DoMS: A Globally Recognized Center for Management Education
DoMS' management programs have garnered international acclaim. Our vibrant academic community fosters collaboration, with visiting scholars from Europe and the USA frequently spending semesters working alongside our esteemed faculty on research projects. Active student exchange programs further enrich the learning experience. This dedication to fostering a global perspective aligns perfectly with our vision: to be a preeminent source of knowledge and expertise in management thought and practice.
Cultivating International Partnerships
Our commitment to international collaboration extends beyond student and scholar exchange. We offer Joint Doctoral Programs (JDP) with prestigious universities like Curtin University and University of Technology Sydney (Australia), and University of Passau (Germany). These programs allow scholars to earn a doctoral degree from both DoMS and the partner institution. Additionally, DoMS students have secured coveted summer internships at renowned institutions like Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), University of Tokyo (Japan), and National Institute of Informatics (Japan).
Recognizing Excellence
The caliber of DoMS research is reflected in the prestigious fellowships awarded to our scholars. These include the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD), Endeavour Scholarship, and Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Fellowship. Notably, the DAAD fellowship, under the "A New Passage to India" program, fosters faculty and student exchange, as well as joint research seminars, between DoMS and the University of Passau.

The above graph depicts number of students(MBA & Research Scholars) who participated in international exchanges during the last 6 years. 150 students have come to DoMS from foreign universities in past 6 years and 165 students from DoMS have gone to foreign universities as exchange students in past 6 years.
DoMS actively involves itself by facilitating student and faculty exchange programs across universities, some of which are listed below:
University of Duisburg Essen
University of Passau
Nanyang Technological University
RheinAhr campus of Koblenz University
University of Mannheim
Hof University of Applied Sciences
MCI Austria, NTU Singapore
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Technical University of Munich, Germany
European Business School, Germany
Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Iran
University of Seville, Spain
Hochsehule Bremen, Germany
University of Groningen, Netherlands
DeggendorfInstitute of Technology
University of Concordia, Canada