2018.
- Manohar S. and Rehman, V.(2018), “ How effective is information in persuading people to taste different types of unfamiliar healthy foods? – Role of Food Neophobic and gender”, presented at Emerging Markets Conference Board’s conference on Challenges of Diversity, Dynamics and Connectedness, held at Wits Business School, Johannesburg, South Africa during 5th April to 7th April
- Manohar S. and Rehman, V.(2018) , “Inculcating healthy food choices in India: Role of type of unfamiliarity and personality traits”, presented at JAMS-Thought Leaders Conference on Managing Business and Innovation in Emerging Market, ISB Hyderabad during 26th to 28th April
- Udayakumar, B. and Rehman V. (2018), “Understanding the Dynamics of Subsistence Marketplace Interactions: With Perspective From A Volatile and Non- Repeat Consumer Base”, Conference on Excellence in Research and Education (CERE), held at IIM Indore from 3rd-6th May.
- Chaudhary Ayush, Kumar R. ,Baskaran K. and Rehman V. (2018), “ An Alternate Perspective of New Product Development for the Bottom of the Pyramid Market:Insights from Geddesian Town Planning Theory”, Conference on Excellence in Research and Education (CERE), held at IIM Indore from 3rd-6th May.
- Manohar S. and Rehman, V.(2018) , “Does the information influence choice of new healthy food In males and females? – Role of Neophobic trait and Type Of Unfamiliarity”, presented at ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Fox school of business, Philadelphia held during 13th to 16th June
- Manohar S. and Rehman, V.(2018), “Do people rely on information for food choice? : The role of the type of novelty and personality traits”, presented at the 11th European ACR Conference , Ghent university, Belgium held during 21st to 23rd June
- Manohar S. and Rehman, V.(2018), “Do Variety Seekers rely on information for their food choice? – The role of Type of Novelty of food”, presented at the AMS World Marketing Congress, Portugal held during 27th to 29th June
- Manohar S. and Rehman, V. (2018), “Is there an effect of health benefits and taste expectations on the willingness to try a new food? : The role of the type of unfamiliarity” , Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo held during 26th to 29th July.
- Manohar S. and Rehman, V. (2017), “Role of Food Neophobia and Type of Unfamiliarity in Influencing Willingness to Try Novel Healthy Foods”, included in the book of Abstracts: 2017 IIM Indore-NASMEI Summer Marketing Conference ISBN: 978-1-78635-416-7 during 27th Jul to 29th Jul 2017.
- Selvanayagam K. and Rehman V.(2017), “ Who Did What When? - Brand Equity & Corporate Response as Antecedents of impact on Brand Perception in times of a Brand Crisis”, Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Management (INDAM) held at Indian Institute of Management, Indore in December 2017
- Manohar S. and Rehman, V.(2016), “Controversies of Dairy brand in India”, Conference on Brand Management, 16th -17th April, New Delhi, Emerald Publishing.
- Manohar S. and Rehman, V. (2016), “The role of Brand credibility in influencing the health conscious consumers’ intention to purchase convenience food”, Conference on Brand Management,16th -17th April, New Delhi, Emerald Publishing.
- Rehman V. (2016), “Identification of Gaps in Antecedents and Consequences of Consumer Behavior: An Indian Consumer Perspective (A Structured Abstract) in Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Springer
- Rehman, V. (2015), "Do we exactly know entertainment? Demystifying the lines of Entertainment Marketing," in Obal, Michael W., Krey, Nina, Bushardt, Christian (Eds.) Let's Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing’s Engagement Era, Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, Springer. 194-204.
- Rehman, V.(2015) ,"Media Mix: A Dilemmatic Confluence between Traditional and New Media Channels", Proceedings of 4th European Business Research Conference, April, Imperial College, London, UK.
- Manohar S.. and Rehman, V. (2015), “Role of CSR in affecting food choices in India”,Global Summit on Corporate Social Responsibility (GSCSR), 15th -16th May, New Delhi. Bloomsbury International Publication
- Rehman V. (2013) ,“Music, Emotions and Colors: Imperative Content Dimensions of Advertising”, Accepted for 5th Annual American Business Research Conference ,New York (6th -7th June, 2013) (ISBN 978-1-922069-24-5)
- Currently working as Assistant Professor (September 2013) in Department of Management Studies (DoMS), IIT –Madras.
- Worked as Assistant Professor (Marketing October, 2012 – September 2013) at Galgotias University