Dr. Vipin B
Assistant Professor

Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai (2017).

M.Tech., Industrial Engineering and Management, NIT Calicut (2010).

B.Tech. (Honours), Mechanical Engineering, GEC Kozhikode (2008).

+91-44-2257 4591


Office : DoMS 407
Research Interest
- Decision Theory
- Inventory Theory
- Behavioral Operations Management
- Sustainable Operations Management
- Vaccine Supply Chain Management
- Agriculture Supply Chain Management
Teaching Interest
- Supply Chain Management
- Operations Management
- Production and Operations Management
- Optimization Techniques
- Operations Research
- Supply Chain Analytics
- Sustainability
- Decision Theory
- Stochastic Elements of Business.
Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor—Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras, 2024 - till date
- Assistant Professor—Department of Management Sciences, IIT Kanpur, 2017 - 2024
Book Publication
- Vipin, B., Rajendran, C., Janakiraman, G., Philip, D (Eds.), (2021) Emerging Frontiers in Operations and Supply Chain Management: Theory and Applications, Springer
Journal Publications
- Chandra, D., Vipin, B., and Kumar, D. (2023,) A fuzzy multi-criteria framework to implement next-generation vaccine supply chain. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 72 (3), 827-847.
- Shukla, M., Vipin, B., and Sengupta, R. N. (2022) Impact of flexibility on multi-objective multi-period reverse logistic network design, Annals of Operations Research (Forthcoming)
- Chandra, D., Vipin, B. (2021) On the vaccine supply chain coordination under subsidy contract. Vaccine, 39(30), 4039-4045.
- Vipin, B., and Amit, R. K. (2021) Wholesale price versus buyback: A comparison of contracts in a supply chain with a behavioral retailer, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 162, 107689.
- Joshi, B. V., Vipin, B., Ramkumar, J., and Amit, R. K. (2021) Impact of policy instruments on lead-acid battery recycling: A system dynamics approach. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 169, 105528
- Vipin, B., and Amit, R. K. (2019) Describing decision bias in the newsvendor problem: A prospect theory model. Omega, 82, 132-141
- Vipin, B., and Amit, R. K. (2017) Loss aversion and rationality in the newsvendor problem under recourse option. European Journal of Operational Research, 261(2), 563-571
Selected refereed conferences
- Sheersha Karmakar, Prerna Gautam, and B Vipin, Re-manufacturing in leasing and selling consumer durables: Two-period monopolist setting, POMS India Conference, 2024, IIM Ranchi, India.
- Mohd Mujahid Khan and B Vipin, Prospect theory and the capital-constrained newsvendor: an experimental study, MSOM Conference 2024, University of Minnesota, USA.
- Mohd Mujahid Khan and B Vipin, Prospect theory and the financially constrained newsvendor: An experimental analysis, INFORMS BOC 2024, University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
- Nisha Sihag and B Vipin, Evaluating carbon and lead dynamics: Toward sustainable solutions in the closed-loop lead-acid battery ecosystem, POMS 2024 Conference, Minneapolis, USA.
- Md Mujahid Khan and B Vipin, Navigating financial constraints: Experimental analysis of newsvendors with trade credit and bankruptcy risk in supply chains, POMS India Conference 2023, XLRI India.
- Nisha Sihag and B Vipin, Challenges and opportunities in the lead-acid battery ecosystem: A multi-scenario analysis, POMS India Conference 2023, XLRI India.
- Mohd Mujahid Khan and B Vipin, Newsvendor and the trade credit financing: An experimental analysis, The Operational Research Society Conference (OR65) 2023, University of Bath, United Kingdom.
- Nisha Sihag and B Vipin, Investigating the role of emission policies on lead-acid battery ecosystem, SOM Conference 2022, Indian Institute of Management Indore, India.
- Mohd Mujahid Khan and B Vipin, Financially constrained newsvendor: An experimental investigation, SOM Conference 2022, Indian Institute of Management Indore, India.
- Dheeraj Chandra and B Vipin, A hybrid contract to coordinate rotavirus vaccine supply chain in India, EURO 2021, University of West Attica, Greece.
- Dheeraj Chandra and B Vipin, Contract analysis for rotavirus vaccine supply chain in India, EURO ORAHS 2020, University of Vienna, Austria.
- Dheeraj Chandra and B Vipin, Investigating the vaccine supply chain in India, SOM 2019, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India.
- Deepak Singh Attri and B Vipin, On the competitive newsvendor problem: A prospect theory framework, BOC 2019, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
- Manish Shukla, B Vipin, and Raghu Nandan Sengupta, Multi-objective reverse logistics network design EURO 2019, University College Dublin, Ireland.
- B Vipin and R K Amit, Wholesale price versus buyback: A comparison of contracts in a supply chain with behavioral agents, SOM 2018, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, India.
- R K Amit, Aniruda S, Rajeev R Tripathi, and B Vipin, Stable allocation of profit in a Bayesian inventory game, EAGT Conference 2017, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
- B Vipin and R K Amit, Supply chain contracting with behavioral agents: Models and extensions, BOC 2017, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
- B Vipin and R K Amit, Loss aversion and rationality in the newsvendor problem under recourse option, MSOM 2016, The University of Auckland, New Zealand.
- B Vipin and R K Amit, Stochastic reference point and the newsvendor problem, IPDM 2015, WZB Social Science Research Center Berlin, Germany.
- B Vipin and R K Amit, Decision bias in the newsvendor problem: A prospect theory approach, MSOM 2015, The University of Toronto, Canada.
- B Vipin and R K Amit, Newsvendor problem and pull-to-center effect: A prospect theory approach, INFORMS BOC 2015, Cornell University, USA
Book Chapters
- Khan, M. M., Vipin, B. (2025). Coordinating a behavioral supply chain under revenuesharing contract. In: Hamid, F., Optimization essentials. Springer, Singapore (forthcoming in February 2025).
- Singh, A., Ramkumar, J., Vipin, B. (2023). Digital manufacturing. In: Amit, R.K., Pawar, K.S., Sundarraj, R.P., Ratchev, S. (eds) Advances in Digital Manufacturing Systems. Springer, Singapore.
- Kavitha, C., Amit, R.K., Vipin, B. (2021). Truthful information sharing in a multiretailer supply chain: Role of review strategies. In: Vipin, B., Rajendran, C., Janakiraman, G., Philip, D. (eds) Emerging Frontiers in Operations and Supply Chain Management. Asset
Analytics. Springer, Singapore. - Chandra, D., Vipin, B. (2021). Investigating the vaccine supply chain: A review. In: Vipin, B., Rajendran, C., Janakiraman, G., Philip, D. (eds) Emerging Frontiers in Operations and Supply Chain Management. Asset Analytics. Springer, Singapore.
Fellowship and Peer Recognitions
- DAAD fellowship (2015; University of Duisburg-Essen)
- Academic senate citation for exceptionally good teaching at IIT Kanpur
(a) DMS 201 Introduction to Management, 2024
(b) MBA 931 Stochastic Elements of Business, 2023
(c) IME 643A Frontiers in Operations Management, 2022
(d) MBA 661A Production and Operations Management, 2021
(e) IME 642A Operations Management, 2021
(f) MBA 664A Supply Chain Management, 2020
(g) MBA 661A Production and Operations Management, 2019 - Best paper award (first runner up) for the paper titled "From abundance to scarcity: An experimental study of financially constrained newsvendor" at MERC 2024 held at IIM Kashipur, India, presented by PhD student Mr. Mohd Mujahid Khan
- Third position for PhD student Mr. Mohd Mujahid Khan in the Research Showcase Event 2023 at DoMS, IIT Kanpur
- DST travel grant for attending BOC 2017 at MIT, USA
- Best paper award for "Prospect theory, pull-to-center effect and non-linear ordering in the newsvendor problem", at DoMS Research Symposium 2016, IIT Madras, India
Externally funded projects
- Design of procurement contracts for the vaccine supply chain in India, ANRF (SERB) CORE Research Grant, Government of India; (2024-ongoing)
- Personalized Recommender System for Airline Industry, Amadeus Software Labs India Pvt. Ltd. (2023-2024)
Contributions to academic community
Editorial Board Member
- Journal of Global Reviews on Economics
- BOHR International Journal of Operations Management Research and Practices
- Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, European Journal of Operational Research, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, Expert Systems with Applications, International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, International Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, Sadhana, OPSEARCH, Benchmarking: An International Journal, International Journal of Revenue Management.